
Friday 14 July 2023

Luscious Embossing


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I can honestly say I will be glad to see the back of this week!!  I think I look 10 years older from thr stress!  

I had a terrible night on Wednesday into Thursday,  up multiple times to go to bathroom, I felt fairly yuck too, however I put it down to the course of antibiotics I had just finished,  the fact that I was in so much discomfort I thought might be the after effects of being 'violated' 🤣😂 during my scans on Tuesday, I ended up calling the surgery just to have it logged that I was still having symptoms after finishing antibiotics,  the receptionist said she would put me down for a gp call, about 10 minutes later, the surgery called again to say that the blood test i had on Tuesday had come back with some 'significant abnormalities', so I needed to speak to a GP, so i explained that I had a phone consultation booked,  so she said ok.  I hung up and within minutes the phone rang again and it was surgery again,  "we need you to come in for a face to face appointment right away, Dr Fletcher is waiting for you!!  My heart fell through the floor,  I was genuinely expecting the worst news with the urgency of the appointment!  It turned out to be my liver that was the problem,  the were being cautious because I had hepatitis a couple years ago that made me quite poorly.  It was a good job i went as it happens because the sample they sent in for my uti showed a bacteria that was only treatable with one antibiotic and it wasn't the one they had given me, so he said it was understandable that I was still suffering because the bacteria levels were high on the day of sample which was 10 days ago and it had obviously continued to multiply!  He sat going through my notes for ages, he said that they only issue was that the Antibiotic I needed can cause heart arrhythmia problems,  which isnt ideal on top of my other heart issues, it also had an indication for it being combined with amitriptilyne, but the only other option was IV antibiotics and I wasn't up for that. So he prescribed it on the condition that if I feel anything different with my heart or health in general I must call for help immediately!  I didn't like to tell him that the stress of being called to the surgery immediately had caused my AF to go mad anyway! 

Today's card I'm not sure about if I'm honest, it was kind of an experiment.  I ran some black card through my new Lisa Horton Coneflower embossing folder, next I brayered Versamark sticky ink over the raised areas of embossing and then carefully tapped on some Luscious pigment powders and brushed over with a soft brush.  The sentiment was black card with same colour pigment powders, embossed with clear embossing powder,  mounted onto a white drop shadow.  

I Hope that you all have a peaceful Friday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Wow, I love it. Aren’t those colours gorgeous against the black card. How did you control where those gorgeous colours went so well? You have been through an awful time haven’t you. Everything is crossed that the meds only do you good my lovely xx
    I found a little storage unit at a charity shop that I hope will become my go to stamps storage as they desperately need sorting into some sort of order! Does anyone else begrudge wasting time sorting when you could be crafting? I do need to do it though so after making my challenge card that’s my plan over the weekend. Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs. Take care xx

  2. morning everyone
    Love love today's card SANDRA. Those colours are just beautiful.

    I really hope that at long last you are getting somewhere and you will soon be feeling better.

    It's that day again for 'swearing'. I'm sure Friday's come faster each week.
    Mr Tesco delivering this afternoon and then it could be feet up for me.

    HUGS on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. This card is lovely as I know you weren’t keen at first
    Please please rest Hopefully these meds will work without affecting your AF etc If the need arises I am pretty sure iv antibiotics can be delivered at home
    Our daughter is popping around this afternoon to collect a couple of cards I have made for her and sort out how/what she wants stationery wise for the tables She needs to cast an eye on an outfit I may pick to wear too! Then we have dancing this evening
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I know you said you were not keen on this card - but it deserves to be shown as it is really lovely, I think because we more than often use light card and darker backgrounds do not always please the eye, your lovely pigment powders would not have worked so well on lighter card. I LIKE IT. 😄
    Your day yesterday sounds horrible, it’s no wonder your AF was playing up. Please take things easy and rest as much as possible.
    Take care my lovely, sending big hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hello, well we have had enough rain to last ages, at least it has eased now.

    Sandra so sorry you had such a terrible day , yesterday. Hope it’s a bit easier today, and your AF doesn’t play up too much. Rest and relax as much as you can.

    Todays card is truly amazing, I love it. I have loads of those mica powders, left over from when I made my key holder, so might have a try at doing one like yours.

    Hope you all manage to keep dry, Lilian

  6. Hi everyone
    I love your card. The embossing folder and colours are beautiful 😍
    I hope you’re having a relaxing day after yesterday. I’ve got everything crossed for you that these antibiotics work 🥰
    Wet and miserable here today!
    Sending hugs to you all xxx
