
Tuesday 20 December 2022

Michele's Fantastic Christmas card


Good Morning Ladies,  

Well yesterday was very wet and wild, it was lot warmer though.  Paul was shocked at how Sunday early morning the car temperature read -4° and Monday it was +12!  So crazy,  I was ready for it to be warmer though,  I am suck of sitting and shivering,  or getting out of bed to use toilet and then struggling to get warm again.  

What a long frustrating day yesterday turned out to be!! I called the surgery at 8 25am, but didn't get through to speak to Receptionist until 9.10am after having to explain at great length my situation,  I explained that I still didn't feel right (although I had started to think that I am just paranoid about the symptoms imagining I felt something when i went to the loo)  Turns out I was still having symptoms,  as although I gave in a sample first thing Monday morning, which was back on Wednesday indicating that Co-amoxiclav wasn't going to work for this infection, the surgery neglected to let me know, so I took a full 7 day course for nothing 😡  I did say that it was the same antibiotic that she prescribed me, she said that when she prescribed it it was effective and it had built up resistance that week!  So results.... my scan showed that my kidneys and bladder are fine, I am emptying fine etc, which is good news,  although I just want answers!  So we are back to square ⬛️ 1 !!                                             Going forward, today I start another 7 day Course of Nitrofurantoin,  followed by a 3 month short course the day after I finish the full course. 😢😭 She has also made an appointment for me on 4th Jan to discuss Hormone replacement choices, as she is convinced that it is menopause that is causing the problems, particularly Estrogen.  I'm not so sure but we'll see what's on offer.   So I will be spending Christmas on Antibiotics,  which isn't great and the Nitrofurantoin do make you feel rough.  She did agree 100% that I take Keffir fermented yoghurt every day, to help replace my good bacteria and repair my Microbiome from the damage caused by 6 courses of antibiotics back to back !! 

On a lighter note...Today's fantastic Christmas card was sent to from our Michele, such a lovely surprise. I love the Clean and Crisp design,  the photo doesn't capture how much the trees sparkle with the glitter card behind them, it really catches the light on the mantelpiece! I absolutely love your design Michele,  thank you so much my lovely XXX 

I hope that you all have a terrific Tuesday ,

My love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    Well our day too was so so different from last Monday,We had rain and wind all day with temps in double figures.
    Mother nature is definitely playing with us.

    We had a really good catch up on Sunday morning with Jim's Niece/Nephew and their teenagers. We forget just how quickly little ones become big ones and we in our turn become little lol. It really was lovely to see them.

    My week is now trying to get all 'normal' things done well before the week-end. Well I can hope.

    SANDRA I'm so so sorry that once again you are 'laid low'. I really do hope that this lot of meds will help you.
    Beautful card from Michele.

    Hugs on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card from Michele, I love the trees.
    Fingers crossed the antibiotics work this time. I hope they don’t make you feel too rough over Christmas xx
    We have sunshine this morning after a day of rain yesterday, it didn’t stop! The temperature has really shot up after last week.
    Mark and I managed to finish the last of the present shopping yesterday, so we’ve now got the task of wrapping it all.
    I’ve still been coughing and feeling congested after my cold so decided to do a covid test last night. I was very surprised that it turned out positive! I’d tested on Friday and that was negative. It’s so typical that I’ve gone all of this time without getting it and then end up with it the week before Christmas! 🙄 I don’t feel too bad in myself, so hopefully it stays that way.
    Hope you’re all keeping well. Have a good day everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Sorry I’m late in A beautiful card MICHELE
    Feeling rough today - nausea and bloatedness I haven’t felt like that for months
    Did manage to get to the zoo and lay a Christmas wreath on our son’s grave
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Lovely card by Michele.
    Janet, you do see on the children how old ones get 🤭 glad you had a nice time..
    Bummer Sonia. Hope you not feeling too bad and you are better for next weekend. The same for you Karen and Sandra and to anyone not feeling too well, I hope you still can have a nice Christmas.
    Did a quick trip to IKEA this morning. Finished off the last cards and trying to finish a CA.
    Sending many hugs to you all xxx
