
Friday 24 March 2023

My Mothers Day Card from Lucy


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Another week has whizzed by, this time next week it will be at the end of the March, thats jusy crazy.  Mind you I am ready for the weather to be warmer.   It's lovely seeing the garden Spring into life too. 

Today I am sharing my beautiful Mothers Day card from Lucy,  she chose 2 of my favourite SU colours, she also has proved that a Christmas die doesn’t have to be used just for Christmas! I love it, I love how they pick up little tricks like putting gems in flower centres, they clearly take more notice than I think they do.  So if your looking in Lucy I absolutely love my card, thank you xxx

Our Weekly Challenge 

We will continue our theme of Simple Backgrounds,  that Karen chose last week for another week.  I think two weeks is better for the challenges as it gives us more time to explore the theme. 

I hope that you all have a great Friday,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    I absolutely love your card from Lucy, it’s beautiful 😍
    Having not had much time to craft this week, I’m very happy to carry on with the challenge. I’ve got a card in the making which just needs finishing off to send in for this week ☺️
    Maria, Luke and Hayley loved Amsterdam and are already thinking about going back! I hope you have a lovely time with your Son 😊
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a gorgeous card from LUCY. They really take after Mum in their creative side.

    Another week gone - I'm sure someone steals the days lol.
    You all know my timetable for today so I'd better get a wriggle on though it will be at the bottom of the speed table.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. A beautiful card Lucy Like your mum I would feel extremely proud of being sent a handmade card from my daughter
    I woke up thinking today was Thursday!
    I’m happy to have these challenges run for 2 weeks mainly because I don’t send as many cards as I used to and already have a glut of them
    Those photos, Sonia, are stunning What a keepsake
    Dancing later, daughter is teaching Might not feel up to crafting later - long story
    Take care everyone

  4. Morning everyone from Birmingham airport. Off to see stepson for the weekend so just having something to eat before flying out.
    Sandra, the card from your Lucy is gorgeous. I love the frame and the colours goes so well together.
    Have a good day everyone and take care. Many hugs are sent to you all, Maria xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your very special Mother’s Day card from Lucy, love the colours she chose, it was great she knew just where to find the perfect card!!
    Maria enjoy your trip to see your stepson, I’m sure you will have a great weekend. xx
    Janet hope you got through all of your Friday chores and now have time to relax. xx
    Sonia hope James is alright and not in to much pain xx
    Karen enjoy your dancing later. xx
    Wishing you all a lovely weekend, take care and stay safe.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  6. Hello, is it me or is it still very cold? It’s been blowing a gale here all day. My Pieris has just started flowering, it’s very heavily laden with flowers, I just hope the wind doesn’t blow them off.

    Sandra your Mother’s Day card is lovely, how did she manage to make that on the quiet.?

    My touch of sparkle pens seem to have changed colour, so my card this weeks looks as though the petals have gone rusty.

    Hope you are are ok, well the best you can. Maria hope you have a good time with your stepson. Hugs to all Lilian

    PS Sandra hope your pain has eased a bit.

  7. A beautiful card from Lucy. I had to look twice when you said a christmas stamp had been used. I spotted my first butterfly out in the garden on Wednesday. A beautiful yellow one. Spring must surely be coming. Hugs Mrs A.

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