
Monday 16 January 2023

Gina's Bright & Cheerful Challenge Card


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all had a good weekend,  ours was pleasant,  yesterday was a lovely relaxed day, Paul went out and swept the driveway,  the twigs and bits of branches were all over as the strong winds had played havoc with the huge tree at the side of the house, I'm surprised the girls hadn't complained about marks on their cars as some of the branches were really big,  because there are trees along the driveway we get quite a bit if green moss too,  it'a a pain to get off as it gets right in the gravelly tarmac, so you have to really go at it with a stiff broom.  That kept him busy for an hour or too, I am still not up to garden chores, so I set about having a good sort out and reorganise in our bedroom, I have been looking for my Kindle since before Christmas  but couldn't find it, the last couple of weeks before Christmas we had bags of shopping and parcels everywhere!   I finally got our Christmas gifts put away,  I just hadn't had the energy this last couple weeks!  I ended up waiting for Paul to come in and asked him to lift the bed up and there it was, it had obviously fallen onto floor and got pushed under the bed by all the parcels I had piled up before Christmas!                                                                           I am so relieved I have found it, I am hoping it will be useful in helping me fall asleep, you can adjust the brightness so its not to harsh on your eyes, I have been doing Sudoku puzzles but I think that's keeping my mind active! Fingers crossed it helps!  The other benefits is our bedroom is now decluttered and vacuumed too!   The other activity was remaking the jigsaw puzzle we had finished on Saturday evening   I came into the lounge to take a photo of the finished puzzle and it was gone!!!  I called Paul to ask why he had put it away so soon, he said that he hadn't touched it, so we were both scratching our heads!  I came back into the lounge to investigate further, looking around the other side of the coffee table I found it, neatly concertina'd on the floor!! Milo had had an attack of the 'Zoomies' earlier in the day and had clearly come in and nudged the puzzle off of the puzzle board, lilltle bugger!!  Paul wanted to try and reassemble the puzzle to check all pieces were present, so we picked it up as carefully as possible, not as successful as we'd hoped but large parts remained intact,  it took us about an hour to get it all back together!! 

I hope your Sunday was more exciting 😅🤣😂

Today's amazing card is the lovely Gina's Card for our Bright and cheerful challenge.  

Gina's Description:

"Hi, bit late to the party but my picture for the challenge. I made this card for my good friend who is terminlly ill. It is I think a Hero Art stamp that has a matching die bought about two years ago."

Such a lovely cheerful card for your lovely friend Gina,  Sunflowers 🌻 always make you smile, I'm sure it will really brighten her day.  I really love that embossed background too.                                      Thank you so much for taking part in the Challenge my lovely XXX 

I hope that you all have a marvellous Monday,  it's supposed to be a chilly one, so stay warm my lovelies, 

Love and hugs  to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx


  1. Beautiful card Gina Your friend will love it
    I’m glad you have found your iPad SANDRA but be careful it’s still “blue light”
    I didn’t manage the card I wanted to do OH thought it too generalised for a 40th I repaired a pair of jeans for my daughter You know the type t- the ones with holes but this hole got too big As I had my sewing machine out I made a sort of pencil case for my meds to go in my handbag It cost me the grand total of 54p - the price of the zip and I used an old pair of jeans for the fabric I enjoyed making it I must do more sewing
    I don’t have any plans for after work So will see what happens Hopefully dancing this evening
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card Gina, your friend will really appreciate it 😊
    Oh, naughty Milo, what a little tinker! 😌 😂 Glad you managed to get the puzzle back together though 😊
    I did a bit of crafting yesterday and hope to continue before work this evening.
    Damp and cold here this morning, and it looks like it’s going to rain so will be taking Barney for his walk in a minute.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi, the sun is shining, hurrah, it means they can get on with the new patio. It’s very noisy as they have to cut all the edge slabs.

    Love todays card, love sunflowers, always try to grow some each year, that’s if the slugs don’t get them first.

    Forgot to take a picture of my jigsaw, it was harder than I thought, but fun recognising all the chocolate bars, I must admit I remembered most of them.

    Hope you all have a good day, Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    Love the card Gina, your friend will love it too.
    Oh Milo, he is a bit naughty isn't he . Good you managed to put it together again.
    Hoping you all have a nice day whatever you are doing today. I'm staying under the fleecy blanket, OH has gone out on his own .
    Warm hugs to you all, Maria xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in today.
    Gina, your friend will be pleased to open up this beautiful card. Sunflowers always make you smile don’t they xx
    Sandra, glad to hear you have found your Kindle and I hope it helps you nod off and you can enjoy your tip top and tidy bedroom too xx
    I do find listening to audio books definitely help me go back to sleep after a visit to the loo or after changing positions during the night.
    Karen, can we see your meds bag? Hasn’t sewing patterns, zips etc got expensive. A pattern is at least £10 now! Every year we talk about sewing more, maybe 2023 will be that year. Maybe that could be a challenge one week? From maybe a simple hand sewn flower or a border on a card to making a larger item with a sewing machine.
    It has got really cold here today and it was already freezing the car windows when I left Tim and Roz’s at 6.45pm. Please stay safe and take care xx

  6. Forgot to say that you were lucky that you could save most of the puzzle. Gem and I finished ours off last night. It was a Father Christmas and Rudolf Wasjig type so good fun working out just what the picture would end up being xx
