
Thursday 17 November 2022

Thursday Throwback Card


Good Thursday Morning Ladies,

How can we be over halfway through November already?? It's madness how fast these months are flying by!  In my mind I just can't think about Christmas yet, I don't know why, we have spoken about it briefly with the family asking if there is anything that they particularly want or need, of course the answer is always no, which isn't helpful.  I did see this suggestion for Christmas gift buying, it's basically ''Something they Want, something they Need, something to Wear and something to Read.  Sophie and Lucy have been doing something similar for the past few years, their Categories are:  An Outfit, A Surprise, something funny, Something Yummy and something Custom made/personalised.  They keep everything a total secret too!  We are definitely cutting back this year, especially as the older they get the harder they get to buy for.  Do you Ladies have special ways of gifting or Special Traditions, I would love to hear them, it might just be the inspiration that one of us needs.

Today's card is a throwback to Our Karen's Birthday 4 years ago, it is made using a Tim Holtz background die so works for this week's challenge too, here is the card details........

Today I am sharing with you the Birthday card that I made for Karen, 
Sue and I were playing with making different backgrounds last week, some with Pixie Powders, some with Alcohol inks and stains, I can't remember which background I used in the end, I have a whole pile on my desk that didn't 'make the final cut' 
The die I used to create the cut out on the front of the card is a Tim Holtz background die called 'Mixed Media 2', I was surprised by the size of the die.  I will say that the first time I cut it I had it to close to the edge of the paper and the whole die cut piece falls out, so if you use it, remember to set it in from the edge of your paper, learn from my mistakes! Hahaha
I used some of the background to die cut the Happy Birthday, then mounted the card onto Navy card and then onto a white base card.

Now I will confess that I did make a card yesterday (well almost), I was having one of 'those' days (Mother Nature's Gift 'Day 1' and totally out of the blue, I was beginning to think that they might have stopped, but Oh NO!!)  
Anyway, I had made a similar version of this but using a gorgeous background paper in mixed dark greens and gold.  I had die cut everything, stuck it together but couldn't decide on the sentiment, so I tried one, stamped in versamark but turned out slightly wonky so I cleared every trace of powder, used my anti-static bag to make sure there was no residue ink etc, lined it up re stamped and added powder only to find that I had a shadow from the wonky  stamping, when I added powder and heat set it was so obvious it almost punched me in the face!!  So I threw it to one side and sulked off to find a substitute!! I am hoping to save it somehow another day! 
I hope that today's card inspires you.

I hope that Thursday brings you joy and happiness,

Sending my love and hugs to all of you,




  1. Morning Everyone
    from an extremely wet start to the day here. It's raining so hard that we have a river running down the road at the side of us.
    Jim came home yesterday so at least things are moving towards normal. He still has to take antibiotics etc and take things easy for a while.

    It is lovely to see your 'throwback'card SANDRA.
    It's looking as though my CC for this week will be in that catagory.

    Congratulations SONIA on your new job.

    HUGS are on their wayto you all. Please take care and stay safe.

  2. Boy! The rain last night was horrendous At least it’s stopped for now
    This card is so pretty The photo doesn’t really do it justice I have still have it (along with all of yours dear ladies)
    Out dancing tonight Take care everyone
    PS Good to see Jim is home

  3. Hello, rain again, we are certainly paying for the hot weather in the summer.
    Sandra love your card, I have those dies, but haven’t used them much.
    R has to be a bearer at his friends funeral, the as you get older is more of your friends pass away.
    I have these elastic socks, but the tops are so tight that I can’t wear them, they are really painful, does anyone know how to make the tops looser.
    Hope you are all ok, and have a good afternoon, Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    Love today’s card 😍
    Thank you Janet 😊
    Glad to hear Jim is home xx
    I’ve not given much thought to Christmas either! It seems to come round quicker every year. I’ll be doing a last minute dash as usual 😂
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello Sandra, love this card, I have this stamp (I think lots of us have) it’s really beautiful and seems to look good on light or dark card, I must go through my stamp boxes a play with it again, it just works so well for lots of different occasions.
    The rain last night was also very heavy here, it did keep me awake for a while but tiredness took over and I slept through the rest of the downpour, although when I woke up this morning it was still drizzling so I’m guessing it never really stopped all night.
    Janet so pleased Jim has been discharged from hospital, I’m sure you are relieved to have him safely back home again.
    Lilian hope R didn’t find it to difficult being a bearer at his friends funeral. As you said about more of our friends passing away as we get older. For us this week has been one of those times. On Tuesday I heard my friends sister had died, she had been ill so not unexpected, then yesterday my cousins daughter died, she was 46 far to young to die.
    John took me to my hairdresser friends this morning, she is a breath of fresh air and always a pleasure to visit. I had taken my wig with me for her to see, the first thing she said (picking up her scissors at the same time) the fringe needs trimming it’s to full for you! After sorting that out she washed and trimmed my hair saying it’s not that bad really!! The hair brush tells a different tail, I’m not complaining I have got lots of positives to keep me going….. family and friends also so many hobbies, just wish I could stay awake long enough to enjoy them all 😘😍🛍🦋xxx
    Hope everyone has had a good day, stay safe and warm.
    Hugs Brenda xxx
