
Monday 24 April 2023

Credit Card Background


Good Morning Ladies, 

Well here we are at the last week of April, how can that be?!  These month's are whizzing by way too fast!  We were counting down with Lucy to her holiday and she's back and it's all over way to fast for her.  

We are super proud of her though,  it was her first holiday without us or Sophie which is a really big deal for Lucy, hopefully it has given her more confidence,  although they had quite a rough flight both ways so she isn't any keener on flying!  The little things that I thought she would struggle with like asking about upgrading to Half Board and getting access to their room because their flight was late at night she dealt with confidently.  It's so lovely seeing her overcome some of her anxieties!  I know Flynn had her back if she struggled too which was a comfort.  I mudt say she was so glad to be home and even happier when Soph came home from work.  Also Paul was way too soft, we ended up popping to shop yesterday morning because Lucy had asked for Roast Beef dinner and we had bought chicken, it works out ok though as Flynn's favourite is Roast Chicken so we can have that midweek.  

I tried a New Background Technique,  you basically smoosh your Distress Oxides onto your glass matt or Craft Sheet and spritz with a little water, then you take an old Credit or Store card and pick up the ink and spread the ink across your card in different directions,  I used Wilted Violet,  Broken China, Peeled Paint and Evergreen Bough Distress Oxides. When you are happy with your coverage you use a little bit of White Acrylic or White ink and Black Soot or Black ink, pick a little up with the side of your credit/store card and create lines randomly over your inked background, you don't need many.  I think it transforms the background into a tartan kind of pattern.  To turn my background into a card, I added a mat of coordinating card and then adhered to a card base.  To decorate I die cut some if Tim Holtz's Wildflower die cuts and added the die cut 'Hello'.  I must say I am delighted at how well this turned out. 😊 

I have you all have a marvellous Monday, mine will be a slow day as I have very sore legs from ironing on Saturday,  I hadn't realised how sore until I was stood pricking out the Tomato and Coriander seedlings yesterday!!  I was having to encourage myself "come on just one more row" 🤣😂

We grew the tomato plants from a tomato that had gone a little bit over, I saw something online about slicing a tomato and putting in a plant pot, a week later there were loads of seedlings 🌱,  I said to Paul lets try it, we both honestly thought it was nonsense,  we used a Piccolo cherry tomato as we love that variety,  i literally sliced it and put it in a pot of seed compost, put a sandwich bag over it and no exaggeration a week later every seed had germinated, a week after that they were a couple inches or more tall witg their second set of leaves growing, so I potted them on yesterday and we'll see what happens! 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    Love your card today, and the technique. Will be having a go 😊
    Glad Lucy and Flynn had a lovely holiday, and that Lucy overcame some of her anxieties.
    Hope your legs aren’t too sore and you managed to get some sleep last night. I’ve never heard that about the tomatoes, let us know how they do ☺️
    Brenda, hope you get on ok today xx
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. I am so glad that Lucy coped with being away and was able to be more confident
    I live the technique you have used and definitely want to try it At first I thought you’d used the edge of your credit/store card for everything not just the white and black!
    We have had such a busy weekend I’m almost glad to go to work - to just sit at a desk instead of charging around after the grandkids but it was so much fun!
    I hope you’re feeling easier today Sandra
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Fabulous background's, something to try myself.
    Brenda, hope everything goes well today and the readings are fine. Hugs
    Sitting in John Lewis with a coffee. It's raining so going to town is a good place to get some walking in without getting wet as the shops are indoors.
    Hoping to make some cards

    1. later but after being out I feel a bit shattered afterwards so we'll see.
      Have a great day everyone. Many hugs to you all , Maria xx x

  4. Hello, wet and cold here.
    Having trouble publishing my comments so hope this works.
    Loved all of the cards yesterday.
    Great technique today Sandra, love the colours you used. Reminds me a full skirted shirtwaister I had when I was 16, my sister made it for me. With my net underskirt I thought I was the bees knees.
    On my own today R in London for the day. Tried to watch the craft programs but as Sandra said the other day they are terrible.
    Hope you all have a good day Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card Sandra the colours work really well together and yet another great technique, thank you xxx
    It sounds as though Lucy was super confident on her first holiday without any of the family there. She has obviously listened and learned, well done Lucy.
    My appointment this morning went very well, INR was good and haven’t got to return again for just under two weeks. So that’s good. Then returned home and have spent most of the day asleep, I’m sure it’s the medication because I had a good nights sleep.
    Hello your day has been good.
    Take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Wonderful challenge cards yesterday from you all. Sorry I didn’t get one finished in time.
    Sandra, it’s great to hear that Lucy cooed so well. I don’t think anyone apart from other identical twins can even start to imagine what it’s like without your other half. It’s good that she has Flynn to care for her. Glad that they had a lovely time though. How easy getting the tomato to sprout. Chris- hubby not jnr- wants to know which way up you have to put it in the pot. I say cut side up but he said how do the roots break through the skin? I think we will be having a go ourselves as tomatoes of any size, type etc vanish without trace very quickly in our house. We do get notes signed from two different tomato aliens thanking us for them. Funny how it’s always after Grm and Phoebe have been in the kitchen 🤣🤣🥰🥰
    Chris and I are away for a couple of nights visiting Longleat without any children or grand children, first visit alone for nearly 42 years! Had a wonderful day. Am off to bed now. Hope you are all ok. Sleep well and take care xx
