
Wednesday 2 November 2022

Another One Die 2 Ways card duo


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you well, warm  gentle hugs on their way to Brenda, Lynda, Maria, Lilian, Sue and anyone else looking in that might be feeling unwell. Gina how are you keeping, I haven't heard from you for a while, I hope you are okmy lovely XXX 

We had a lovely day yesterday the sun shone all day with the wind blowing we managed to get 3 loads of washing dry, I bought a new duvet cover and sheets so I had to wash those and wanted them dry to put the bed last night, the weather worked in our favour for a change!  
As I am writing this we are watching the mattress expand, opening the air tight packaging was very dramatic as the air whoosed out and the mattress doubled in size immediately, then it continued to grow throughout the afternoon, I reckon I might need a step to get up onto the bloomin thing,  when I last checked it was at my hip height!! 

Today's cards where both made using the StampinUp! Brightly Gleaming Collection, lovely papers with copper foiling, the second and third card I had made before for Christmas,  so I made a Thank you card with the same papers and dies, bit this Thank you card was a bit different, it's a 'Fancy Fold'.  This fold is basically a 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 inch card,  the Pretty Peacock layer is longer though, instead of cutting to the size to create a 'mat' you cut it to 4 × 10 1/4 inch, scored at 2 1/4 & 5 inch. This gives the extra piece at the front which is perfect for popping a Gift card in or maybe some money.  It was so easy and saves making an extra gift card. 

I hope that you all have as good a day as possible, 

Love & hugs to all of you,



  1. Pretty Very opulent cards You can’t beat a bit if opulence at Christmas
    How was the mattress last night?
    Sleep is evading me at the mo Mainly due to my insulin pump bleeping at silly o’clock!
    I haven’t done any crafting this week apart from a bit of crochet in front of the tele OH is at Chelsea later I might be able to do some later
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful cards today 🙂
    Hope you got a good nights sleep on the new mattress.
    Doing a late shift at work today, 3-9pm as we’ve got staff off. It makes a nice change not to have to get up early to go straight to work.
    Hope you’re all well, have a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Wonderful mix of cards Sandra.
    Hope you had a good night sleep.
    Sadly after buying our one it has proven not so good. Sore everywhere does not help.
    Popped to Hobby craft this morning and now we have a coffee in Dunelm. Card making to do back home. Nice autumn day today.
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs to you all, Maria xx 🤗

  4. Hello all, blowing a gale and pouring down with rain.

    Sorry I missed yesterday, not sure what’s wrong with me, I think it’s because I’m not getting much sleep.
    Karen loved your card yesterday.

    Lovely cards today, gorgeous bit of bling, just what you need for Christmas.

    Hope the new mattress and bedding was comfortable.

    Just starting this weeks card, stuck again, can’t find my silver card, only just found a new pack, must have tidied it away.
    Hugs to all Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. I love every card. The Cards are all so elegant, definitely pride of place on the mantle piece come Christmas or a birthday. I hope the mattress proves to give you both, well the three of you including Milo a very comfortable night xx
    To all of you not at your best I’m thinking of you xx This grey and wet weather that we have here doesn’t help to make you feel any better either! Sending hugs to everyone. Take care xx
