
Sunday 13 August 2023

Your Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Well I bet you can all guess how our day was spent yesterday!  The only part of the day I enjoyed was riding so high up in the lorry, you can see so much more!  Getting the van down the driveway of the house was a bit of a challenge though, I didn't enjoy having the responsibility of guiding Paul in, way to stressful, fingers crossed I don't have to do it today, I honestly don't know how Paul manages to druve those huge things!  

Hopefully the sun will shine on us all today, he wasn't about much yesterday, that I can tell you.  

What are you ladies up to today?

Let's have a look at your cards. ...

Your Challenge cards

Sue's Description:

My challenge card. I have used my new falling snow embossing folder that Sonia spotted for me at the Newbury craft show, thank you again Sonia, and a little tree die from Hobbycraft that I picked up a couple of months ago from their sale corner for 50p.

What an amazing Christmas card Sue, I love all of those little snowy trees and the snowbanks you have created in the front. What an amazing find in the Bargain Corner!  I don't think I ever found anything worth buying,  I like how the sentiment cuts out of the tree, such a great idea.  
Thank you so much for taking part in the Challenge Sue XXX 


Karen's Description:

Here’s a card for this week (in a boring meeting at mo)
It’s a new DaisyB stamp
I managed to get a black smudge on bottom right hand edge So stamped again and fussy cut a butterfly 
Sentiment is a trimmed down Julie Hickey

What a beautiful Abstract Lady, her eyelashes are to die for!  Your colouring and blending is amazing Karen.  
I have to say that I would not be standing so serenely with all of those critters about me!! 🤣😂
Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge XXX 


Lilian's Description:

Hi this is my card for this week.
It’s all from ingoblue’s last box set.
I used bundle sage oxide in for the stencilling, and the new distress pencils for the colouring. 

What an absolutely stunning card Lilian,  as always your colouring is incredible 😍 The leaves look amazing and so does that gorgeous flower.
Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge XXX 


Maria's Description:

Hi. Here are my cards for tomorrow. Maybe not entirely right but here they are 😂
1) this card is a very simple charity one from Christine Emberson. 
2) I used an old made background and stamped one of my new stamps. Used a bit of twine and that was it 😊

2 lovely cards Maria, I had that same charity kit card from Christine a few years ago, I love how you have put yours together, I really loved those kits,  great for when your mojo takes a holiday!                  Oh Maria I love your mixed media card too that stamp is so detailed,  it works perfectly on your old background! 
Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge my lovely XXX 


Sonia's Description:

Card 1:  I stamped and heat embossed the Stamp Addicts Tree Border Stamp. I embossed with Wow Teal Lustre powder. I matted onto a mirror card border. I couldn’t decide on a sentiment, but think it looks ok without one.

Card 2:  I stamped the Stamp Addicts Reindeer Border, and added red glitter glue to their noses. I matted on a piece of Kraft card. The sentiment is from a Chloe’s set.

Oh Sonia WOW, I was with you when you bought those stamps, although I had forgotten all about them, they are amazing,  I absolutely love what you have created with them both, I think my favourite is the one with the Reindeer 😍, just something about their faces and little heart shaped noses.
Thank you so much for taking part and supporting the challenge my lovely XXX 


Packing, packing and more packing,  I have to keep checking the cats haven't been packed, they are both a bit confused as to what is going on I think.

I hope that you all have a relaxing Sunday,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone
    A wonderful selection of beautiful cards today 😍
    Sue, the falling snow embossing looks great, I’m happy you’re pleased with the folder ☺️
    Off to Dorset this morning to pick up James, and have cuddles with Teddy ☺️ Then this evening Mark has a band rehearsal so I’m hoping to get some crafting done.
    Hope you have another good day of moving things over to the new house 😊
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Beautiful cards ladies I just ran out of time to do more which is a bit of a bad sign meaning I have more unused stuff!
    I hope you’re OK after moving stuff and that today goes well too
    My daughter sent me a photo of Pinflair having a mega sale! We just got back It was mainly fabric But I did get some glue gel and some envelope glue to try out So I don’t think you ladies missed out on very much
    OH is off to Chelsea So I hope to craft but after a s**t night with my diabetes I bet I’ll be sleeping most of the time!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A Wonderful selection of Challenge cards ladies.
    Sonia, do love your reindeer's. Have a nice cuddle with Teddy.
    Sandra, hope everything goes well today with the move and packing. Not long to your holiday tho so something to look forward to. Hope the cats be alright.
    Karen, hoping your sugar reading gets better today. Take care.
    Not sure what we are up to today. OH is watching sport as usual on a Sunday. I might sit outside and read if the rain could stay away long enough.
    Have a nice day everyone, if a nap is needed then do it :>) Many hugs to you all xx

  4. Beautiful selection of cards today ladies you have created each one special in its own unique way.
    Hope the move is going well Sandra and no one has packed the cats!!! Poor things they must be wondering what is happening, I hope they settle into their new home well.
    We have been to our younger daughter and son in laws house today it’s their wedding anniversary so we popped over with a card. They are looking after two Labrador dogs for a friend of there eldest daughter, the owners have gone to Australia for a month, so it was a no brainer and was easier for us to visit them. So now they have three dogs around the house. Fortunately the visiting dogs are don’t need a lot of exercise as they 14 and 15 years old, they did come with a box of medication just like us oldies!! Ha Ha
    Time to check how dinner is coming along.
    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi, very wet and cold again today.
    Sorry I missed popping in yesterday, the day just slipped by.
    Todays cards are all so different, each one special in its own way.
    Sandra hope the packing and moving is going ok.
    Hoping to do some more cards tomorrow, although have some ironing to do first. Try to do all my washing on Sunday now with British Gas giving half price electricity on Sundays.
    Not much other news , goodnight all, Lilian
