
Monday 10 October 2022

An inky background piece


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope you are all well, my relaxing sunday wasn't quite the relaxing day I had hoped for as I spend a few hours in Urgent Care, I have been feeling achy and rough for a few days, unable to get a decent night sleep etc but couldn't put my finger on what was wrong, I went to bed on Saturday evening,  I was exhausted as we had prepared a big roast as Flynn was home but had to be back on ship Sunday night,  Lucy had asked if we could have roast on Saturday instead, so that's what we did, I felt really uncomfortable, almost bloated, but tried to get some sleep,  which didn't happen,  I was up about 3am that's when I discovered I had the dreaded UTI, my back was really aching too, so I thought it may have gone to my kidneys, I went back to bed and laid waiting until a reasonable time to wake Paul, I then rang 111 and the lady made an appointment for us at Urgent Care department at the Great Western in Swindon so we set off for the 10.45 appointment,  we discovered then that it isn't an appointment, it's basically an 'arrival time ' you then have to wait and wait, I got excited when we were called but that was only triage, so back we went to wait another hour, although the triage nurse told us we were next!  We saw a lovely Nurse Practitioner,  who was very thorough, she decided to treat for Kidney infection rather than just UTI, so Cefalexin antibiotics,  which us what I had back in july, she has sent sample away and i have to call to check that I am on the correct antibiotic on Tuesday,  they made me feel really rough last time, and 4 hours after taking first 500mg dose I already have a sore tunmy!  I have bought some Kefir,  which is Fermented Milk drink, it has way more good bacteria than the probiotic 'yakult' type yoghurts, hopefully that will help ease the discomfort.

I was planning to do some crafting yesterday while Paul was in the garden, but I was shivering most of the day, I  did find an inky background that I had made a few weeks ago, so I stamped this 'Arty' Woodware stamp straight onto it, added clear embossing powder and heat set, I love how shiny and perfect embossing makes the ink.  I cut the bottom off of the stamped image in an attempt to straighten the stamping,  I think the watercolour paper wasn't straight to start with which didn't help! I matted and layered with black and white, I think I will incorporate this piece into a journal rather than make it into a card. 
Sorry its not a very inspiring piece,  I do need to make more inky backgrounds though, they are great to have as a stand by. 

I hope that you all have a marvelous Monday, 

Love you all lots,



  1. Hi everyone
    I love your inky creation 😍 The colours are fab, and I love the stamp you’ve used.
    I hope you had a better night last night and the antibiotics soon kick in. Take it easy xx
    I bet Lucy loved having Flynn home, if only for a short time 😊
    Not doing much today, just pottering about doing odd jobs and making sure all the washing and housework is up to date before I go back to work on Thursday!
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Hello all, lovely sunny day here, still cold, but keeping warm with extra layers, no heating on yet, but the heavy winter duvet went on this morning.

    Sandra do hope you will soon be feeling a bit better. Your card is great, your inky backgrounds really work well, mine always look a complete mess unless I use pale colours .

    Made soup this morning for lunch for several days, lovely and warming . Also made four cloth bags for R to store his Masonic regalia in. Not sure what I’m going to do this afternoon. Maybe try and start next challenge page.
    Hope you all have a nice afternoon, Lilian

  3. Hi Sandra and all. A great card today, perfect for those backgrounds I have made but rarely use. I hope the antibiotics are starting to take effect. Glad that you were listened to. Sending you big hugs my lovely xx
    Brenda, I hope you are feeling a little less tired today xx
    Silly headache earlier so haven’t done anything much yet. Sending hugs to you all. Take care xx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Great inspiration for everyone today and brilliant use of a standby background. (I have a few ….. just in case ) the background colours work so well with the with the stamped image. Thank you from me for your inspiration xx
    Hope you have taken life easy today and starting to feel a bit better and your medication is starting to work, do take care. xx
    I felt a bit better today and pleased to say the sickly feeling has gone.
    Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Take care and stay safe, Love Brenda xxx
