
Tuesday 1 November 2022

Karen's Tic Tac Toe Challenge Card


Die Cut/Traditional Colour/Flowers

Good Morning Ladies, 

Welcome November, the last month of Autumn taking us into Winter, although it seems too warm to even be thinking about Winter, we had a few cold days not long after we got back from holiday but it's been really mild for most of October.  The garden seems confused, my Dahlia's and Chrysanthemums are still producing flowers, which seems really late, I am wondering if it will change when the bulbs come up too.  I think they have forecast it getting a little bit colder with rain and high winds, why is it always windy on Bin Collection day, we have to put our plastic recycling in clear plastic bags, so you have to really weigh them down on Bin day, I don't understand why they can't go in a box like the Metal, Glass and Cardboard !  Paul's Mum just throws everything in one bag, which is much easier.  What do you all have to do? 

We have an exciting day today..... Our new mattress is arriving, new duvet and pillows too, fingers crossed they are as comfortable and almost 'life changing' as they make out on their website, I did loads of research and this mattress is top rated on many different surveys, you do have a full year to send it back if it's not for you, I will let you know!

Today's card is Karen's TicTacToe Challenge card that she made for last week's challenge, now I remember cropping it, I could have sworn I posted it but clearly I didn't, I am so sorry Karen, I always feel terrible when you ladies go to the trouble of making cards in time for the challenge and I miss them.                                                                                                                                                            The up side is that they get a whole blog post to itself, for me it is a bonus too as it's a day that I don't have to make a card for!!

Karen's Description:

''Here’s a challenge card I had to make a sympathy card for a neighbour 

Die-cut - Traditional colour (purple for sympathy) - Flowers

I love your card, those muted jewel tones are so lovely and perfect for a Sympathy Card, I had no idea that Purple was a colour that represents Sympathy, so thank you so much for that information, it's always good to know these things, I think that Sympathy cards are hard to get right, you worry about the colour being too bright or too dark.  Your card is the perfect balance. That striplet die is lovely, I like the font of your Sympathy stamp too.                                                                                                   Thank you so much for taking part in the challenge every week my lovely XXX

Ladies I hope that you all enjoy this first day of November, 

Sending my love and hugs to you all,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    So nice to get up to a lighter start tothe day after putting the clocks back. This morning the sun is also shining.

    KAREN a beautiful card for last week's Challenge.

    It's K&N this afternoon so my morning will be taken up getting my craft bag ready and hoping I haven't forgotten anything.

    We have three coloured bins for our rubbish.
    Black for general rubbish/Blue for paper and card/Brown for plastic and glass. Each are collected on their designated week. Itworks out on a fortnightly rota.

    Have a good day.HUGS are on their way to you all. Please takecare and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Thank you for showing my card It’s one of those we don’t like to make isn’t it
    The costumes at last night’s Halloween were amazing The ideas have got me thinking about next year already
    We have a black bin for un recycled stuff
    Blue for recycling Green for foodstuff and if you pay for it a brown one for garden waste They’re on a fortnight rota apart from the food (thank goodness) is collected weekly We are under threat of it all being changed and become a three weekly collection
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. So many beautiful cards over the last few days ladies. And Karen your sympathy card is lovely. Perfect for the occasion.
    Sandra I hope Paul and Sophie have managed to kill the wasps. That is a good size nest isn’t it! Xx
    I haven’t been near my desk as we’ve been busy helping Gem move back home so the whole house has been in turmoil but it is just starting to return to normal now!
    I hope you all have a good day. It looks like it’s going to be another wet and windy one here. Still very mild though. This time of year is hard for getting washing dry when it’s not cold enough to put heating on but too wet to get them dry outside isn’t it, unless you have a lovely AGA, I have always wanted one and still do even more every time I sit in your kitchen Sandra. Chris often says he would never have one as it would make him put on far too much extra weight with all of the delicious food he would cook in it 😄
    Sending hugs to you all. Take care xx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Yesterdays cards are lovely. Not sure what to use but will have a look this afternoon.
    Karen, your card is pretty for a sad occasion. Loved the photos from the Halloween party, both you and Alan o jees, look amazing :)
    We have a blue box for glass, Black sacks for rubbish, White sacks for papers and a Green bin for garden rubbish. It's been talks about bins for all but so far nothing changed and they are coming weekly for it all still.
    Christmas will be a very quiet time, I will just cook something different and hopefully facetime the kids. One in Portugal and my step-son have now gone to Spain. X-mas day might be spent with one of SIL daughters and the whole bunch, not sure yet,
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs to you all, extras for anyone who need some. Take care xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Lovely card Karen 😊
    Hopefully your new mattress has arrived by now, and all made up with the new bedding and pillows. I’m thinking you might already be trying it out, I know I would 😉
    We have a green bin for non recyclables, blue for recycling and small black food bin! We can buy a brown bin for garden waste too. Unfortunately our council do not collect glass, so that has to be taken to the bottle banks or tip! The food bin is emptied every week, but the others work out to be every 2 weeks, apart from once a month where all bins go out together! It’s a stupid system and you can imagine the chaos with every house having 3 or 4 bins at the ends of their drives once a month 🙄 Wouldn’t mind if the bin men put the bins back where they picked them up from….I often come home from work to find bins blocking the drive! Sorry, rant over.
    Wet and windy here today with a few spells of sunshine, think that’s the forecast for most of the week
    Must go as I’ve got to get ready to go back to work - doing some overtime this week.
    Have a good evening everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Karen a lovely sympathy card, I find it difficult to come up with ideas for sympathy cards but often feel less is more. Think you have got it just perfect.
    Our rubbish is collected fortnightly we have one bin for general rubbish another for paper and one for plastic and bottles so three in total, John always puts the bins out so I would have to check the council rota if he wasn’t here. Daughter in Essex has pink sacks for everything but still has to keep household rubbish in a bag on its own. Every council seems to hav different schemes.
    I have managed to stay awake the whole day it’s quite an achievement, even managed to get some housework done!!!
    Take care everyone, have a good evening, love Brenda xxx
