
Tuesday 18 April 2023

Floating frame Technique


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that today finds you all as well as can be expected, we had a lovely mild day yesterday, sunny with a few showers, not that we really went outside, I spent most of the day in my craft room, well afternoon really, Paul was working away at his desk while I crafted.  We had a nice long video chat with Lucy, she is having a lovely time, the restaurant is lovely, they have a lot of seafood which is perfect for Lucy, it looks quite quiet, there a lots of different areas to sit and enjoy the sun, Lucy was beside an orchid garden, which was really pretty. It was Portuguese themed in restaurant last night which she was a little unsure of, so we did a bit of research and she was more than happy with local dishes.  We didn't chat too long, it was just while Flynn was at the gym.  It will be lovely for them to spend some quality time on their own.  I think they are venturing into Funchal the Capital today to do the downhill cart ride and the cable car ride. 

Today's card :  I had a play with a Technique I saw on Facebook I think it was called 'Floating Frame' the original came from a lady called Vicki Johnson I believe.  

You simply take two images that are exactly the same, they can be a stamped image or printed image or a piece of Dsp as I have used for my first attempt. You take the two images and die cut one with a lattice die, add foam strips to the back of the lattice die cut piece and then line up with the base piece, so that they are exactly lined up.  I placed the piece onto a mat of colour coordinating card and then onto a base card. I have given you a front on and side view so that you can see the lattice top. I think it looks effective.  So I think I might try a stamped image version today.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                               xxxxxx


  1. A very effective technique It reminds me of the eclipse cards we have all done The lattice die really makes the card look different
    I tried a technique with Slap it On (Indigoblu) and Pixie Powders yesterday I will take a look today to see how it’s dried
    We’re picking Oscar up from school today So I’m really looking forward to that
    Take care everyone xx
    PS So pleased to hear that Lucy is enjoying the holiday

  2. Looks as though it’s going to be a lovely sunny day, lots of washing to do, so hope it stays dry.
    Sandra love todays card, not seen that technique before, very effective.
    Hoping to make a baby card today, my cleaner is expecting her baby in the beginning of may. Have to find my baby dies that I bought a few years ago, they are Sue Wilson dies. Not made a baby card for while, will have a search for some ideas on Pinterest.
    Hope you have a good day. Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    I love your card today, it’s a fabulous technique and the papers are so pretty 😍
    I didn’t get on very well with my crafting yesterday, it didn’t help that I had a stinking headache, so I gave up in the end!
    What started out being a lovely sunny morning has turned into a cold cloudy day! The wind has picked up so feels rather chilly. I hope you got your washing dry Lilian.
    Glad to hear Lucy and Flynn are enjoying themselves. It sound’s really lovely 😊
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Beautiful card today, like Karen it made me think of the Eclipse technique. Thank you for sharing this great technique with us, it’s definitely on my to try list. xx
    Went out to lunch today, it was lovely chatting away with friends, but when I returned home I needed a nap, all that talking had exhausted me!
    Hope your day has been good.
    Take care and stay safe, hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra. A technique I will have a go at. The hotel they are staying in have a nice view.
    We did the ride down the hill and I screamed all the way down 🤭😂 I hope they have a fabulous time x
    Went to Dunelm and a quick visit to Lidl and then as soon we got home we did a few hours gardening. It was nice first but soon the wind picked up and the sky went very grey but no rain today.
    Sending extra hugs and well wishes to anyone who are not too good.
    Hoping otherwise that you had a nice day today. Sleep tight 🥱 see you tomorrow xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in. I love your card using this technique. I haven’t seen it before but love the effect. I’m sure Lucy and Flynn will have enjoyed the sledge ride, it looked like great fun when we watched the video you found. I hope they continue to have a great time xx
    Maria, I would love to do this ride but I can just imagine you screaming your way to the bottom of the street 🤣 xx
    Feeling rubbish at the moment as I seem to have picked up a bug or something. Hope you all are sleeping well. Sending llive. Take care xx
