
Friday 20 January 2023

Happy Friday Ladies,


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

This week has felt like a long one, I'm not sure why, maybe tiredness, I'm not sure.  I'm looking forward to the weekend though.  

We have a busy day today, I have a blood test booked this morning,  another step along this very long path to finding the cause of my 4 month long UTI,  I still haven't received a letter to book an appointment with the Urologist.  I might ask about that this morning.  Paul is going into work afterwards for a couple of hours,  then this afternoon we are going to look at a house, it has a downstairs bedroom and bathroom, its down a single track road, so should be nice and quiet.  We'll see, the girls are very excited !! 

Today's card is another shades of one colour/ Blended ink background challenge cards.  I used a stamp that I have had for ages, I stamped and added gold embossing powder and heat set.  I then used a combination of inks I have never put together before......

Seedless Preserve, Abandoned Coral & Tattered Rose Oxide inks.  

I started with the darkest colour Seedless Preserve, then the Abandoned Coral and then the Tattered Rose in the centre, I blended them in a circular motion, then when I was happy I used a soft cloth to buff over the embossing to reveal the gold embossing.  I haven't added a sentiment yet as I haven't decided which one to use. 

Our Challenge 

I mentioned yesterday about continuing the 'Shades Of One Colour/  Blended ink Background challenge for a other week, I have barely really enjoyed using different techniques to create inked backgrounds, there are lots more to try, I am looking forward to playing with the 'Shades of One Colour ' element a little more too.  I think we may do a few challenges over a 2 week period if thats ok with you, I often find that I am just beginning to enjoy a challenge and its time to start the next one .   

I hope that you all have a fantastic Friday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    We still have a layer of snow and it's below freezing.So pleased we aren't going outside today. Of course it's my 'swear' word day and Mr Tesco is delivering this morning so a busy day for me.
    At the moment we have plans to go to M&S tomorrow morning so I have everything crossed that we get there. We haven't been since 18 December and I do miss my

    Have a good week-end whatever you have planned.Please take care and stay safe. HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

  2. I love your card I have one little project in the making ~ it’s a blended background and quite colourful So next week I will try blends of one colour
    Today will be a bit of a “swear word” day for me because we are looking after the boys tomorrow
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    Another beautiful card. I really enjoying seeing the different colour combinations. And I agree that sometimes a two week challenge would be great.
    I hope your blood test went well. The house sounds like it would be good lovely and quiet. Where is it my lovely? Xx
    I hope you all have the same lovely day here with blue skies. Must get on, silly bits and pieces to do. Sending hugs. Take care xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Another beautiful card and I love the colour combo 😍
    Hope the blood test went well, and they were able to give you a hopeful answer with regards to your urology appointment xx
    Hope the house viewing went well 😊
    It has been a long week this week and I’m glad it’s the weekend. I’m off, and Mark is away tomorrow at a gig so lots of time for crafting ☺️
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra.
    Hope you all had a nice day and all problems and aches and pains soon are better. Take care xx

  6. Hello, dry but still very cold, maybe it’s my UTI that’s making cold all the time. Have some new antibiotics, Pivmecillinam never heard of it before just hope they do the trick, 5 days this time.

    Our patio is finished, looking absolutely beautiful, when we have everything straight I will take some pics. Lovely to have some piece and quiet.

    Sandra love your card, will try and send a picture of mine tomorrow, not very original but best I could do this week.

    Hope you’re all keeping warm and well., Lilian

  7. Just had some very good news, my broth is all clear from his cancer.
