
Saturday 19 August 2023

Mixed up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

Well we did set off yesterday afternoon a little later than planned due to situations beyond our control (Paul's work, car needing unexpected work etc). It's typical for us, we should be used to it by now! 😉

I have shared some photos of our 'Gemma's' Rose, we had our dog cremated in 2004 and bought a memorial rose to but her ashes under in a huge pot, this is the first year we've had a Rose tinged with pink.  It has so many buds on at the moment, we will miss most of them sadly. 

 Creative Stamping Magazine 

Issue 125

This issue of Creative Stamping has some really lovely Free gifts, you get both a lovely stamp set, most of which are really usable and a great Embossing folder.

Sarah has designed some beautiful cards with the free stamps and embossing folder,  all designed with a lady in mind, something for all ages too.

Teresa has using 'Colour Blocking' as a technique for her cards, the results are incredible,  some lovely bright and cheerful designs.

Masterclass:  Vanessa shows us how to create some amazing cards using the Faux-Batik technique.        Faux-Batik is an old Asian technique that was created by making designs in wax on fabric.  

To create the effect you put lots of folds into a piece of card and then ink over the card making sure you get plenty of ink on those cracked areas.  You can also add ink to a piece of card, then clear emboss all over and then crack the embossing by folding and creasing and then ink into those cracks.  Or spray ink into the cracks to get more definition.  

In Depth Make :  Extra Special Musical Make

I love the pretty mixed media style of this beautiful card, there is so much to look at, I love the colours too. 

Embossing Folder Focus:  

Sarah has used different inky techniques with the embossing folder,  to give some incredible effects.

Ashley has made some amazing cards for men using the magazine free stamps.  The star card is amazing,  I love how she has used the embossed circle (from the embossing folder) as the focal point.   

Marta has used lots of bits and pieces from her stash to create some beautiful projects with the free gifts.  Some absolutely stunning designs.  

Lastly the Stamps by Me Design Team share some of their clean and simple designs using the free gifts  from this magazine.  I love how different they all are!!! 

All in all a fantastic issue with some amazing stamps by 'Stamps by Me' and some incredible inspiration too, this one I will definitely keep and use.  


I hope you ladies have a lovely Saturday,

Love & hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                      xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    I love the quote 😊
    Your rose is beautiful, a lovely tribute to your dog 🥰
    Great magazine review. The freebies and inspiration are lovely.
    Hope you had a good nights sleep and enjoy a hearty breakfast before you start on the next leg of your journey.
    Housework is on the agenda here today, ready for some special visitors tomorrow 😍 Mollie’s sister is bringing her and Teddy to pick up James and take him back to Dorset for the day. We have my mum and dad and mother in law coming over too to meet Teddy.
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. A lovely memorial to your dog and how unusual to see a tinge of pink on a yellow rose
    Thank you for the magazine review My mojo has definitely gone on holiday So the magazine has reminded me to have a flick through some that I have to see if I get inspired!
    Safe journey SANDRA I can remember from last year, all those lovely photos of places you were driving through
    Got a bowls match later So I hope it stays dry
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love the rose, so pretty with the hint of pink. Thank you for the magazine review.
    Having two nights in Colchester, step son is over from Spain to sort out some paperwork and his flat. It also his birthday tomorrow.
    Sandra, have a good journey through France and down to your next stop. Hope it is good. Drive safe.
    Have a great weekend everyone. Many hugs xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a beautiful rose you have to remember Gemma by, The colour is so intense it’s really gorgeous.
    Great review of Creative Stamping Magazine lots of interesting articles.
    I hope the next leg of your journey is easy and free from congestion. Take care and enjoy the drive.
    Had a peaceful day, haven’t done anything except prepare and make lunch and cook dinner. Spent some time on the phone talking to daughters and then relaxing reading.
    Janet where are you? Are you still in France? Hope all is well with you and Jim. xx
    Have a good weekend ladies.
    Take care and stay safe Love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in. I haven’t seen so many blooms on Gemma’s rose before. Such a shame you will miss a lot of them. It really is an old fashioned rose with most gorgeous scent isn’t it I hope you both get a good nights sleep tonight my lovely xx
    I’ve been busy washing and ironing amongst other boring jobs. Had a good catch up with Tim, Roz and the girls when they got home from Devon. They had a lovely time. Sleep well everyone. Take care from Sue xx
