
Monday 21 November 2022

Shape Challenge Card 1: Circles


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Well we had a very wet weekend, rain 🌧,  rain and more rain!!  We didn't really do very much, I did some crafting,  cooked a delicious Beef Brisket that just melted in your mouth, it was so easy, I seared the beef, fried off 3 large onions,  de-glazed the pan with some wine then added beef stock, thyme and bay leaf, Worcestershire sauce abd cooked on High for 7 hours!  Paul made his amazing creamy mash and we had some buttery spring cabbage! 😋  

Today's card is a quick and easy card, I die cut 3 circles in different sizes from Bough's Of Holly' Dsp,  I set them to one side and embossed a piece of white card and matted it onto a piece of red paper from the same paper collection and then onto a 'Mossy Meadow' card base.  I added some gold twine behind the stamped sentiment and finished the card with 3 red gems. 

I am looking forward to getting in my craft room today, this challenge has be inspired to craft. 

Janet, I was glad to read that Jim is on the mend, we can 100 % have an 'Old Die' Challenge,  I love to hear which challenges you would like.  'Old Dies' are something we all have, thank you for suggesting it XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely Monday,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Great card and idea I started a Thrinchie (yes I’m still doing the challenge) which will fit this challenge and have other ideas to try
    Great suggestion for a challenge Janet I’ll look forward to doing that one whenever
    After the boys went home (lunchtime) we both caught up on a bit of sleep and then went over to my daughters for delicious pizza They have a pizza oven which makes the most delicious pizzas Plus seeing the boys again!
    Well the World Cup is in full swing I agree that it should never be taking place in Qatar but …
    So OH has been invited to go to pub with son in law which means I will craft this afternoon whilst he’s out
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card today, it’s beautiful 😍
    I sat up late last night doing some die cutting. So, after taking Barney for his morning walk I shall be crafting! I’ve got some ideas in my head after spending a few hours Pinterest browsing over the weekend ☺️
    It sounds like we were quite lucky with the weather over the weekend, both days were mainly dry, we had a couple of showers, and it was pretty cold.
    I hope you all had a good weekend. Have a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Nice card Sandra.
    Had to pop out this morning to get meds, send back a parcel and a quick shop at Lidl. Washing machine is on and I'm not sure what I do yet while OH is watching football on the tv. I am feeling very cold and it's going to rain all day so might have to get the heating on a bit earlier today.
    Have a good day everyone, many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  4. Hello, it’s been wet, to put it mildly. It truly bucketed down this morning, luckily we live on a hill, the railway line was flooded.

    Great card this morning Sandra, have sorted out some thoughts for this weeks challenge hoping to start tomorrow.
    Hugs to all, Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I love today’s card, such a great idea using circles, it works so well and each circle just flows into the one next to it. Thank you for your inspiration.
    Had a quiet weekend which I really appreciated. Sometimes you just want to chill and recharge your energy. Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend whatever you were doing xx
    Take care and stay safe and warm.
    Big hugs, Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. Some lovely challenge cards yesterday and todays card is beautiful. I have lots of toppers that could be used for one of the circles.
    I hope you are feeling ok my lovely. Your dinner yesterday sounded delicious. Beef is my favourite meat and with mash and cabbage you had a wonderful dinner yum yum xx
    I had a rough weekend, migraines both days! Feeling much better today thankfully.
    Karen, I hope you are improving today xx
    Maria, glad that you enjoyed seeing C and girlfriend. You will definitely need to relax for a few days xx
    Sending hugs to you all. Take care xx
