
Friday 17 March 2023

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

It's Friday again!!  Where did that week disappear to?!!  I have had a couple of days out and about with the girls and a couple of very 'busy' nights 🤣😂, so thats maybe where my week disappeared!  How about yours ??

Have you all got plans this weekend, I'm sure that your families are all excited to celebrate having such amazing Mum's as you lovely Ladies 😍😘

Our Next Challenge 

I was thinking about 'Backgrounds' for this weeks Challenge, but hadn't decided on specifics.  
Karen came up with the idea of Simple Backgrounds'  So that's our Challenge for the next 2 Weeks. 

I have shared some of my simple backgrounds above, I also looked for some on Pinterest to give some different ideas....

Adding ink to a stamp block and stamping a simple 
Background can make a great backdrop for a simple stamped image or die cut.

This background is so simple and delicate a simple inked square in a light shade looks incredible. (You may need to zoom in to see it)

A simple embossed background can look amazing 

I love this card, a simple stencilled background
Looks amazing with that simple flower.

Ladies I hope I have given you some inspiration for our next Challenge,  I look forward to seeing what you all create.

Not much planned today, apart from welcoming Flynn home, I want to have a relaxed day as we are driving to Devon and back tomorrow,  Paul wants to be back so that I can have a relaxed Mother's Day. 

Have a fantastic Friday my lovelies,

Love & huge hugs to all of you,



  1. I hope you like this challenge ladies I know we’re not all into inking/stamping/ adding texture paste etc to make a background
    Having our hair done this afternoon and need to take some items back to John Lewis as none of them fit
    OH is at Chelsea tomorrow- I love him to bits but I do like these times on my own and Sunday we’re going to the Ideal Home Exhibition I have never been My mil used to go every year So I’m looking forward to it

  2. Hello, dry here at the moment, back is playing up again today, it’s been much better for a couple of weeks, not sure what sets it off.

    Great idea for next weeks challenge, will start after family have left tomorrow.

    Not much else happening here, just excited to see daughter and son in law.

    Apologies for missing yesterday, was busy tidying up , putting away the things I used for last challenge.

    Have a lovely weekend all, Lilian.

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I really thought I had left a comment on the blog yesterday, I know I did some online chatting, just think I lost the plot. Sorry.xx
    Love the simple background idea for the next challenge. I have a few ideas and am looking forward to seeing what everyone else makes.
    I can feel the excitement for Lucy and Flynn it’s a wonderful feeling, I know because I lost count of how many times John and I were apart when he was in the Navy. This June it will be our 61st wedding anniversary so the separation didn’t drive us apart.
    Lilian sorry to hear your back is playing up again, try to take it easy. Never sure if you should rest or try to keep mobile with backache I suppose it depends where the pain actually is, anyway take care. xx
    Karen I think we all understand what you mean about enjoying your time when OH goes to Chelsea. I think it’s all about having our own space, so often I will take myself off to my craft room and soon after John will follow my asking my opinion on something or other, he will also stand there looking around making suggestions about reorganising my craft space, when I’m perfectly happy the way things are. But bless him - I love him all the way to the moon back. xx
    Janet thinking of you, hope your test results are good xx
    Take care everyone. Love Brenda xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for the next couple of weeks, and some lovely inspiration ☺️
    I can imagine Lucy was over the moon to pick Flynn up ☺️
    I hope you have a good journey to Devon tomorrow, and it’s not too tiring for you.
    I’m working this weekend, so no plans here. My mum and dad are away so will catch up with them next weekend when they’re back. I expect we will go and see Marks Mum on Sunday when I’m back from work.
    Hope you’re all having a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx
