
Monday 14 August 2023

Brenda's Amazing Alcohol Ink card


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend, we have a very wet start to our week, my goodness it's going to be a busy for us this week, I can't even think straight the list is so long!!

First job for today is calling GP, we go away in 4 days, I finished a 7 day course of antibiotics on Friday evening but sadly I woke yesterday with those familiar UTI symptoms,  I just don't know what to do as driving almost a 1000 miles when you have the urge to pee every 10-20 minutes, we won't get to Spain until it's time to leave!  I  hoping that the Bacteria they found was treatable by more than 1 antibiotic! Please cross your fingers for me ladies!  

Today's card is the card that our Brenda made for John using Alcohol inks and those gorgeous Gummiapan Dragonfly die, the colours you have used are stunning Brenda, what an amazing combination!  Your 'signature' Vellum sentiment works so well on that background too.                        Thank you so much for sharing your amazing card with us My lovely XXX  (sorry that I missed it yesterday) x

I hope that you all have an great start to the week,

Love and hugs to all of you,

 Sandra                                                                  xxxxxx 



  1. Hi everyone
    Brenda, I love your card 😍 Your alcohol ink combination and the dragonflies are beautiful. I’m sure John loved it to ☺️
    Fingers crossed for you Sandra with the doctors. I’m hoping that once you’re on your way to Spain you will be feeling better and able to relax and enjoy your holiday - you certainly deserve it 🥰
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love the alcohol colours used together Brenda. A wonderful card. Sure John loved it. Hope you feeling more awake today 😉
    Sandra, everything crossed for you. Take care and rest when you can. You both need this holiday ♥
    Sonia, wonderful photos of Teddy. Sure you had loads of cuddles 😊
    It's raining here today, think it be all day 😕 so we are going in to city so we can get some food shopping in but also a walk under cover. Hoping to do some crafting this afternoon.
    Have a nice day everyone. Many hugs to you all . Maria 😊 xx

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Thank you ladies for liking my card. John usually lets things pass over his head, but this time he asked “did you colour this paper” (I have to say that was a first!!). I found using less alcohol ink gave a better designs, it’s the rubbing alcohol that moves the colours around. I picked up a large bottle in the chemist on the corner of my road, it works out cheaper in the chemist than getting it from any craft supplier.
    I have to say it was great fun playing with the alcohol inks and seeing the different results you can get. No two pieces are ever the same, even if you use the same colours and try to replicate the order you used.
    Sandra I hope the move is going well. You are all going to need this upcoming holiday you must be exhausted.
    Had a bloody check this morning - INR is sky high, so needs to go easy on the victim K Daft thing is I haven’t eaten anything out of the ordinary recently.
    Hope your day is going well.
    Take care, Love Brenda xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Yesterdays card are all great. I completely forgot to look in.
    Sandra I can’t begin to imagine how you are getting on but you must feel like you are packing just about anything that stands still. No surprise that Bella and Milo are confused but they will soon settle down no doubt. Thinking of you my lovely and hoping the GP has given you more meds that work before you go 🤞xx
    Brenda, your card for John is gorgeous. I’m not surprised that he comments on it. I love the colours and I love this technique, you never know what the finished piece is going to look like. You have to check prices of everything don’t you. Amazon is definitely not always the cheapest and I like to shop in local shops if possible
    I’m getting some cards done then will need to have a good sort out on my desk/craft shelves.
    I hope you all had a good day. No chance of getting washing out though as it’s rained on and off all day. It’s meant to get drier from tomorrow onwards around here. Sending hugs. Take care. Sue xx

  5. Evening everyone, at last a sunny afternoon, a bit warmer too.

    Brenda your card is marvellous, glad John liked your card, I have to tell R about his card.

    Sandra glad you have some more meds, and hopefully you get some answers soon.

    Sonia, absolutely great photos of Teddy, my he’s growing lovely..

    Getting anxious about my next biopsy, I know it’s routine, but it’s the same each time. They have changed hospital so now have a one and a half hour journey.

    Have a good night all, Lilian

  6. Lovely card Brenda I don’t own any alcohol inks Maybe I need to invest in some
    I hope you got on OK at doctors SANDRA I haven’t really had a chance to catch up on Messenger
    Take care xx
