
Thursday 23 March 2023

Some Throwback Simple Backgrounds


Good Morning Ladies,

Well what a day yesterday turned out to be, bright and sunny for most of the day, we did have a couple of brief showers though.  

Sadly I different have such a bright day, as I was struck down out of the blue with the most painful cystitis symptoms I've ever had, I was sat on the loo in tears!  GP has given me more antibiotics but doesn't think I should take them, I asked why they relieved symptoms if they weren't helpful? She said that they may have anti-inflammatory properties,  I will see how I get on overnight without them. 

Now I couldn't concentrate enough to craft so I have shared some cards with simple backgrounds... 

Card 1:  I masked off a circle and inked through with So Saffron ink, I then added a little bit of script stamping in the background of the circle for a bit more detail.  To finish I added the silhouette stamp.

Card 2:  This simple background was created using an alcohol marker on acetate. A simple white butterfly finishes the card.

Card 3:  The simplest of all this background is a piece of patterned paper, with a stamped sentiment and a few gem stones. 

I hope that these give you some ideas, 

Have a great Thursday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    I have everything crossed that you managed to get some sleep and that you have a better day today.

    My task for today is to empty my K&N craft bag which is still sat on my craft room floor. I also need to find some inspiration as I need to make a box for one of the ladies who doesn't paper craft but sews. At the moment mine seems to have flown.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day whatever you have planned. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Oh Sandra I really hope you had a better night
    You have given us a lovely selection of simple backgrounds to inspire us
    Well! The stress echo I had yesterday was awful I was expecting to have a drug induced one but ended up having an exercise one I panicked because of my blood sugars But it did go OK My legs gave up before my heart did! The knock on effect was I couldn’t sleep because of the pain in my hips I now have to wait for a heart scan to see what that throws up
    Janet - you have some lovely Tonic dies don’t you for making a box?
    Take care ladies xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    I love your beautiful inspiring cards today 😊
    I hope you managed to get some sleep last night, and are relaxing today. Take it easy xx
    Karen, sorry to hear about your day yesterday. Hope you’re resting today too xx
    Very wet and windy here today! Getting fed up with this awful weather now…..roll on summer.
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Lovely inspirations cards. All beautiful.
    I have made some, hurray so will send them to you soon.
    Hope you got some sleep last night. The weather was so stormy outside so it was hard to nod off properly and now it's raining again but the morning was nice.
    Karen- hope you are alright ? you take care.
    Janet- I'm sure you found something in all your beautiful papers and dies to make up a box out of. Hope you had a fun time with the other ladies.
    Sonia- is your Son back from his trip to Amsterdam ? hope they had a great time. Going to see Step-son over the weekend so back on a plane again. Luckily my cough is a lot better but it made you feel pretty crappy and weak.
    Lilian- hoping your back is getting a bit better. Do you have something special for it. OH using a beanbag , not a treatment but he saying it feels better.
    Brenda- hope you doing alright and John too.
    Sue- are you ok ? you are busy with having the grands around. Hoping our missing friends are alright and feel like popping in and say hello again, missing you.
    Take care everyone and many hugs are being sent to you all. xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. Lovely bright and cheerful cards to inspire us all. Sad for you of the reason why you weren’t able to make a card though my lovely xx
    I’ve been having a sorting out day but will be having a play when I have cleared myvdesk. I hope you all have had a good day. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

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