
Wednesday 7 June 2023

Simple smooshed background


Good Morning Ladies, 

How are you my lovely friends?  I know that some of you are feeling under the weather, so I hope that you are feeling better today. Sending hugs to you all regardless xxx

I've been struggling with pain recently,  I try not bring it to my blog too much, (daily pain I mean), but when we have been doing things in the garden I am unable to do anywhere near the things I could do last year, which wasn't very much anyway, moving around is so painful, it really got on top of me on Sunday evening,  I was helping Paul and the girls do dinner but I was in so much pain I couldn't eat dinner when it was done!  Pain isn't something new to me as most of you know,  I am usually determined to not let it rule my life but that has become too hard lately.   Sorry to pour it all out to you my lovelies,  but sometimes you got to keep things real.  I don't know where I'd be without my crafting to keep me sane! 

A simple card today, although I'm not sure about the off set layers, I struggle with jaunty angles 🤣😂

I taped off a rectangle on a piece of watercolour card and smooshed some Broken China ink into that rectangle with Baking paper.  I the  die cut a couple of flowers with the Dainty Flowers dies, and added them to that background and finished them with a bow made with twine.  Now..I felt my rectangle was a little big for my flowers so I added a two step sentiment,  adding a little at the top to fill the space and the rest at the bottom on the opposite side.  

I hope you a have a wonderful Wednesday, 

Love & big squishy hugs,

Sandra xxx


  1. morning everyone
    I love your card for today SANDRA.
    So simple but so beautiful

    I hope that you are feeling a little better. Perhaps you need to see your GP about revising your pain management. I know it's something we don't want to do or admit having to do but needs must sometimes. Huge hugs.

    I have a busy day -well busy for me- I have to refill my med box for the next two weeks and do my Tesco order for delivery friday. I can see my coffee machine working overtime today.

    HUGS on their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends not feeling too well.
    Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all looking in. A beautiful card. Such a delicate background and also that gorgeous flower head. I might have to borrow that die. I love the baking paper smooshing technique and will definitely be trying it, once I’ve checked to see if we have any non greaseproof paper? I’m thinking of you my lovely and sorry that you are still in so much extra pain xx
    I hope to try a couple of new to me quilling techniques later on after doing the ironing. And I hope also it is warmer today as yesterday had a chilly wind. So different after the lovely weather at the weekend!
    Sending hugs with extras for all that are not feeling so good at the moment. Take care. Sue xx

  3. Hi everyone
    I absolutely love your card 😍 The flower die is beautiful and I love the colours you’ve chosen. I’m with you on the offset layers, yours look lovely. I’ve tried it myself but never looks right to me when I do it! I think it’s the perfectionist side of me coming through! 😉
    Sorry to hear you’re in so much pain. It’s frustrating and really gets you down doesn’t it. Take it easy and try not to overdo things 🥰
    I’m having a relaxing day today ready to go back to work tomorrow.
    I’ve not done half of the things I was hoping to do these last few days! Oh well, I’ll get round to doing them eventually.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello all, the wind has been very chilly today, so haven’t done much outside today.
    I’ve been watching the tennis, as my knee and back are really bad.
    I understand your frustration over not being able to do things in the garden. I’m the same, especially doing a Sunday roast, I just can’t eat my meal.
    Hugs to all Lilian

  5. Gorgeous card Sandra I have still to try this baking paper technique I did ask Nina on Saturday if grease proof paper would work and said it wouldn’t “puddle” as nicely
    Oh I wish I could wave a magic wand and get everyone’s pain to disappear
    Janet is right it might be worth asking your GP to review your pain meds
    Hopefully we’ll have an afternoon at home tomorrow and I will have a chance to play! Good night everyone
