
Thursday 13 July 2023

Sunny Sunflowers


Good Thursday Morning, 

From a wet & wild Wiltshire!  Oh boy did we have a day yesterday,  well I say 'we' it was just me to start with!  My goodness the wind has gotten so wild recently,  our patio table is glass so we keep it covered with a heavy duty cover, which hasnt moved in years until these last few days, yesterday morning it took the form of a hot air balloon, I had no idea what to do, I ended up tucking the longer bits under the table legs and hoped for the best !  Then our electricity was doing weird things, it was like one power cut that lasted for a few seconds but over and over again,  then it went off and stayed off for a couple of hours,  but when it returned the small appliances, coffee maker, Alexa, Ninja,  toaster all came on but fridges/freezers, lights, cooker etc remained off which was a concern  so I called the Letting agent and reported the issue, thinking that they would send an electrician,  but no, they contacted Mr S, believe, this was the LAST thing I needed, packing boxes and chaos everywhere (we haven't mentioned to anyone locally that we are moving) so that we don't have to answer any awkward questions!  So the thought of him walking him to poke the Fuse box had me in a panic!!  Fortunately about 2 minutes after I called the Letting agent the electricity all came back on, phew 😅!!  So I very quickly called back to cancel the electrician!!   It turned out that a tree branch was causing the electricity to keep cutting out, then I guess it must have cut it off altogether!  It must be a very loose branch as we have power cuts almost daily for past couple of weeks!  

Janet,  you are needle free for a while now, I do hope that the injections will make you feel like you have more energy and feel better altogether,  I am hoping it has freed you up to go to Marigny and have some much needed relaxation!  ❤

Today's card was made a few days ago, I was trying to use up some of my stash of backgrounds,  the one I used for this card was one of the Tissue paper backgrounds I made a few weeks ago and the bonus piece I got by smooshing my tissue background to get good coverage.  

The last picture above is the bonus piece that I used for the background,  I ran it through my new Sunflower embossing folder and the  tried to change the colour so it matched better,  I added little touches of ink but mostly Gold gilding wax which seemed to work.  It definitely tied it to the sunflowers more with the touches of gold.  I used a green background to die cut the leaves that worked  well too.  To finish the card I added a sentiment stamped and embossed in gold to match.  

Thats 2 of the backgrounds used about 4 more to go!! 🤣😂

I hope that you a have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. A great card I expect it looks even better in real life with the gold catching the light
    Thank goodness the electricity came back in the end and you didn’t need the electrician
    We got caught in a heavy shower but it only lasted a couple of minutes Then it was glorious sunshine
    Hope to go dancing later
    I hope you’re able to plan your much needed visit to Marigney too Janet
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card today, the backgrounds are beautiful and I love your colour combinations 😍
    Gosh, it sounds like you had much worse weather than us again. Although it’s still quite windy we’ve been lucky with only a couple of showers.
    Got the dog trainer coming again tonight, so more training for Barney! He is getting much better with not pulling as much on the lead and getting excited when we have visitors.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Beautiful card today, love the colours they really compliment each other. Your day yesterday sounds so stressful with the electricity keep cutting off. And to top it off you almost had a visit from Mr S. that would have been a nightmare. Thank goodness that didn’t happen.
    We have has a mostly dry day although this evening we had a couple of showers, enough to water the flower beds.
    Hope you had a good day, take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Beautiful card, I love it. Sunflowers always make me smile and great to use up some of those lovely back grounds you had already made. Thinking of you my lovely. I hope crafting is giving you some less stress time. Having Mr S is most definitely the last thing you need at the moment isn’t it! You would think the letting agents would legally have to arrange for a qualified electrician to be called out, especially after the dangerous fire place! Xx
    Not good joints etc. but feeling a bit better now after sleeping most of the day. Sending hugs to everyone. Take care xx
