
Thursday 19 January 2023

Blue Starry Sky


Good Morning Ladies, 

We had a light dusting of snow yesterday,  it was bitterly cold too.  We have lots of ice around as all of the fields and ditches are overflowing with river water, I bet the fields would make skating rings!  

Brenda I hope your day at Sutton wasn't too exhausting yesterday xxx

Lilian I hope your workmen are making great progress and I also hope that you aren’t in as much pain today too xxx

This is the Cottage Rose stamp I used on yesterday's card. It is a Stampin Up stamp that has matching dies too. 

Today's card was another blended ink background, I used the 'Trapped Emboss Resist' technique.

I used Chipped Sapphire,  Prize Ribbon and Blueprint Sketch Distress Oxide inks and blended them onto a piece of white card, the darkest (Chipped Sapphire) and blended the other two after. I dried this background with my heat tool.

I used my Aall&Create Star mask and inked through with Versamark ink and added clear embossing powder and heat set.

The final part of the technique is to add white ink all over the background,  the problem I had was that the white ink kind of blended with the blue distress ink, so it was never going to be 'true white' but it certainly made the embossed areas stand out more, I'm not sure which part of the process is 'Trapped' though! 

To make this inked piece into a card I die cut a star upon which I stamped the 'Happy Birthday' and added that to the card with some Angelina Fibres scrunched behind it, just to add some texture and the fibres catch the light like stars twinkling!  I also placed a few AB clear stars around as an embellishment although you can only see them with the light hits them. I cut 1/4 inch mat in white and then adhered it to a matching blue card base.  

A little different style card, it would be good for a male or a girl thats not particularly girly!!  You could also change the sentiment to You're A Star for a thanks or congratulations card.

I have enjoyed getting my inks out and creating these backgrounds, I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of this weeks challenge,  so do we continue for a second week OR start a new challenge and revisit this challenge in a few weeks??? Let me know below.

Make sure you stay wrapped up and warm my lovelies,

Sending my love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Lovely card I think the “trapped” bit is the embossed piece because you’ve “trapped” the blue stars
    Which white ink did you use - I’d like to have a go It would make a great Christmas card too
    We’re out dancing tonight So I will try and craft this afternoon but I get so tired very quickly just lately
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Morning everyone.
    Fabulous card and inking. The colours goes so well together and the blending is lovely.
    Not sure about you but I wouldn't mind if we stayed another week for this challenge. My days have not gone the way I wanted it at all....
    Sending many hugs to you all and hoping your day is good as possible , take care. xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A great card, I love the background 😊
    I don’t mind carrying on with this challenge either. I’ve made 2 cards but have another one on the go ☺️
    Hope you’re all having a good day and staying warm.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi, bright sunshine today, but very cold. The pavers hope to be finished tomorrow.
    I have another uti, more antibiotics tomorrow, also have to see the nurse about my swollen legs.

    Another lovely card, great blending love the stars. I have done a card, but it looks a bit ordinary still deciding what to add to make it look better.
    Have a good evening all, Lilian.

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Beautiful card Sandra, love the blending and the stars sit beautifully on top of the blends, it’s gorgeous.xx
    Not done a lot today, went shopping with John to Asda, but felt very wobbly walking around the store. But have been fine since we returned home.
    Tomorrow I have an early appointment 8.40 for a blood pressure check. Yesterday the the doctor at Royal Marsden was concerned because my BP is low and I have been having a few dizzy spells, might need my BP pills changing…… Just another thing!!!
    Lilian sorry you have another UTI and your legs are swollen again, hope the antibiotics help. Great you can see your pavers are getting on with the outside work, not the best of weather to be working outside, I expect the coffee/tea is in constant supply (and demand) xx I can remember although it was a long time ago we had workmen in, they hadn’t been working more than half an hour and asked me was my kettle broken - needless to say I took the hint.
    Karen enjoy your dancing this evening. xx
    Maria hope you are feeding better. Does your Fibromyalgia keep you in pain all the time? xx
    Sonia you put me to shame, you are able to keep producing cards of amazing quality and never run out of ideas. xx
    Take care everyone and stay safe and warm. Love Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda ☺️ I can’t take all of the credit, I get a lot of inspiration from Pinterest and of course our lovely Sandra and everyone here ☺️
      Sorry to hear about the dizzy spells, hope the appointment goes well tomorrow. Take it easy xxx

    2. :) not sure if I'm feeding better yet but starting again on Monday hihihi yes, it's every day. Some days are a bit better
      than others but normally even with the pain meds they don't really do much for it. I started some new once yesterday and they say it can take up to 4 weeks before you see any change so it's just to wait. You promise to take it easy Brenda and hopefully the dizziness will soon be gone. Hugs xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in. A lovely card and as you say good for different occasions with a change of sentiment. I hope to have several different cards made and various sentiments that can be added as appropriate. That is far more organised than the usual last minute rush but we will see.
    Sandra, it was so good to talk to you today. I am determined that I WILL get to actually see you very soon. Thinking of you and hoping you can sleep if only a little tonight and that your blood test goes well tomorrow my lovely xx
    Brenda, sorry your BP is causing you some issues. I hope the change of meds solves the problem xx
    Karen, you must be kind to yourself. You are still recovering from being ill and it seems to take quite a while to get back to full health. Listen to your body dear friend xx
    Lilian, sorry to hear you once again need antibiotics! At least you will have a lovely new patio to enjoy soon. I’m sure the pavers are so glad of the hot drinks you are making them xx
    Maria, have you started your new pain meds yet? I do hope they help you xx
    Janet, how are you getting on and how is Jim doing now? You will both be looking forward to getting away for the first time this year won’t you xx
    Sonia, are you enjoying having more weekends off now? I expect Mark and the boys like it too don’t they xx
    I’m off to bed now so will say good night, sleep tight, hopefully to you all. Take care xx

    1. Hi . yes started them yesterday but can take up to a month before you know so it's just a waiting game. Think I had them before but many years ago. Hope you have a good night. Sleep well xx
