
Saturday 18 March 2023

Mixed Up Saturday


Brenda's Poppy cards

Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

Today's quote was sent to me by Gina, I think it's very true for most of us!  Thank you so much Gina for sharing it. xxx

As you are reading this we will be driving down to Brixham to spend the day with Paul's mum, we are hoping that the weather is nice so that we can walk around the harbour, we will have a nice lunch somewhere too, then make our way home early evening.   

What do you all have planned today? 

Craft Shopping from 

Ally Pally


Brenda picked up some lovely goodies,  I didn't go on the Cardio stand, it was so crowded whrn we first went past and after we were going round after lunch I didn't have the energy,  I still have quite a few of their stamps that i haven't used yet (listen to me being sensible 🤣😂).  I love that scenery stamo you have bought Brenda xx
That poppy stamp is so lovely and I love the cards that you made with it too (see above) I think you acheive much more when you just 'have a play ' with something new rather than having to have a specific project. 
You got some good bSic bits too, we were all amazed by the Watercolour lady Eunice Friend,  she has a YouTube channel and runs Watercolour classes, she has created her own paints and brushes and the ladies that were doing Make & Takes were all amazed by how great her brushes were and how pigmented the paints were, I got the brushes,  Brenda got the paints and the brushes.  I do want those paints but they will hVe to wait until next time.  
Thank you so much for sharing your shopping with us Brenda, I am delighted to see that you are playing with your new things XXX


Karen had an a lovely day shopping as she travelled to and from the show with friends and spent lunchtime with us, she was as delighted to see Brenda as we were, it really did make the day extra special, you can see that Karen had a great shopping day too!  Like me she started out at AALL&CREATE and did a good shop there, I picked those number tags up snd put them down, I think i might order them for Mothers day!  After the first shop Karen had a little delay as she thought she had lost her phone, luckily it was quickly located and normal shopping resumed 😉🤣😂. 
Karen what do you use the Limetree card for? Is it good for pencils or pens ??  We all topped up on consumables,  glue, ink etc,  the Woodware tree is lovely,  you will see tomorrow how detailed it is and stamps beautifully. The stencil looks like it could be Aall&Create but is infact a visible image design, that Clocks embossing folder is lovely great for vintage and mens cards too. 
A great shop Karen thank you so much for sharing it with us. 


Sue and I did our shopping together which was lovely, we talked ourselves out of buying a few things but mostly encouraged each other to buy it whether we needed it or not!  
Sue got some lovely bits, I really like that Mixed Media background stencil, such great value getting so many different patterns on one stencil.  Those gorgeous Dragonfly stickers were only £1 and were so delicate and detailed, sue picked them up for Christopher to play with, the washi tape was a bargain, it was Anna Griffin too so great quality, I have to say that I was surprised that HoneyDoo were selling random things like that, I kmow they all have to make money but those things belong on those 'pile it high, sell it cheaper' stands I think.  The creative expression Stencil is fantastic as it had two different Mountain/valley or Horizon line stencils, then all the little bits too, I think it is water themed as it looks like reeds, fishband bubbles but I have to say looking at on the day it could be used for any background. Those vertical sentiments are fantastic I am going to order myself a set too as Sue picked up the last one, she got some great colour Oxides too, it pays to shop around though, two stands next to each other one had Oxides priced at £7.99 , sneakily had no prices displayed, so you dont find out until you are paying, when mist people would be too embarrassed to say " no, I'll put them back", luckily Sue asked beforehand,  we left it and looked at the next stand which was The Stamp Hut, they were selling them at £5.99,  so Sue almost got 3 for what she would have paid on the previous stand!! 
Thank you so much for sharing your shopping with us my lovely XXX


My Shopping... well I got the inks that I had on my list,  the other bits were a bonus!  First stop of the day was the Aall&Create stand where the offers were too good to pass up, it worked out at buy 2 get 1 free on one if the stamp sizes, the others were just as good too, I bought a few that I had my on,  the Sweet Poppy stencil and stamp were purely Brenda's Fault! , if she hadn't shown me her stencil and told me how amazing the cards being demonstrated were, I wouldn't have gone straight there and bought the stencil and stamp set.  I can't wait to sit and play with them.  
The last item wasn't for me, as I mentioned on Brenda's Description right at the end of the afternoon we met Eunice Friend, an incredibly talented Watercolour artist,  she has created her own paints, working tirelessly to get the formula just right, all pigment no fillers, so the colours are so bright and vibrant and so a little goes a long way,  I have been searching for a decent paint brush for months,  she was selling a set of three for £15, I thought she said £50 at first !  She runs watercolour classes on YouTube,  she has free tutorials too, she had a great deal on at the show though....A year's tuition (weekly classes) and the paints, brushes and Bockingford Watercolour pad for £90 !  I could see Paul's eyes light up, he had found the perfect gift for his Mum's Birthday & Mother's day!  So that's what he got, he also bought me the brushes,  I can't wait to see his Mum's face today, she has been wanting to start her Watercolouring again for a while.

I hope that you all have a great Saturday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone
    The quote is so true 😉
    I’m loving all of your crafty buys and can’t wait to see what you all create 😊
    I hope you have a lovely day in Brixham. Paul’s Mum will love her present.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Sorry, I meant to say, I love your cards Brenda, they’re beautiful 😍 xx

  2. Such a great quote So very true
    Oh Brenda, your cards are fantastic I had to steer around her stall because I knew I’d want to buy even more! I’m not surprised you bought them Sandra
    I have had a play with the Christmas tree stamp which you’ll see tomorrow
    I use the Limetree card to print on Pink Frog can be a bit fussy going through my printer. It is supposed to be great for stamping I will experiment at some point It is such good value for money and the quality is lovely
    It’s our turn to clean the bowls club today I can’t believe the season starts next month OH is then off to Chelsea I wonder what I’ll be doing ….. crafting
    Take care everyone xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Great quote, so very true.
    Love all the shopping ladies. Love the stencils and will have a look on YouTube for the lady and her water colouring. Brenda, the poppie cards are beautiful. Looking forward to see your creations of the things you bought.
    Like the idea for cc for the next fortnight. I haven't been in my craft room now for weeks, just don't feel right and the stupid cough makes me exhausted.
    Sandra, have a nice day with Paul's mum, she will love the present.
    Lilian, have a good weekend with your daughter and family. Take care of your back.
    Sonia, hope working is okay. Hope your Son and girlfriend have a great time in Amsterdam. A great city.
    I had a parcel from my Son this morning for tomorrow. A whole collection with little cakes and scones and tea bags from Patisserie Valerie. So happy for I really thought he would have forgotten. That can happen when you live in another country and the dates are different 🙂 I always have problem with father's day in November 😂
    Have a nice day everyone. Look after yourself. Many hugs to you all 🤗 xx

  4. Hello Sandra and Ladies,
    Love that quote - it is so true.
    Love all of your shopping ladies, Sandra you are naughty blaming me for you buying the Sweet Poppy stencils….. all I did was show you what I had bought when we had lunch!!! I am really pleased with all of my purchases.
    Hope your day has gone well and you are safely back home again, I’m sure Paul’s mum has enjoyed having you both visit. Try and relax now and be ready to enjoy YOUR Mother’s Day. xx
    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx
