
Tuesday 11 October 2022

Brusho Background Christmas card


Good Morning Ladies,

A very quiet day here, I didn't manage to get out of bed in the morning,  the night was rough, the antibiotics are exacerbating the symptoms of my AF etc, with my heart racing I was so hot it was unbearable so I was laying with nothing over me, I just tossed and turned most of night, I think I must have fallen asleep around 4 30am, Paul bought me tea and toast at 7am, which I was so grateful for as I do prefer to have something to eat with my tablets. I was then up and about until the girls left for work, (Paul left a 7am), after they left I went and laid on the bed and must have fallen asleep and I woke and and felt disoriented,  I couldn’t that it was 12.15pm, Milo had tucked himself into the back of my knees bless him, I felt bad disturbing him.  I guess my body really needed that sleep!!  It wasn't long before Paul was home, we had lunch and then I went and sat at my desk to make a card, I was inspired by a card in a magazine, I just changed up the products. 

So for today's 'Inlaid Snowflake' card I took a piece of smooth watercolour card, spritzed it with water and then sprinkled on Blue Brusho, then I spritzed again, you just need to spritz until you like how it looks, its so easy to over do it. (I did try all of the blue Brusho powders before deciding on this one as the other two had other colours mixed in, I was wanting it to look like a sky) .
I dried the background slightly and then picked some snowflake dies to add randomly. I die cut the background and layered onto a slightly darker blue background,  I then used the same dies to die cut some glitter card and paper pieced them back into my brusho background,  they look so much better than being stuck on to the surface of the card, although piecing all of the tiny bits was a bit tedious.  It also took me longer as I was either shivering or sweating, I added the snowflake background onto a bigger white background,  adding the sentiment so that it was off the page, I also liked the idea of mixed font sentiments for a change. The final finishing touch for my 'Inlaid Snowflake card' was a few sequins in different shades of blue to give a little sparkle.  
I was pleased that I pushed myself to make a card, I did go for a lie down when I had finished though 😅. 

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    A very pretty card SANDRA and in one of my favourite colours too.

    Ihope you have had a better night and that your antibiotics have started to do their job properly.

    I was an awful day here yesterday. The roadwork machines arrived at 07.00 and started to take the top of the road off.
    So large lorries/machines and men were working all day until 17.00hrs.
    By this time I was ready to leave the country. We are not used to a lot of traffic/road noise although we are on a bus route it is a very quiet one. I am already dreading tomorrow morning as I have to be at the surgery for09.10 for my corvid booster and flu injections. Jim has to find somewhere to park close enough to the house before work starts and close enough for me to walk to the car.

    HUGE HUGS are on their way toyou all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Great card and idea I have always stuck snowflakes on top I will have a go at inlaying them
    I played with Pixie Powders yesterday (great minds doing backgrounds with powders!)
    I really hope once the antibiotics kick in you will feel a whole lot better Let your body tell you what to do Rest and sleep are great healers
    I had my covid booster yesterday My arm feels a little sore and I feel a bit nauseous Fingers crossed my diabetes stays in check (not like last time!)
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    I love your beautiful card. The brusho background is lovely with the inlaid snowflakes 😊
    I hope you have had a better night and have a restful day again today 😘
    Janet, that sounds awful with the roadworks, you’ll be glad when it’s over. Hope your injections go ok tomorrow xx
    Karen, hope you’re soon feeling better after your booster xx
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Yesterdays and today's cards have got lovely backgrounds. The inlay of the snowflakes are beautiful.
    Hope you are feeling better soon and Janet and Karen ,good luck with the injections.
    Janet, hopefully the roadwork get finished a bit earlier if the weather keeps. Take care going to the car tomorrow.
    I missed you yesterday because SIL and her husband came up to us for the day. We went out for a late lunch and then as always ended up at Frost for a mug of tea or in my case a hot chocolate.
    Feeling very cold and tired so spent the morning under the duvet. Spoke quickly to my parents before they going out with the mobile home for the last time this year.
    Hoping to do some crafting tomorrow when OH is out for the day to Tottenham/ football. I wonder where my Son put my Pixie powders ? Haven't found my glitters either so must have a search around. Lilian, did you find your x-mas stamps etc yet ?
    No heating on in the house yet so it feels pretty cold. Any of you put it on yet ?
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card today using your Brusho Powder (confess - I haven’t touched my brushos in ages) you have made a great inspirational card.
    Janet I feel for both you and Jim with all the noise and disruption outside you house. Hope Jim managed to find somewhere close by to park your car ready for your appointment tomorrow morning 🤞
    Karen hope your arm is feeling better and injection has not affected your diabetes. xx
    Sandra hope your antibiotics have started to work and you are starting begging to feel the benefit.
    Take care everyone. Love Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. What a lovely card. I love how the snowflakes look being laid in. I will be trying to remember to do that. A beautiful background too, perfect as a sky effect. I’ve been trying to make some too today! Great minds etc as Karen said 😁 I hope you are feeling a bit better today and that you manage to get plenty of sleep. That is probably just what your body needs so go with the flow my lovely xx
    Brenda, glad you are feeling better today xx
    Karen, I hope you feel better in the morning and your levels don’t play up like they did last time xx
    Janet, such a disturbing time for you and Jim. Hoping he manages to get as close as possible for you and that your jabs go well with no bad aftereffects xx
    Maria, good hunting for your sparkly bits xx
    Lilian, how are you getting on. Is your back any better? I hope it is xx
    Sonia, have you had your booster yet at work? Do you have any Covid cases there? Xx
    I’ve been having a play today, haven’t made a card yet though. Both Chris and I are off for hearing tests tomorrow. I’ve had some loss in one ear since an accident when I was nine but it is the first time Chris has agreed that his hearing isn’t as good as it was. We are like Jack Sprat and his wife in that we hear different sounds, tones etc. to each other so muddle along. Sleep well. Sending hugs. Take carexx
