
Tuesday 17 January 2023

Tuesday Blues!


Good Morning Ladies, 

We had sunshine yesterday ☀️ which was lovely,  boy was it chilly though,  it makes such a difference having sun streaming through the windows, mind you it highlights how dirty they are too! 🤣😂

I had a slow morning after another completely sleepless night but I was determined to get into that craft room.  I was a little delayed though as I was putting the dishes away after lunch and decided to spring clean the cutlery drawer and the drawer next to it that we keep sharp knives, veg peeler, tin opener in etc, how does so much junk end up in them, I found about 20 elastic bands, clothes pegs, wire ties, a couple of screws, there were about 20 plastic forks from salads etc (that are now in recycling where they belong)  I was ruthless and threw out all the blunt knives that we haven't used for years but never get around to throwing out.  It took me over an hour but it was worth it, they look so much better now!  

So when I finally got into the craft room I decided to create a blended Oxide background with my new Catherine Pooler stamp, I chose Mermaid Lagoon, Peacock Feathers and Tumbled Glass inks, I spent a few minutes blending, I set it to one side and sorted my stamp out, got everything ready and got my stamp positioned and inked it up , I stamped and added White Embossing powder.  This is when realisation hit me.......... I hadn't used my Anti-static bag!!  So instead of a pretty floral corner I have a blizzard on a blue sky!! 🤣😂

Round two, I did exactly the same up to the point of finishing the blending, I then left the piece to dry on the Aga while we ate dinner, I then used my Anti-Static bag all over the inked piece and then did my stamping, added the White embossing powder and heat set,  no blizzard this time !!  After finishing embossing I flicked some water over the inked background to give more interest.  To finish the card I die cut the 'love' sentiment twice, I added clear embossing ink to one and used the same white embossing powder as I used on the card, I repeated the embossing to give a nice glossy finish. I adhered it to the card and added a few white gems, I used a Tim Holtz sticker for the 'sending ' part, bit I  don't think I like it, so may try something else.                                                                                       What did I learn....don't craft when you are sleep deprived!! 🤣😂😅🤣

I hope you all manage to stay warm today, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA. It's in one of my all time favourite colours too.

    I'm hoping to get into my craft room to make a start on my CC for this week.
    We have a white start this morning thank goodness it's only Mr Frost but it's bitterly cold so we'll be having a stay in day.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. I love your card and the Tim Holtz sticker looks fine - maybe raise it a tad so that it’s not quite so close to the “love” The photo makes it look like it is touching
    It is mighty mighty cold and we did have a slight sprinkle of snow yesterday afternoon Glorious hazy sunshine now
    No plans today Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi, very cold here, we had a good couple of snow over night, so unusual for Cornwall only to have the snow, usually Devon gets it first.
    No hospital appointment today as one of the main roundabout is blocked. They were fine going to not her appointment to have a new coil fitted.

    Sandra your card is great, I think the message looks fine, think you have looked at it too much. Love the white embossing.

    No pavers here today because apparently they can’t use cement if the temperature drops below 4 degrees. What they did yesterday is looking lovely, just want it finished.
    Have a good day all, Lilian

  4. Good morning everyone
    Love the card Sandra. I think it's look wonderful but maybe keep the sending off or like Karen say, put it a little bit higher up .
    Beautiful frosty morning and it is cold out but have to do a journey out to see a doctor for my hips etc. Getting new pain medications so had to come off some of the others over the last two weeks and I have not felt too good.
    Have a nice day today. Many warm hugs to you all, xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    I love your card today 😍 The colour combo is fabulous and I think the sentiment looks fine 😊
    I was ink blending and embossing yesterday too, just need to add a sentiment and then my card is finished.
    A lovely bright sunny day, but it’s so very cold. The frost hasn’t even cleared at all.
    Maria, hope you get on ok at the doctors and you get some new medication to help the pain xx
    Have a good rest of the day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card today, your patience was certainly rewarded, it is really beautiful. xx thank you for sharing.
    Had an early start today. Yesterday I had a phone call from our local hospital in Croydon, they had a cancellation for a heart scan and as was next on the consultants lists it was being offered to me, it would have been silly to decline. I had to be at the hospital for 9am. Anyway I was home again by 12.45 now just awaiting results.
    Tomorrow I have an appointment at the Royal Marsden and on Friday John has an appointment following his eye operations. So it’s all hospitals this week for us.
    It has been very cold here, fortunately the main roads are clear, so we were fine as our house is only just off the main road. Others are not so fortunate, daughters described their journey to work both sound dreadful. Thank goodness they arrived safely.
    Hope your day hasn’t been to stressful and you were able to stay indoors and be safe and warm.
    Take care everyone, hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. What a simply gorgeous card. In some of my favourite colours too and the white stamped image is so clean and crisp. I hope honk I agree with the others. Maybe move it up s little or I think it would work just as well with just love on it. Knowing you it will continue to bug you until you find the answer 🤭 Sad to hear that you didn’t sleep last night. Fingers still crossed for tonight my lovely xx
    Maria, it’s good to hear you are going to be trying some new pain meds. I really hope they do the job or at least deaden the pain a lot xx
    We g hi ad a hard frost but no snow here last night /today. I have only been in for about half an hour and everything is already freezing! Please take extra care when you go out.
    I’m off to bed now it’s been a long day spent with Pop sorting some problem he was having. All done now so worth it 🥰.
    Sending my love. Take care xx
