
Monday 19 December 2022

Sonia's adorable Christmas cards


Good Morning Ladies,

All of our snow has finally gone, we had sleet/rain most of yesterday that melted any remaining snow and Ice, my Sister insisted on staying out in her Campervan on Saturday night despite it being -3 degrees, she said that they were fine though, they said that they had woken up and were watching the birds and squirrels on the bird feeders we have in the trees, she had watched the squirrel open the fat block cage and take the whole block!  Cheeky thing!  Our family Christmas Dinner was hectic but fun, we had a table that Matt used for his candle stall,  we managed to get 10 of us around it, it was tight but not uncomfortable,  sadly my sister said this morning that we forgot to take any photos, such a shame on the rare occasion that we were all together.  
As you can imagine after my sister and her partner treated us out to breakfast, (from which the left to start their journey home before dark) we came home and spent the rest of the day relaxing as we were both exhausted. 

Today's cards are more of Our Sonia's gorgeous Christmas cards,  as Sonia quite rightly says  "you can't beat a Lilli of the Valley" Christmas image, this collection of cards are so adorable.

Sonia's Description:

You can’t go wrong with some LOTV images to make quick cards. I’ve teamed them up with pretty Christmas papers, Chloe’s sentiment, The Stamp Market snowflakes and a Memory Box snowflake border die 😊

Sonia the pretty papers you have used work so beautifully with the LoTV images,  like they were designed to go together.  Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful Christmas cards with us. XXX 

I hope that you ladies have a lovely day today, hopefully it will be a little warmer, 

Sending my love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone
    Thank you for sharing my cards 😊 I love the LOTV images, they’re great for quick cards.
    How lovely that you were taken out to breakfast with your sister. Glad you had a relaxing day yesterday.
    We have wind and rain too, and the temperature has gone right up! I much prefer the cold and frosty days as it’s more seasonal.
    Mark has a day off today, so we’re off out shopping to get the last few presents.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Morning everyone
    I love all the cards by our Sonia, the LOTV images are so cute. The papers you have used are great. Where are they from ?
    Nothing left of the white stuff left anywhere. It's raining and it's a windy day. Going out to Lidl for a few bits to tie us over until next weekend.
    Have a good day everyone. Warm hugs to you all xxx

    1. Thank you Maria. I think the papers are from various Christmas sets by Trim Craft xx

  3. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sonia I love your cards you certainly turned these LOTV images into beautiful Christmas cards. Thank you so much for sharing them with us. xx
    Sandra your family meal sounds great- hectic but still fun, shame everyone forgot about taking any pictures, never mind …. Next time xx
    Have had a busy day trying to get all the gifts wrapped and packed into bags ready to be loaded into the car at the end of the week, still a few more to wrap, they should arrive via Amazon tomorrow 🤞
    Hope everyone has had a good day, take care and stay safe, love Brenda xxx

  4. Evening All, another wet and miserable day.

    Sonia love your cards really cute.

    Last order from Amazon came today, so now I can start wrapping.

    Hospital again tomorrow, obesity clinic, not sure what that involves.

    Hugs to all Lilian
