
Wednesday 19 July 2023

Colourful Blended Background

Good Wednesday Morning Ladies,

Any news is overshadowed by the news that Our Janet is at long last getting to go back to her happy place, put any jobs etc to one side when you arrive, I know you will feel the need to  cleaning/maintenance as its been such a longbtime since you were last there.  You both need to sit down and relax, put those feet up for a week or so at least.  Is Jim a 'restless' type, I know some people need to be doing something all the time, constantly looking for a new project!  Paul isn't one of those 'restless' types 🤣😂, depending on the job he needs a 🚀 rocket up his bum! Especially if the job involves tidying the garage or taking stuff to the tip!!! I will add that ANYTHING I need help with personally or round the house he does without question and straight away, for which I will be eternally grateful  There aren't many husbands that would drive hours away to a craft show and then spend hours just waiting while I browse and enjoy the company of my friends,  he never complains, I am so incredibly grateful and feel like the luckiest girl in the world as far as partners go 😍🥰

Today's card I started last week,  I spent Friday afternoon playing with blended backgrounds using Distress Oxides, it was a combination of smooshing and blending,  I thought it looked a little flat though so I wanted to add some with a bit of sparkle or shine, then I remembered I had some metallic watercolour paints....

These paints are incredible,  I added quite a bit of water and expected the metallic effect to be washed out, I was so wrong!  I took an angled photo of card to try and capture the gold splats and spots that I achieved from tapping my fan brush, I was amazed,  there are lots of shades of gold and silver to play with too.                                                              Next I had to decide what to use to create a card, I decided on my SU Sunflower dies, they are big but really open so you can still see that lovely background through them.  I finished the card with one of my Strip Sentiments. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love & hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. I love this technique The metallic splatters are just right addition Beautiful card
    Oooh Janet! Wonderful news Enjoy your long awaited trip
    Dancing was great fun last night Some friends we hadn’t seen in a while we’re there
    We’re going to the bowls club today Some County matches are being played
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card, it’s beautiful 😍 The colour combo and gold splats are perfect.
    Great news Janet that you’re going back to Marigny 😊
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card. Nice colours and perfect splattering.
    Janet, lovely news reg. Marigny.
    Karen, have fun.
    Sue, sorry to hear that RJ have gotten Crohn's. My BIL has got it, he is coping at the moment with meds. but he does have some bad days. Hope RJ gets help. Sending you hugs and hope you are better from the migraine.
    OH has gone to watch cricket so home alone today. Great day to do some crafting so hopefully the crystal art will be finished today so I can make cards tomorrow.
    Have a nice day everyone, many hugs to you all. xxx

  4. Evening all, fine weather today, although a chilly breeze.

    Sandra I love your card, your gold splatters are a lovely finishing touch. Hope you are coping with the antibiotics and are beginning to feel a little better.

    Spent today getting all the bedding ready for the grandchildren, who are coming tomorrow.

    Goodnight all Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in. What a lovely card. The metallic colours shine beautifully don’t they. Using that open sunflower is perfect to off the colours isn’t it. I need to have a good look at all of my stamps and make a list so I know what I have. It’s long job but will save me so much time once they are all sorted. Chris is just like Paul. We are both very lucky aren’t we. And you know Chris would always drive us to any shows etc. if Paul couldn’t for some reason. We are both very lucky ladies aren’t we ❤️
    I hope you are feeling better each day my lovely. See you tomorrow xx
    Janet, you and Jim must be so excited to be going to your special place. As Sandra said try and just relax as much as possible at least for a few days, if you can xx
    Another quiet day saving myselfHi for tomorrow 🥰
    Sending hugs to you all. Take care xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Beautiful card Sandra, love the colours you have used, those gold splatters really compliment the design.
    I’ve had a very quiet day, did manage to do some housework but when I sat down with a cuppa it ended up being a nap and the same happened after lunch. Yet I still manage to sleep at night time….. fortunately 😴
    Hope you have all had a good day.
    Take care, Big Hugs Brenda xxx
