
Friday 16 December 2022

Pretty Floral Card

Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Another week has flown by, there are only two weeks left of this year, it's so crazy, this year has literally flown by, is it just me or has it flown by for you too?! 

We have a very busy weekend ahead as my Sisters are driving up from Essex & Suffolk tomorrow,  my sister Claire is staying over in her Campervan, rather her than me, fingers crossed they have a good heater! As the temperatures aren't getting anywhere near above Freezing, in fact the car was reading -6 yesterday and despite us having lovely sunshine all day yesterday not one blade of grass defrosted!! 

So with everyone being busy on the run up to Christmas I didn't want to do a Challenge this week, you all have enough to think about. 

I will ask if you would share anything crafty that you have either been making or received so that I can fill some of the days over Christmas, if you don't mind xxx

Today's card I made yesterday morning,  I have bee  playing with stamp sets and dies that I have bought and not used yet or used very little.  The beautiful paper collection I cut a piece of is called "Awash In Beauty " which is a beautiful floral collection.  I cut a 3 x 3 inch square of the paper and added a Balmy Blue mat, I added that to a 4 1/8 X 5 1/2"inch card base. I added a piece of embossed Whisper white paper and added a narrow strip of the paper collection in a contrasting colour, I embellished that with a piece of white twine and a die cut label with the stamped 'Happy Birthday ' greeting.  I added some tiny pearls to the flowers to finish them off. I love the pretty Spring colours of this card, I was inspired by a collection of cards on Pinterest by Blue Rose crafts.  

I hope that you all have a lovely Friday,  

Sending love and warm hugs,

Sandra                                                                            xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    We are still well below freezing here this morning.I'm being told that at the moment we are -7. Yesterday never reached anything near plus and I suppose today will be the same.

    Well another 'swear' word day for me with usual Mr Tesco.
    We are supposed to be meeting Jim's Niece and her teenagers along with Robert his Nephew and his teenage Daughter who should be arriving from the Netherlands tomorow on Sunday. We have everything crossed that they can get.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Please take extra care if venturing out. Wrap up extra warm and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Hello All, very cold again, but at least the sun is shining.

    Sandra , very pretty card today, so bright and cheerful. Change the sentiment and it would make a lovely get well card.

    My cold and cough seems to have returned today, the cough is the worst part, such a job to sleep. Hoping it clears up before Christmas.
    Going to try and make something for the blog challenge after I’ve had a browse on Pinterest.
    Warm hugs to all Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    Another beautiful card today 😊
    I hope you have a lovely weekend with your sisters, and it’s not too cold in the camper van for Claire!
    We’re off to my brothers tomorrow afternoon for a family get together. We won’t be staying late as we’re not taking Barney, so won’t want to leave him on his own for too long.
    Janet, I hope your family are able to get over and you all have a nice time too.
    -8 on the car thermometer today….it’s getting colder 🥶
    Stay warm everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Pretty card Sandra. Have a nice time seeing your sisters. Hope Claire got a good heater in the camper van.
    Janet, fingers crossed that you and family will be able to get together. Lots of snow in your parts ? take care if going out.
    Sonia, have a great time tomorrow. Do you have far to go ? sure Barney be good home alone.
    Lilian, so sorry to hear that your cold is back and the cough. So many who have something going around right now. Wish you better and R as well.
    Karen, how are you doing ? Will yo be at yours for x-mas ? Take care
    Hope you all have a good evening. Many warm hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Such a pretty card today it looks like a watercolour, I love it.
    Hope your sisters arrive safely for your pre Christmas dinner. I also hope Claire has a good heater in the camper van. Have a lovely family weekend xx
    Lillian hope your cough and cold clear up soon and you will be well enough to enjoy Christmas. Are the family coming to you?
    Janet enjoy meeting up with the family at the weekend.
    Sending hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx
