
Saturday 3 September 2022

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Well we got an unexpected bonus day on the beach yesterday,  we were forecast storms all day but got up to blue sky and sunshine,  so we grabbed a warm croissant and headed to the beach, I wasted no time in getting in the sea, Paul snorkelled for a bit as it was crystal clear, I don't think I will ever relax having so many fish around my feet,  the are waiting for you to stir up the sea bed with your feet so that they can forage for food, Paul went a bit further out and saw some fish that were over a foot long. With it being so calm he popped back and picked up the Paddle Board....

We stayed on beach until about 1.30pm and as wind picked up we went to Pool for a couple of hours, until we heard thunder in the distance,  we then came back to mobile and had a lazy afternoon!        We leave here next Wednesday and get home on Friday.  

Sophie was asked by a girl at work to do a pencil drawing of her Grandparents as a gift to her Mum, this is the finished result,  the girl was over the moon and her Mum was moved to tears!  I wish I had a fraction of her talent!! 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,  what are you all up to??  My fingers are itching to get back into my craft room !

Sending my love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    What a fantastic piece of art. SOPHIE always reaches for spectacular and gets there with flying colours. Beautiful.

    Sorry no cakes this morning. We didn't get to the market yesterday as we had a day of torrential rain. All our rain butts are now to the overflowing state and we are getting some roses on the bushes.

    It's that 'swear' word day here. All the floors are tiles (the traditional red) so any little bits really show

    Have a good day whatever you have planned. Please take care and stay safe. HUGE HUGS to you all.xxxx

  2. Oh Sophie What can I say Your piece of art is stunning How you capture faces is amazing
    Enjoy your last few days We’ve been forecast rain today but so far so good
    OH is at Chelsea today As it’s National Cinema day I am going to go to local one and see “A Fisherman’s Friend: One and All” I might do a bit of browsing too It is an absolute age since I have physically just looked and handled stuff
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Your day at the beach looked lovely 😊
    Wow, Sophie’s drawing is fantastic, I’m not surprised it made the recipient emotional ☺️
    Hope everyone is having a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello from a wet and chilly Cornwall.

    Sophie your drawing is so lifelike, I’m not surprised the customer was pleased with it.

    Glad you enjoyed the film , Karen I think it’s no 2 out now. I haven’t seen either of them but I’m sure more people will want to move down here all of these films and programs which only show the beautiful scenery make people want to come and live here.

  5. Hi everyone
    Wow, Sophie's drawings are just wonderful. Absolutely beautiful x
    Paul looks fine on the paddle board. Good you were around when the toddler was on his way out into the sea, mobile phones are good to have but also stopped people talking to eachother. Hope Paul is feeling better.
    My son met the group that makes up the Fishermen friends down in Cornwall ones. They are real good.
    OH went to football this morning and his ex. have seeing friends and the oldest son today. She will be over for dinner later and tomorrow we be together. Not yet sure what we do, little depends on the weather.
    Hoping your day been good, have a nice evening. Many hugs to you all 🤗 xoxo
