
Friday 2 September 2022

Trying a new Technique


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I have decided that you all deserve a week off, well kind of, I am not going to set a challenge as such but I would like you all to try something NEW, a new style or a new technique,  something that you keep seeing on Pinterest that you love the look of but haven't tried yet because it's easier to stick to what you know!  If you do have a go at something new I will share it next Sunday as usual, we will ne home then too.

It was looking through my photos that made me think about suggesting this instead of a specific challenge,  I have so many screen shots of cards I have seen and loved but not gotten around to having a go at. 

Today's card is one of those, I have seen loads of cards that are made using 'Shadow Stamping'  but shadow stencilling isn't really a thing,  but I think it looks quite effective.  

I took a piece of Kraft card and an Aall & Create stencil, I taped the stencil down and sponged through with White ink, making sure I had good coverage so that any colour I add on top really pops.  I then moved the stencil ever so slightly, literally just a tiny bit up and across.   I then re-secured the stencil and went to town with a selection of colours that looked fun together.   I slowly and carefully removed the stencil and this is the result !  I think that little touch if white almost makes the droplets (or whatever those shapes are) look 3D.  I wonder how effective it would be with a black shadow?? You could try glittered or metallic shadows too.  I added a sentiment stamped on vellum, finishing with some complimentary resin dots. 

I look forward to seeing what you have a go at, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hello all, rain for this afternoon, hoping the washing will dry before it comes.
    Very unusual card today Sandra, shall have to have a go when I’ve finished this weeks. Will look for some other way that I haven’t tried yet.
    When are you travelling home ? How quickly time flies. Good journey when you go.
    Stayed up late last night to watch the tennis from New York so not very wide awake yet
    Hope you all have a lovely day, it’s the last sunny day of this recent spell. Lilian

  2. Lovely card and an interesting technique
    Funny enough one of my cards this week was a technique I had never done before but I’msure there’s plenty more
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your card and technique 😍
    I’ll have a look on my Pinterest albums to see what I can do. Got loads saved, but can’t remember what! ☺️
    Blimey, I can’t believe it’s nearly time for you to come home, seems to have gone very quickly.
    We had rain overnight and first thing this morning, but been dry since. Think it’s changeable over the weekend, but I’m working so won’t affect any plans here.
    Have a good rest of the day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card Sandra, the technique really looks good. Thank you for your inspiration xxx
    Haven’t made any cards for quite a while, think my mojo has gone on holiday! Although today I did play for a while with my alcohol inks, but got tired - nothing new there!
    Hope you are managing to get into the sea and enjoying that weightless feeling, it is so relaxing.
    Take care dear friend, love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Hoping the weather is better today Sandra. So sad to hear about the hailstones and their disasters outcome. The time has gone quickly but have fun the time that's left and hopefully the frog is gone by the time you back home.
    Yesterdays card was beautiful and today's is great with it's shadow technique. Will have a go of that. Have been out and about today and we have just dropped OH ex off at the hotel.
    I will try to get a card together tomorrow if it's not too late.
    Brenda, glad your blood results are better. Take care.
    Have a good night everyone. Many hugs Maria xx
