
Tuesday 22 November 2022

Triangles Today!


Good Morning Ladies,

How are you all today my lovelies?  I hope that you are as well as can be expected, gentle hugs for those of you feeling under the weather xxx
Another very wet and miserable day here, it makes the house so dark and gloomy, we had the lights on at 11am. I can certainly see why people suffer with 'SAD' (Seasonal Affective Disorder), the sunshine makes such a huge difference to your day, opening the curtains and seeing a lovely blue sky just puts a smile of your face!    I have a daylight light bulb in the lamp on my craft desk, it helps with comparing colours etc but that's as far as it goes for helping with lack of sunshine.  I know that you can get special lamps to help with 'SAD' I wonder how they are different to a daylight light bulb.  

For Today's Shape Challenge I went with Triangles, I saw this simple design on Pinterest in many colourways, I decided to go with Masculine colours.  The first thing I did was die cut many triangles and then used a small star stamp and stamped each triangle and with ink matching the card colour to give a 'Tone on Tone' look.  
I stamped the sentiment in matching colours and then came the boring part....lining up those triangles (don't look too close). I used a piece of removable tape lined up with the markings on my glass mat to give a guide to line the triangles up to. 
I quite like the end result, it's always handy to have a masculine card in your tin too.

I went to bed thinking about shapes on Sunday night and Monday night, will tonight be the same?? 

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Mprning Everyone
    A very simple looking card SANDRA but a very effective one with a beautiful set of colours.

    Well we had the most miserable day yesterday with rain and no daylight in fact we had all lights on just after lunch and the forecast for the rest of the week doesn't look any better.

    My plan for today is to make a start on my CC for this week. I have four December birthdays and two birthdays need to go with Christmas cards so I need to make a start.

    HUGS winging their way toyou all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. A lovely card SANDRA Funnily enough I was dreaming about triangles last night It helps me to switch off and not stew over worries etc
    We have woken up to sunshine I wonder how long that will last!
    OH didn’t go to pub yesterday He’s doing dry November and thought the temptation would be too great🤣 So I didn’t craft Plus it was so gloomy in my craft room Maybe I will today
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Morning everyone
    Great card Sandra.
    All different shapes are tumbling around in my head and hoping today will be a day of crafting. Lights is on all day, don't think we will get to see much sunlight.
    Have a good day and enjoy whatever you are up to today. Many hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    A great masculine card today. The triangles are very versatile, would be great used as Christmas trees too 🙂
    We seem to have better weather here at the moment, the sun is shining and we have some blue sky, but it is clouding over so I’m sure we’ll get some more rain.
    James and I went into town this morning, I managed to get a few more Christmas bits, but still a long way to go before I’m finished.
    Hope you’re all having a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello All, wet windy and very cold here. So gloomy and dark as you all say.

    Sandra a great challenge card today, very unusual. Love the colours.

    Hoping to start my challenge card today, thought about what to do at 2.30am. Had trouble with my arthritis just couldn’t sleep. Also feeling nervous as I have to go an have my biopsy taken’s late should have had it done in the beginning of July.
    Have a good day all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. I’m thinking of you and hoping the results are good xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. A great card today. I love it, simple but effective in any colours. I like Sonia’s idea of using the triangles as Christmas trees too. It’s always good to have ideas for the men and non flower loving ladies. I think we are having the same weather as you. It started off bright here but quickly turned grey so lights were on from mid morning. I hate these grey days. I’m definitely a sun loving person. I have a SAD light which Chris bought for me as he is the one that notices how low I get during the winter months. It does help a bit. It’s something to do with different length of uv light as it enters your eyes apparently xx
    It’s been another day of doing lots of little jobs. I have to finish Gems birthday card for Thursday so off to sit at my desk now. Like you Sandra I have a daylight bulb above my craft desk and it really does help with getting the right colours.
    I hope you all get a good as possible nights sleep. Sending you hugs. Take care xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Great inspiring card Sandra love the colours you have used.
    I have two cards to finish off ( well it’s just the insert) for two of our grandchildren who have birthdays later this week. I need to get them in the post tomorrow so they arrive on time.
    Tomorrow I have hospital appointment in the afternoon, just my monthly check up, but it takes forever. I always make sure I have something to read and a puzzle book to pass the time and there’s always people watching!!! Hope your day is going to be as exciting 🫣🙉😎
    Take care, love and hugs Brenda xxx
