
Thursday 15 December 2022

A pretty Floral card


Good Morning Ladies, 

How are you all feeling, there does seem to be some horrible bugs around at the moment,  Lucy has a nasty cough and cold with chills and flu like aches all over her body, Matt was convinced he has covid back,  I explained that it was doubtful but he had similar symptoms to Lucy with body aches etc.  I hope that you are all managing to dodge the germs, I think that we all have enough to deal with as it is. 

Lucy and Sophie are having a bonus week off as the Wildlife Park remains closed due to the car park and footpaths being so icy, its fun having them home but it seems like there is always someone in the pantry and the kettle hasn't been off all day,  it's a good job we don't have a Smart meter, I'd be looking at the thing every five minutes, do you ladies have them??

Today's card is a very quick and simple card that I sat and made yesterday afternoon,  I was really just playing with a stamp set and matching punch (for the vase).  I hadn't even opened it and I have had it since October but we have been focusing on Christmas cards since then.  It's a two step stamp set, the bottle has the main bottle and an outline that gives circle at the bottom detail then the flowers have the petals (which I stamped in Pale Papaya) and the leaves and flower centres (which I stamped in Garden Green) the same colour as the bottle.  I did punch the bottle out as I was having a play with all elements but it would have been better to have stamped it direct to paper as I think flowers should stand proud of the vase, but I wasn't about to fussy cut the flowers on this occasion.  To finish the card I created a tiny label and stamped 'with love' and stuck that to top of the bottle and attached a Pale Papaya Bow to finish.                           Now with hindsight and had I been in a better frame of mind I would have cut the stamped layer smaller and matted and layered an extra layer with some texture, embossing etc, but for a little experiment piece it's ok.  I might even have a play with it today, watch this space!  🤣

Ladies I hope that you are able to stay warm and cosy today, 

Sending love and warm hugs,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    As I'm sat at the moment the temp here is -9!!
    We are still covered in snow (the road is clear but that's it). At least we haven't had any more and fingers crossed it stays that way.

    My hairdresser is coming this morning and then it's back to present wrapping.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Please take great care; keep well wrapped and snuggled down. Stay safe.xxxx

  2. It’s a lovely card and how many times do we say that to ourselves “with hindsight….”
    There is a lot of nasty bugs going around I still have an awful cough I do have to go back to doctor (hen’s teeth anyone?) after Christmas So hopefully it will have cleared by then and the x-ray is clear too
    A friend might be coming over this afternoon but I might put her off because of the snow So crafting instead maybe for me
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Good morning everyone
    Pretty card Sandra. I think it is lovely as it is but you know best 😊
    -9c here too this morning and it is white and frosty. We are going to Bedford later but hopefully the roads should be fine, just the bit to get out of the estate is the worst because it is never salted.
    I wish anyone with a cold or aches and pains a better day and sending many warm hugs to you all. Take care 💕 xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful card today. The stamp set is lovely and very versatile 😊
    Fortunately my 2 week cold seems to be clearing now, but I’ve got a bit of a cough! So many bugs going around and will probably get worse if the predicted higher temperatures of 12 degrees next week come about. My car was -7 this morning, way too cold for me 🥶
    Hope you’ve all had a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Evening All, can’t believe I forgot to post again yesterday. Brenda your card is beautiful, love the colours.

    My cold is really setting me back, still have a tickly cough which keeps me awake at night.

    Like your card today Sandra, think it’s fine as is. I’ve not done any crafting at all this week, only sat watching tv, mostly re runs of the repair shop.

    Sandra do hope you have some news re your bladder, also your antibiotics are working and that you are feeling better.

    How is everyone managing in the cold, our heating is on night and day, dread to think what the bill will be, still that’s for the new year.

    Goodnight all Lilian
