
Tuesday 18 July 2023

Sonia's 2nd Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies, 

A lovely sunny day here yesterday,  perfect washing drying weather!  I needed a sunny day to attempt a rescue on a pair of Lucy's light grey trousers,  they have a stain on the bottom area, it looks like she has sat in spaghetti sauce or something,  I have tried all sorts to clean it, it has faded slightly but it's still there,  i have been following Nancy Birtwistle on Instagram,  she has lots of 'green' cleaning tips, she has come up with a solution that she calls 'Pure Magic' , its basically Citric acid,  boiling water, eco washing up liquid, you dissolve the citric acid and then add in the washing up liquid, it works on many different stains,  so I applied it to the stain and then stage 2 of the process is to hang the trousers in direct sunlight, I kept checking and watched the stain fade before my eyes!!!  If any of you want the exact measurements let me know.  

I had a 'recovery' day yesterday,  Paul bought me a cup of tea in at 07 30, which I drank and went to bathroom,  I went and layed on the bed to take my medication and fell back to sleep, Paul came in to see if I was okay at 11.15 am which woke me up, I am guessing it's because I missed out on 2 nights sleep last week, frustratingly I don't think the UTI has gone completely, I will call GP today for some advice.

Today I am sharing Sonia's 2nd Challenge card that I totally missed on Sunday!  

Sonia's Description:

I’ve used My Favourite Things ‘Happy Birthday’ die inked in Kitsch Flamingo oxide. The Gummiapan flowers are inked in Spun Sugar oxide and the centres in Kitsch Flamingo. The frame is also Gummiapan. Backing paper from Anna Marie Designs paper pad.

Sonia what a lovely card, the combination of colours and that lovely background paper is beautiful,  that Gummiapan rectangle set is going on my list, it's a perfect size for our everyday cards, which is hard to find.  

Thank you so much for supporting the challenge my lovely and I am so sorry that missed your card on Sunday XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love & hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Beautiful card Sonia Those dies - both the flowers and rectangles are on my Wish List I especially love how the flower die has those little highlight areas
    Please contact the GP and see what’s next if you don’t think the UTI has cleared up We’re all too good at “wait and see” which we mustn’t do I know this from experience Gary may still be here if he didn’t “wait and see” and talked to me and his consultant more We generally don’t like to make a fuss do we
    We might go and watch bowls this evening as the club is hosting the county semifinals It will be interesting to see how good these players really are
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful card SONIA.

    At long last we are off to Marigny on Saturday and hopefully staying for five weeks.
    This is the first time since Sept last year and so looking forward to it. I have appointments booked for when we return.

    The rest of this week is busy but ferry/overnight hotel are booked so I've already made a start.

    HUGS on their way toyou all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Thank you for showing my card, and all your kind comments on it ☺️
    Just back from another couple of hours overtime at work, but a day off tomorrow.
    Had a good journey to and from Dorset yesterday and lots of cuddles with Teddy 😍
    Janet, wonderful to hear you’re able to go to Marigny on Saturday, I bet you can’t wait to get back there 😊
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello everyone, a bit chilly again today, a few showers but at least the washing dried.
    Sonia love your card, the flowers are very different from the norm.

    Janet, lovely to hear you are off to Margigny, bet you can’t wait as it’s been quiet since you have been well enough to go.

    My called today to tell me he will be down on Thursday with the grandchildren, so another hectic week, it’s almost a year since I’ve seen them , so really looking forward to their being here.

    Have a good evening all Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Sonia. Nice flowers and good size sentiment. Glad you managed to see Teddy again 😊
    Janet, so happy to hear that you at last are on your way to Marigny after such a long time. Wish you already a good journey over 🌞
    Lilian, rest up before the weekend but how lovely to see the others again after so long time. Take care.
    Had a bit of sad news yesterday, no not family or anything but my neighbours cat that I'm looking after when they are away had to be put down 😔 she was nearly fifteen years, no teeth , bless her but she will be missed.
    Sending many hugs to you all and hoping you had a good day. xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    Sonia, what a pretty card. Love it all. I especially like wood effect papers but usually save them to stroke rather than using them! Great that you had lots of Teddy cuddles on Sunday 🥰
    Sandra, it sounds like you are trying hard to get the packing / resting ratio about right. Those boxes sound great. Perfect for storage 😄 Please talk to the GP tomorrow if you haven’t already. You know best so wait and see is not really a good option is it. Glad you had good drying weather. It’s been heavy rain showers here everyday since last week so drying on the clothes horse here. I have had another couple of bad days, sure some of it is stress related. Both Chris and RJ have had the all clear. RJ has been diagnosed with Crohne’s disease. Doctors will be keeping an eye on both of them. I had a migraine yesterday and joints are bad again but sure that some of it is stress related. Have a good night. Sending hugs to you all. Take care xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Janet I’m so pleased you and Jim are able to go to your beloved Marigny home on Saturday, have a good journey and enjoy the relaxing way of life when you get there. xx
    Sonia your card is lovely, love the Happy Birthday die cut .
    Lovely you managed to have cuddles with Teddy, they are such precious moments .
    Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Good night, sleep well, hugs Brenda xxx
