
Tuesday 25 October 2022

A Christmas 'Z'Fold Card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Well what a wet & miserable start to the week, we had some torrential rain storms throughout the day, it makes the house feel chilly and damp almost.  Weather like that makes me want to eat stews and shepherd's pie, real comfort food, my girls turn their noses up at the mention of a shepherd's or cottage pie, I have no idea why, when we were children 'Mince & Mash' was a favourite tea, I honestly think my mum couldn't be bothered to dirty another dish so it always stayed as mince and mash, its one of the things I crave if I am unwell.  I think I will make a shepherd's pie for Paul and I and they can sort themselves out.

We are having food wars at the moment as the girls paid and had a food allergy/sensitivity test done,  the sent off hair samples to a lab and their hair was tested against different foods etc, they don't mention 'intolerance ' but they both received a list if foods that they should either cut out of their diet or have rarely.  Annoyingly they both had things that we have on a regular basis,  Chicken, Salmon, potatoes to name just a few,  the bit that confused me was that it was based on the DNA they extracted from their hair, now Sophie and Lucy are identical twins and therefore share the same DNA, the only difference between them is their fingerprints!   So how one could be 'Sensitive to Salmon and the other Chicken is beyond my comprehension, the other thing that made me laugh was that Lucy was told to avoid Shellfish but it has only ever been Sophie that's felt bloated or had mild upset stomach after eating prawns etc, Lucy has never had any problems eating them!!  But now every time we have chicken they moan, I have said that I had never heard one of them having any reaction to chicken before this nonsense!  What do you ladies reckon?? 

Today's card is a Z Fold card using some patterned papers called 'Whimsical Trees'  I created the card base in white card stock then added a mat of the patterned paper, I fussy cut some of the 'whimsical trees' from the patterned paper and adhered them to the bottom corner of the inside of the card.  I then die cut a panel of the patterned paper and matted it onto silver and Mint Macaron card (to tie in with papers'. I finished the card with a die cut sentiment that added 4 layers to to make it stand out, I then added some tiny silver pearls to finish the card.  I seem to be having a 'green' phase! 

I hope that you all have a terrific Tuesday,

Love and hugs to all of you,

  • xxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful card SANDRA and that shade of green is just gorgeous.

    Now on to your 'battle field'. I am really one of the 'old school' when it comes to food. I can never understand these tests for allergies etc. I can only say that my Grandmother on my Dad's side had ten children (I know she lost three) but the other seven survived and I still have an Aunt living well into her 90s (I'm 76) and Dad never had any problems.
    I all my life have cooked old 'comfort' food and my two girls have never had any food problems. They were brought up on food we were eating -I never bought baby foods etc. We couldn't afford to as money was tight in the 60s.
    So I think companies who sell these tests are just wanting to make money. If you haven't had any reactions to certain foods then why have the tests.
    Rant over - box back in the cupboard.

    The CAFE is OPEN. The heating is on and there's cake in the tin so help yourselves. HUGS are on their way to you all.Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. I love the card I really need to try different types of fold
    I agree to a point with Janet - although one of my grandchildren has cows milk intolerance It makes him quite ill These companies do jump on the bandwagon a bit What prompted them to have these tests? Is it a “fashion/craze” thing?
    I am on annual leave this week I shall be pottering about today but I do need to do a bit of sewing for a Halloween costume
    Other than than I shall flit between card making and crochet
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your card 😍
    Oh dear, sounds like a right struggle with the food issues! The results do seem strange though. I’m one who stops eating anything that I’ve had a reaction to or been ill after - fortunately, that’s not very often and off the top of my head I can’t think of anything that I’ve had to avoid - unless you count Tequila, but that was self inflicted, lol 😂🤢 Sorry, on a serious note, I can understand how difficult it must be for you - we’ll always had food issues in our house, what with someone not liking or wanting what I cook. Thankfully the boys are at the age now when they can sort themselves out, so I give them the choice 😊
    Karen, enjoy your week off.
    Busy day here again - Barney to the vets for his yearly check up, shopping, more washing and packing! So sorry, but I really don’t think I’m going to get a chance to make a card for this weeks challenge, but I shall look back through my cards to see if there’s anything suitable.
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Another beautiful inspiring card today, love the ‘Z’ fold it’s really different and the colour is right up my street.
    You have my sympathy coping with the girls and food likes/ dislikes our younger daughter was a nightmare from about the age of 6 with her food. But she survived and flourished. I’m sure your girls will be fine, but if they don’t like what’s on offer tell them to do there own food. Oh the joys of being a parent- Best of luck xxx
    Take care everyone, sweet dreams.
    Hugs Brenda xxx
