
Sunday 23 April 2023

Your Challenge Projects


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Well we were forecast rain yesterday but we had a mostly sunny day, it still hadn't rained by 5pm.  Paul got a good few garden jobs done, including weeding in-between the slabs on the patio, we get some really persistent weeds in there, probably from the birds dropping the seeds. Some are all but impossible to get out like the Dock leaf weeds, their roots are huge!  I got the boring job !  The ironing had gotten to 'danger of avalanche' height and it was really bugging me so I put craft tv on, well what a disappointment!! I am glad I cancelled both memberships!  The items I saw were ridiculously expensive and looked really cheap looking,  the person demonstrating was awful too, atleast I wasnt tempted to buy I guess, I didn't even bother with Create & Craft !  I am so sick of seeing that Stephanie & Mel get away with copyright fraud, I was really pleased to see an update on Facebook stating that the launch of their latest dies, (that were exact copies of garden ornaments for sale on the Internet) had the launch cancelled,  so hopefully they are left with the lot of them!  Serves them right !! 

Lets start the day the right way........

Your Challenge Cards 


Karen's Description:

Here’s a card for Sunday, I used texture paste - indigo Blu Slap it on and Pixie Powders Simple Phill Martin sentiment stamped and heat embossed onto vellum I wanted to see the effect of the card through the vellum.  Hard to capture the iridescence. 

Oh Karen the colours from the Pixie Powders are stunning  that amazing Thick 'Slap it on ' really allows the colours to take centre stage!  Using the vellum was a brilliant idea as a background as gorgeous as that deserves to be seen!  
Thank you so much for a very inspirational card XXX


Maria's Description:

I have tried my hands on Thinchies and this is what I came up with for now ๐Ÿ˜‚

1/ Embossing peice called Diamond by Creative craft products. Flower and EF stamped in Picked Raspberry
2/ Butterflies are hand cut out and sitting on a piece of green paper with a few stamped leaves and words. Glitter around the edges.

3/ Some sewing ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿชก bits I found that just fitted on the 3"x 3" frame. Background is just painted in with some brush strokes in teal and orange water colour paints.

Maria you absolutely nailed it !!! Your Thrinchies are amazing,  I love how different they all are and all of the detail on each of them!  The gorgeous colour of the first one and that beautiful background.   The stamped detail behind those amazing butterflies and finished with that glittery edge!  Finally that lovely vintage sewing theme is just perfect, Maria that painted background looks like a printer paper!  
Thank you so much for having a go at the Thrinchies, yours are AMAZING ๐Ÿ‘ ❤️ XXX


Lilian's Description:

Hi this is my card for this week, I was trying to make a card using a die. It turned out rather small so stuck on a bigger card. They are Sue Wilson dies from a long time ago. Have a good weekend Lilian

Omg I love your card, that Baby vest is so cute, I am amazed at how realistic the popper's are at the bottom!  The bib with it's lacy edge and thay adorable little duckling, such beautiful details, your cleaner lady will love it.   Thank you so much for such a beautiful card  XXX 


Sonia's Description:  

I decided to try Split Front cards, inspired by Bibi Cameron. I kept them simple as I was struggling at first - my first attempt at the ‘fence’ style one ended up wonky, but I cut the card down and added another vertical strip ๐Ÿ˜Š I’ve used my Tim Holtz butterfly, sentiments from The Stamp Market and Spellbinders flowers. 

Sonia your Split front cards turned out amazing! It's so frustrating sometimes when we watch these designers create their cards,  they make it look so easy, however we don't ever see all the ones that they binned in the process!  I used to get so frustrated watching Jenny Maguire as everything she created was perfection with no mess ever!  But the bit we see is edited and snipped and cut and filtered to look perfect, ours are real unedited originals!  Beauty isn't the perfection we are deceived into thinking it is.  Your cards are stunning as always, your attention to detail is meticulous,  you should be so proud my lovely.

Thank you for taking part Sonia, I really appreciate it XXX  


Another stunning display Ladies, you have all had a very inspirational week, look at that amazing variety of designs!!  Thank you all so very much ❤️ 

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    I love everyone’s creations today, they’re all beautiful ๐Ÿ˜
    Maria, love your Thrinchies, well done on taking the plunge ☺️
    We had good weather here too yesterday which was a bonus after seeing the forecast!
    Mark and I enjoyed our afternoon tea, plenty of sandwiches, cakes and tea ๐Ÿ˜… It was lovely.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a fantastic selection of cards. Everyone has really taken to this week's Challenge.

    We too had good weather yesterday though I stayed in sending Jim to M&S.
    Nothing happening today only taking it easy.
    Have a good Sunday.
    HUGS on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Morning everyone
    Wonderful cards ladies, I love them all. Thanks Sonia, I actually liked making them but not easy to think what would fit on such a small area ๐Ÿ˜ƒ your cards are great too. I like the split front cards. Glad you had a nice tea. They can be pretty sad sometimes, I liked our Frost one but OH not so much. Have a good day.
    Lilian, love your baby card. Your cleaning lady will love it too. Have you got hold of someone who can do the job while she is on maternity leave ? Look after yourself and wishes for you to have a better day.
    Janet, hope you are alright. Hoping that Jim is doing alright too.
    Sue, hope you have a better day. Something is definitely going around, headaches and cough's , not nice at all. Hugs.
    Karen, hope you have a nice weekend. Have fun at the football. Take care
    Brenda, did you manage to sleep last night after your napping during the day ?
    Sandra, good it was no more rain. Do you have to re-pot all the seedlings before going outside. Must be a lot of work for you both. I'm not doing any ironing unless it is shirts or skirts that need it after hanging in the tight wardrobe for a while. That's a job for another day to get rid of clothes that hasn't been worn for a while. Crafting is first so going to start a Crystal one today while OH is watching the football this afternoon .
    Have a nice day everyone, also to our missing friends and for anyone looking in, many hugs to you all xx

  4. The. It’s have just gone home! We have had a lovely day with the boys and daughter Son in law has gone to Newcastle to watch the game MARIA He won’t be happy with the result
    I love all of today’s cards Some great ideas
    Take care everyone xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and Ladies,
    I love all of your cards they are so inspiring.
    Karen I love the colours of texture paste you have used, they really make the design pop. xx
    Maria, three beautiful cards from you, each one a masterpiece in its own right. xx
    Lilian LOVE the baby card, I just know that your young lady will treasure it. xx
    Sonia, Wow your cards are amazing, definitely a technique to add to the let’s try list. xx
    Had a very quiet day today, let’s just say I’ve been busy doing nothing! Managed a walk up the garden to the greenhouse a checked my seed trays, they seem to be doing okay, but apart from thi haven’t done anything. Will have to find some energy in the morning because I’m back at the INR clinic.
    Hope you’re have all had a good day, take care, Hugs Brenda xxx
