
Friday 18 August 2023

Lilian's Flower Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

The day is finally here, no more talk of packing for a few days or looking round thinking what can go next!  All being well, Paul finishes work on time and we can be on our way,  only down to Folkestone tonight but thats far enough when you have to navigate the M4, M25, then M20 on a Friday afternoon!  We have a dinner reservation for 8pm, fingers crossed we make it. 

Lilian's Flower Challenge 

I am so grateful to Lilian for taking over the first Challenge while I am away.  
So Lilian chose Flowers as her Challenge theme.
I can't wait to share the incredible cards that Lilian has created to inspire you all, first one will be on Monday.  
You can create anything you like as long as it features flowers somewhere. I look forward to seeing what you create. 

Thank you so much Lilian for choosing the challenge and making cards for it too XXX 

I hope that you all have a lovely Friday,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    from an extremely hot Marigny.
    Lovely challenge LILIAN I wish I could join in but all my craft stuff -well all that's coming back with me= is boxed and ready.

    SANDRA take care down to Folkstone today and then onwards to you much needed holiday.

    We have now had two lots youof people to look but not had any further news. Perhaps this weekend.

    Hugs for you all. Take care and stay safexxxx
    ps It's a 'swear' word for me today ready for weekend viewing= nothing changes.

  2. Safe journey later and RELAX!
    Thank you Lilian for your challenge I hope to do a couple of Christmas cards for this one
    After dancing and bowling this week I intend to just chill this afternoon
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A great challenge, and some lovely inspiration 😊
    A wet start to the day, but forecast to dry up later. Janet, please send us some of your good weather ☺️
    Hope the first part of the journey goes well Sandra, and you can relax and enjoy your holiday 🥰 I love the journey to a holiday destination ☺️
    Have a good day everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Lovely challenge Lilian, thank you 🙂
    Very wet today so had liked to stay at home but my reglazed glasses are ready to pick up so we are in city to do that and I will have a hair cut next.
    Have a nice day and take care of yourselfs. Many hugs to you all, xxx

  5. Hello, raining and windy, here today, storm forecast for later.
    R away in Derby today, so house is very quiet.
    Hope you like my challenge, I expect your thinking typical Lilian, still nice easy one.

    Still doing my card for this week,
    Hope you have all had a good day.
    Sandra Hope journey going ok, and you have a lovely restful holiday, Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in. I hope you and Paul have eaten are are relaxing now. Forget about everything except enjoying yourselves now my lovely. I hope it all goes well with no problems. You really do both deserve and need this holiday xx
    Lilian, thank you for a great challenge. Like Karen I hope to get a couple of Christmas cards done for this one. R had s lot of miles to cover. When does he get home? Do you like having the house to yourself? I hope so xx
    Another busy day, shopping etc with Pop. We both needs to get things from places we hadn’t been to at all or not for a long time. Thank goodness for sat navs! Sleep well and take care. Suexx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I hope you have arrived safely at your first stop off and enjoyed a lovely meal, have a good nights sleep ready for the next leg of your journey. xxx
    Thank you for the brilliant inspiration for the next challenge, I’m sure everyone will be inspired by all of the samples on your blog.
    Sleep well everyone.
    Take care love Brenda xxx
