
Monday 17 April 2023

A beautiful card from Maria


Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are at Monday again, it barely seems 12 hours since it was Friday evening!  I will say that yesterday ended up bring a blur as I barely slept before we had to get up at 4am and we chatted virtually the whole journey,  well until Flynn and Lucy fell asleep, then I just chatted to keep Paul entertained (whether he liked it or not)! Airports are such a rip off, we went to Short stay parking,  we were literally there for 5 minutes or less and it was £10 !!  I think the killer part is doing 280 mile round trip in one go. We tried to go back to bed for a couple hours when we got back but I spent an hour having really vivid dreams!  Then spent rest of the day feeling like a zombie,  I did sit at my desk for an hour but acheived nothing apart from die-cutting a background!!  

It could only happen to my most anxious child but the pilot had to abort his first attempt at landing due to a strong crosswind,  he did it on second attempt though!  The hotel looks absolutely stunning, here is their view...

Lucy was buzzing with the little things like the robe and slippers and the fact that you got fancy pool towels and a linen bag to carry them in.  So Flynn did good with his hotel choice. I am so pleased for them both xxx

 Todays absolutely gorgeous card was a made with a New Stamp & die set from Lou Collins, that Maria treated herself to.

Maria's Description:

I bought a set by Lou Collins with stamp and die set. I stamped it in
with DI and spritzed lightly with some water.  

Maria your card is beautiful, adding the spritzed water gives more texture and interest.  The Stamp is so beautiful Maria and you have chosen are beautiful too. 
Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful and inspirational card.  

I hope that you all have a fantastic week, 

Love and huge hugs to all of you,



  1. A gorgeous card Maria I really need to investigate other companies Looking at my stuff, the bulk of it is either Sue W dies or Aall and Create stamps
    Pleased that Lucy and Flynn have arrived at their holiday destination Has his parents gone this time too?
    Back to work today I will probably spend the morning catching up on emails
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful card Maria 😍 The stamp is so pretty 😊
    Glad Lucy and Flynn arrived safely. The view looks lovely and all the little extras sound great.
    Hope you managed to sleep last night, and can have a relaxing day today.
    Hoping to do some crafting later 😊
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Thank you for liking my card. I like the stamp and it is a die too so will try some other colours etc and see how it turns out.
    Wishing Lucy and Flynn a wonderful holiday in Madeira. A beautiful island but with very steep hills in some areas.
    OH ex have gone home today and it so nice to be just us again. If weather permitting we will do some gardening tomorrow.
    Sending many hugs to you all and hoping your day is fine. Take care xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Marie I love your card it looks like a watercolour painting, it really beautiful. Pleased your household is back to just the two of you, you can both enjoy each other’s company and relax.
    Pleased Lucy and Flynn have safely arrived at their destination, I hope they have a wonderful time xx
    Had a INR blood test this morning I have to go back again on Thursday for yet another one then from there onto my appointment at the chest clinic. I feel my life is being taken over by medical appointments!! But I know that they are for my own good.
    Hope you have had a good day, the weather here has been gorgeous, it’s been like a summers day, I did get out and sat in the sun for a while.
    Take care, Hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in today.
    Lucy and Flynns view from their hotel is beautiful. He has chosen well it seems, bless him. I’m sure they will have a lovely time together. I hope you managed to catch up on sleep a bit last night my lovely xx
    Yesterdays challenge cards were all fantastic, no two alike so lots of inspiration or me.
    Lilian, your card is beautiful. What make is that gorgeous Happy Birthday die please? I love that font and would like to buy it xx
    Maria, your card is beautiful. I love the delicate colours you have used. Hope you had a nice walk around the garden centre earlier xx
    Sandra, My challenge card that I made at yours went in the bin as I managed to put the last line of letters on wonky! This one is for RJ. It needs something else to finish it off but I have a few weeks before his birthday.
    Had my mammogram this morning. They have a new machine and it was only very slightly uncomfortable, so different to the previous ones so that was good. I hope you all had since day and get some sleep tonight. Sending love and hugs Take care xx
