
Monday 24 October 2022

A TicTacToe Challenge Christmas card


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

How are you all this wet Monday morning?  We had a few nice hours yesterday afternoon, Paul did a bit more on vegetable patch and I managed to get 5 pots filled with tulips and daffodil bulbs, I have loads left over but the rain clouds gathered and we had to give up and go in.  It was nice to get some done though, we will put a few more in pots and then the rest will go in the ground. I prefer to put them in puts though as you can move them around where you want them and don't have to dodge them when you are planting summer bedding.  What do you all do??  

Today's card was inspired by a card I saw on Pinterest, I love the 'Soft Succulent' colour mixed with Sahara Sand', these colours work perfectly with the Tidings & Trimmings patterned papers. The stamp set is called Evergreen Elegance,  I have had this stamp set for a year or more and forget how lovely the trees were....

These trees would be lovely stamped with that lovely Cottage Ivy ink that Lilian used for her challenge card featured on yesterday's blog.  I stamped it in Soft Succulent to match the background paper.  
One thing that doesn't show up on the photo is the silver gems that I added down the tree for a little sparkle.  The other thing that I remembered to do was to create an insert, pictured above.  Having the inset matching makes such a difference to the card, why do I forget to do them? every year I say (after sitting for a whole day creating inserts) that I will make them when I make the cards. Mind you thats like us saying we will make a card every month!  Maybe next year? 🤣

I hope that you are all getting on with your Christmas cards,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone
    Love your card today. The stamp set is beautiful 😊
    Glad you managed to get some gardening done before the rain set in. We had torrential rain here through the afternoon with thunder and lightning! I’m like you, preferring to put plants and flowers in pots so they can be moved around - especially with a very inquisitive Barney 😂🐶
    Catching up with housework today, and taking Barney for a groom this afternoon.
    Have a good day whatever you’re all doing
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Very pretty I never do inserts unless I’m commissioned to do one The few people that ask me to make a card for them prefers them to be blank
    I ended up doing a big family roast yesterday which was lovely (but tiring) I love having daughter her partner and the boys I smile from ear to ear with boys and their antics!
    We’re looking after Oscar today (half term) and as it’s dry at the moment 🤞we are going to the zoo Oscar isn’t that interested in the animals but they have an enormous s soft play area which he loves
    Take care everyone xxx

  3. Morning everyone
    A lovely card Sandra. Beautiful x-mas tree, not just for x-mas 🤭
    We had the same weather as Sonia and the thunder was right over the house for about 10 minutes and the wind emptied a lot of trees of their leafs so that will have to be raked up at some point but way too wet to do now.
    I got about 2 1/2 hours sleep last night, just couldn't sleep so did some crafting instead while hubby was snoring away next door 😊 not tired yet but sure it will come this afternoon. Off this morning to IKEA for a brekkie and free coffee's, probely need a few 😉
    Have a good day everyone and many hugs are sent to you all.xx

  4. Hello all, wet again, we are making up for lack of rain in the summer.
    On my own again tonight, R is away in London seeing our daughter and going to a meeting, home again tomorrow.

    Sandra love your card, today, the tree stamps are lovely, as are the colours you have used.

    Thought I would finish my card today, but nothing turned out right. I’ll have another go tomorrow.
    Hugs to all Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love everything about today’s card, the colours (like you I love green), the fir trees are perfect for Christmas but equally would work all year round.
    Pleased you were able to get outside for a while yesterday and plant some bulbs, shame the weather changed. The rain and thunder here was torrential.
    I’ve been to see my sister for a couple of days, daughter was driving to Leeds to help granddaughter move into a new bed sit (she is now doing an MA. Think I’ve got that right) and passing Loughborough on the M1. She suggested she drop me off and pick me up on her return. It was brilliant door to door service. I had a lovely couple of days and sister was well and in great form. Unfortunately the Wi-Fi in in the convent is dreadful even though it’s a modern building, I think it could be sorted out but the sisters except what they have!
    Hope everyone has been keeping well.
    Take care, love Brenda xxx
