
Friday 21 April 2023

Anither new Technique


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Yay its Friday and this is the first weekend in over a month that we don't have to be up at 5am to deliver someone to an airport!  Lucy does come home on Sunday but Becca kindly volunteered to go collect her as a thank you to Lucy for looking after Benji.  So all being well we can have a lie in this weekend!!  (I have probably just jinxed myself) ! 

It was another bright and beautiful day here yesterday,  no washing today though as ALL baskets are EMPTY!!!!!๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐Ÿงจ   Well atleast until Sunday when Lucy empties her Suitcase ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

Today's card actually took longer than I thought, I started out with a black piece of card, I took some sponge and white acrylic paint and swiped up and down the piece of card, you only need the lightest smear,  after you are happy with your white coverage, you then swipe over the top of the white with a blue, I used acrylic paint again but you can use pigment ink too.  The white paint allows the blue paint to show up on the black card, I also added some yellow but that doesn't show up.  After you are happy with your blend and your card is dry you run it through an embossing folder, the next part is the fun part, you take some metallic inks I had 'Delicata' metallic ink pads, i used my finger to smoosh the metallic ink into all the detail of the folder, I wasn't happy with the shine though so I added a touch of Gilding Wax here and there and buffed to shine.   

Here are another couple I did ...

This one had a bit more silver metallic ink.

This one I tried the copper, silver & gold. 

They make great cards for Men I think,  I also think that they would make amazing Journal covers! 

I hope that you all have a fabulous Friday, 

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. morning everyone
    We have a very dull grey start here this morning. Perhaps it will change as the day moves on.

    I love your backgrounds SANDRA.They look so expensive and make a wonderful start to a card/cover.

    Well here we are 'swear' word day again and Mr Tesco delivering this afternoon.
    The washer arrived and I spent most of yesterday trying it out. I have to say I was exhausted by tea time.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Have a good week-end. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  2. Morning everyone
    Wonderful technique, the card look so regal and great as a card for a man. Missed yesterday after being doing the washing and hanged it out in the lovely weather we had and then working in the garden and done a bit too much. My whole body was aching so much and I was exhausted so had a very early night for once and of course woke up at 6am this morning.Finding hard to make a card this week but will have a go later today . Back to chilly day and it's raining.
    Sending extra hugs for any of you who need some, take care.
    Hugs to you all , Maria xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your cards today, they’re stunning ๐Ÿ˜ I have that Embossing folder so will definitely be having a go.
    Half day at work using up the last of my annual leave. It’s tipping it down outside, so won’t be venturing out again today. Now to decide whether to get housework done first and then craft?! Maybe I’ll skip the housework today ๐Ÿ˜…
    Hope you all have a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Lovely card and technique
    Not much else going on in our household today Off to Chelsea tomorrow to watch the ladies play
    Take care everyone xx

  5. Hi, it’s been a sunny day here, although the forecast said rain, so that makes a change.
    Sandra love the card and the technique, I’ve not seen it before, not sure ,but I think I’d end up in a mess.
    Kept thinking today is Saturday, my brain is in a complete muddle. R has been to a morning meeting, which normally are only Saturday, so that’s why I think.

    Nothing planned for this weekend, might have a go at your technique if I can find my paints. Still waiting for my craft magazine to arrive, been more than a week, if not here soon will contact the firm I bought it from.
    Hugs to all Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in. A great technique and card. I love the metallic on dark/black background. A journal would look wonderful with a cover using this technique. Hope you both get 2 lie in’s this weekend my lovely xx
    Haven’t started one yet but fingers crossed I get a challenge card done tomorrow.
    Sending hugs and hoping you all sleep well. Take care xx
