
Thursday 20 April 2023

A throwback New Technique

Good Morning My Lovelies, 

I hope that you are all having a good day, I hope that those of you feeling unwell will have a better day today. 

Janet I hope the washing machine arrived and was installed ok,  I always find that and social gathering no matter how big or small is totally exhausting after you have been house bound through illness, it's like your brain loses the ability to function with more than one person, you probably get anxious about going out too which is equally exhausting,  it will get easier my lovely xxx

Karen how did your appointment with Dr 'Drip' go yesterday,  I hope he wasn't as useless in person and that you got some answers, sending hugs xxx

Sonia, I hope that you manage to get through the day without another headache today, you should maybe make a GP appointment if the carry on xxx 

Sue, I'm sorry that you are still feeling poorly, hopefully today you will start feeling better, hugs on the way xxx

We tried a new Salmon recipe last night, I saw it on Instagram,  it was a Lidl Ramadan recipe, you baked salmon covered with a few knobs of butter, a whole chopped red onion, paprika, garlic granules, 6 cloves garlic chopped,  chili flakes, soy sauce, honey and sliced lemon, bake for 15 minutes, as soon as Salmon was cooked, take it out of  baking dish and stir in cooked and cooled basmati rice, making sure you pick up every bit of the cooking juices and spices, pop the salmon back on top and cook for 5 minutes more, I then squeezed all the juice out of the baked lemon slices ( not in recipe) but my goodness it gave freshness to that sweet spiced rice.  Needless to say that despite there only being 3 of us, there wasn't a grain of rice left, it was a definite hit. So nice to try something new. 

Now I ended getting lost in the retiring products list in the SU catalogue yesterday afternoon,  then had a look through the brand new one, before I realised it was almost 6pm and then our Internet dropped out, we kept waiting and rechecking, as we thought it was a village connection issue, at 10pm Soph said that she would climb under my craft desk and reset our box, thankfully it worked!  So today's Blog is a throwback card, it was a New Technique back then and I had forgotten about it so I'm glad I looked back and found it !! 

All you need is an embossing folder and some Brusho or pigment powders!!

Here's how it's made .......

I took an embossing folder and added some Pixie Powders to the raised up side of the embossing folder, I used a paint brush to distribute the powders a little more evenly,  I then spritzed it with water and added a piece of watercolour card that I had cut to size, I ran this sandwich through the die cutting machine a few times and then left it on the Aga to dry.  Once it was dry I used a dark teal colour ink pad and the back of a piece of Cut & Dry foam and lighly run the ink over the raised areas of the embossing, this made a huge difference to the look of the piece, up until this point I was about to bin it, the dark ink just adds another dimension that brings the whole piece together.  I layered the piece onto a piece of card similar colour to the ink I used and then I matted onto  6x6 base card.  I stamped the sentiment in matching ink and matted on to same card, then raised it on foam pads and added to the card.  

It was hard to capture the irredescence of the pixie powders, trust me it looked amazing in the sunshine.

Have a lovely Thursday Ladies, 

Love and hugs to all, 

Sandra                                                                     xxxxxx


  1. Lovely technique I have used Pixie Powders with texture paste for my offering this week I need to just finish it and send a photo
    The doctor did apologise for the way he spoke to me on the phone I explained that what upset me most was he gave me the impression that he didn’t believe I have diabetes Their system doesn’t flag up ongoing medical problems and he hasn’t got time to read through everyone’s notes What a pathetic reason Hello! You only have see that I have HbA1C tests and that insulin is on my repeat prescription There’s too many occurrences in my notes that doesn’t flag up diabetes There were a load of other things that he tripped up on too So I left the surgery still in limbo as to what happens next!
    We have sunshine and I can hear the birds singing So far it’s a beautiful day Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card, the embossing folder and colour combo are beautiful 😍
    Your dinner last night sounds delicious, I might have to try that.
    Karen, sorry to hear your appointment didn’t go too well, hope you’re ok xx
    Lovely sunshine today, but still a bit breezy.
    I hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and Ladies,
    Love today’s throwback card Sandra, thank you for giving us a great description of how you created this beautiful card. xx
    Your dinner last night sounds lovely, John loves fish of any sort so it’s good to read someone else’s recipes especially when you know they are tried and tested.
    Had a busy day today, first appointment was for INR still not happy with my readings so am back again on Monday. From there it was on to the hospital, for chest clinic appointment, pleased to say the fluid that was drained of didn’t have any cancer cells in. Thank goodness. We came home had a hot drink and snack and I fell asleep for over two hours.
    Karen sorry to read you had such a dreadful appointment with your doctor, he should have been aware of your medical history even before you entered his treatment room. Think you should complain to the practice manager.
    Sending hugs to everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  4. Hello, just a quick note, as it’s late.
    Loved your throwback card, I’ve not tried pixie powders, always meant to get some, but never got around to it.
    Have a card ready, not sure how much of a new technique it is, very simple.
    Hugs to all Lilian.
