
Friday 18 November 2022

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

That week passed in a flash!  I am glad we are at the end of it though, time to relax for the weekend, we have no plans other than we need to get started on Christmas shopping (no we are not ready or organised)!  We are also still desperately trying to find a reasonably priced hotel for our London trip, I am so looking forward to our annual trip, I love having that couple of days to ourselves, however the cost of the hotel has doubled from the last time we went, we have been staying at the Travel Lodge in Covent Garden the last 3 times we went, it was around £90 to £110 per night, now the rooms start at £200 per night which is extortionate in my opinion, its the same standard, no frills hotel, not like we are swapping to the Ritz!!!  I still think for us it's important to have that couple of days together though, so we are looking for alternatives, it's not that it's because it's December either as I checked several dates into next year and they were the same, I understand that they have utility bills increased the same as we have but doubling the cost seems a little steep. I will stop moaning now!

Our Next Challenge

We haven't had a 'Shape' based Challenge for a while, so for this week's Challenge I would like you to 'Choose a shape' it can be any shape you choose, anything that works for you.  I think I am going to experiment with Triangles as I have a set of dies that I haven't used yet.  I have some nice Star dies from AnneMarie Designs too. Don't forget Hearts, they are a shape too, Ovals also!!  I don't mind what shape or shapes that you choose, you can choose multiples too, so don't think you have to choose one and stick to it.  I only aim to give you a topic to encourage you to make a card, I certainly won't dictate how you create your cards, in fact I love seeing how you interpret the challenge! 

I am as always looking forward to seeing what you create, seeing your designs is a huge highlight in my week. 

Fingers crossed the rain has eased where you are, it has been non stop here the past couple of days, it was so heavy through the night, there will be flooding for sure! 

I hope you have a lovely Friday (after you finish your usual Friday chores) having said that I love seeing my house all fresh and clean for the weekend.

Sending my love and hugs to all of you,



  1. This challenge will take me out of my comfort zone!
    I think you should stick with what you know accommodation wise Yes it feels like it’s gone up a lot BUT hasn’t everything At least at this hotel you know it’s comfortable
    I had a surprise yesterday- a phone calll from work saying that I’d got some “card” money to collect I’d totally forgotten I’d left some cards at the office for them to sell It’s not a fortune but every little helps for Gary’s charity I will donate the leftover cards to a charity shop just to get rid of them
    OH is going out tonight and I looking forward to having the tv to myself! Do any of you watch The Crown It’s my guilty pleasure at the moment
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Hi Karen. I started watching The Crown recently, up to third series now. It is really good isn’t it. xx

  2. HiSandra and everyone looking in today.
    Karen your card yesterday is just as pretty as it was on its first showing. I love those colours xx
    Sandra. I’m sorry but I did have a little giggle at the mention of Pixie powders. I only managed to produce mucky mud colours didn’t I!!! I feel for you on the frustration of messing up your stamped and embossed sentiments though. Walking away is sometimes all we can do. Prices of everything have gone up so much but that special time away for the two of you is worth it isn’t it xx
    Brenda how are you getting on with your wig? I hope you don’t find it too hot and sweaty as one of my sister in laws did. She used to lift it up every now and then to scratch her head then pull it back down leaving it at a wonky angle 😁 xx
    This week has flown by hasn’t it. I can’t believe it is nearly December! I’m not at all organised yet but must make a start very soon. Have s good day everyone. Sending hugs. Take care xx

  3. Hi everyone
    At last the rain seem to have stopped here in Lisbon. It was horrid to walk around when it came down as it was windy too. They are taking us out today by car so we get to see a bit more of the area. Tomorrow we are going back.
    Janet, good to hear that Jim is home. Wishing him better.
    Sandra, hope you find some alternative hotel or you stay in the one you usually staying in but bad they put up the prices so much.
    Have a good day everyone and many, many hugs to you all 🤗 xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week, and I love your inspirational cards.
    It’s crazy how the prices have gone up isn’t it? I hope you find something suitable. It will be lovely for you and Paul to spend some quality time together ☺️
    Karen, I have been thinking about watching The Crown but haven’t started it yet. It’s on my list!
    Maria, enjoy your last day and safe journey home.
    Hope you’re all having a good day whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx
