
Tuesday 6 June 2023

A Smooshed Background C&S card


Good Morning Ladies, 

We were treated to another glorious day yesterday,  a much cooler start to the day though but it soon warmed up.                             

I spent most of the day researching birthday ideas for Becca, she has suggested Opera, Ballet or Hot Air Ballon trip. I think it would have to be a ballet or opera story that you would recognise to get the best out of it.  The Hot Air Balloon trip would be ok but she doesn't want to do it on her own,  she asked me if I would go with her, but that's not an option,  I asked Paul, I think he would but wasn't sure!  So my research continues! 

Todays card is another Pinterest favourite that was by a Lady called Loll Thompson,   combined with me wanting to try Karen's Baking Paper smooshing technique. 

I used my En Francais stamp with Silver embossing powder to create the background,  I then used Twisted Citron & Broken China distress inks individually, I smooshed them onto baking paper, spritzed with water and then I gently touched it onto my embossed background,  I repeated with the other colour.  

The pros of Baking Paper smooshing:  

The ink transfers to your paper better, acetate to me gives same effect as smooshing on glass mat, the ink just spreads out.  Where using Baking Paper the ink transferred with all of the detail it had after spritzing. 

(You can see the dots and splodges more.)

You can scrunch paper to give more texture/interest.

You can manipulate the paper to add small areas of ink too. 

So in my opinion Baking Paper is a better method of Smooshing technique ink transfer. 

To finish the card I added two butterflies,  left uncoloured but embossed with silver.  I then finished with the Thank You sentiment.  

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. I love your card Sandra Having that white space really enhances the smooshed background
    Thank you for trying the baking paper technique I love the effect Does your Tim Holtz mat work in the same way because in the long run that’s got to be more economical than keep using baking paper I can’t wait to have a try - hopefully later today
    We have an ”Away Day” for work which will prove interesting It is a chance to meet up with the whole team as we all work from home
    Take care everyone xx

  2. morning everyone
    We had a very dull/grey day yesterday and today has started the same. It's also on the cool side.

    I have some washing to do today and look at a birthday card which needs posting by tomorrow.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safexxxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your card and colour combo, it’s beautiful 😍
    I had a go at using baking paper too and I got some pleasing results 😊
    I managed to get a doctors telephone appointment yesterday morning and been prescribed antibiotics as he thinks I’ve got sinusitis. Hopefully they will work and I will start feeling ‘normal’ again!
    Taking Barney for his groom this afternoon, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it as the weather is forecast to get hotter.
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello, dull this morning but hot and sunny this afternoon.
    Good news is my cleaner was back today, she had a lovely baby girl in the back of the car!!! I must she has regained her figure already.

    Not done much my self, two loads of washing, I shall miss this lovely weather for drying the washing.
    Must start my card tomorrow, not sure what I’ll do yet, something easy. Hugs to all Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Love today’s card the background is beautiful, love the colour you chose - subtle and elegant. Thank you for the inspiration.
    Had a busy day not really doing anything except I have been the window cleaners mate! John decided to clean the windows and wash the facia boards and wanted me to stand at the bottom of the ladder 🪜 and just be there, I feel tired but wasn’t doing the work.
    Hope your day has been more exciting xx
    Take care, Love Brenda xxx
