
Wednesday 7 September 2022

Shadow Stencil card 2


Good Morning Ladies,

Today we begin the long journey home 😪, I geel torn, I will be so happy to be back in my own bed and I am itching to get in my craft room! I have bee n watching a few Jenny Maguire videos and I have to say that she really inspires me, although I sometimes think her cards look too 'perfect'! No inky smudges or finger marks,  everything, she did give a tip though for when you are creating inky backgrounds, she puts a piece of masking sheet over the back of her card and removes it at the end!  I'm not sure I want to waste that much masking sheet to be honest.  I did see a coupke of techniques I'd like to try, if I remember! 

It looks like the journey home will mostly be in rain, I checked bothof our overnight stop hotels and they both forecast rain, not that it matters so much on the way home.  As long as the roads are safe thats all that matters.  

Our Soph leaves for her second holiday to the Maldives tomorrow with Lewis's family, lucky girl, you wouldn't think that though listening to her, I think its nerves and missing Lucy that is on her mind, they have had a lot of time alone together over past few weeks,  which has retightened that twin bond!! 

Today's card is another using that same Shadow stencil technique that I used on Monday's card. Really simple and effective but I prefer the smaller pattern to this one. 

I hope that you all have a great Wednesday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. This stencil technique is very effective I have used that Jenny Maguire technique in the past and thought similarly to you but the mask is reusable for a few times and it really does make a difference So worth that little bit of extra cost
    Diabetic clinic went well in the end My nurse is really pleased with my long term control which I was a bit gobsmacked at considering my diet has been awful (too many biscuits!)
    OH is playing bowls this afternoon and if it stays dry I will go and watch I can’t believe it’s nearly the end of the season
    Safe journey home SANDRA
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Have a safe journey both sides of the water SANDRA.

    It was Jim's birthday yesterday so we ventured out for a meal last night. The restaurant was very simple but very friendly and the meal again was simple but well cooked and presented.

    We have opened the shutters to a very grey and damp morning but I have plenty of finishing off -cards- to do.

    HUGS to you all.Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Morning everyone
    Love the card Sandra,fun technique.
    Have a good journey home, drive safe.
    Belated birthday wishes for Jim Janet, nice you had good day.
    Karen, good your diabetes is fine. Have a good day.
    Cleaning for me to do today and hoping to get a card made too,.
    Have a nice day everyone. Many hugs to you all 🤗 xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today.
    Another wonderful card. I love love love this technique. I need to buy some patterned stencils that are more like the ones you have used as I mainly have Christmas or “wordy” birthday ones that don’t work very well.
    The colours are beautiful together too.
    I hope you and Paul have a safe and trouble free journey home my lovely. Selfish of me but I can’t wait to see you next week. I hopeSophie enjoys her holiday with Lewis and his family xx
    Well, we have been away in Devon/Cornwall at the family wedding of a nephew of Chris’s. His lovely brides family own a VERY large country estate which has very limited GPS signal and no mobile signal around where we were so we all more or less turned our phones off and stepped back into times of just walking, sitting chatting and generally just totally relaxing. It all reminded me of the Famous Five descriptions of beautiful countryside and tables groaning with food at each meal 🥰 The rain decided to start about two hours before the wedding service so that was a shame as the gardeners had cut paths through one of the forests near the main house that then led to a stunning clearing that was perfect for the service. Such a shame all of the hard work was wasted but we all had a fantastic time. A few of us have returned home yesterday with the sniffles and with no energy so we will see how it turns out! It’s going to take a few days to recover but I hope to get a card done for Saturday. I hope you are all ok. Sending love and hugs to you all. Take care xx

  5. Hello, sorry not too comment for a couple of days, I’ve not been very with it .
    Another great card today Love stencilling, nice bold colours.
    Must get myself together and have a go at this technique.
    Quite chilly here today so not doing much.
    Hope you all have a good day, Lilian.

  6. Hi everyone
    Great card again today 😊
    Have a safe journey home, and I hope Sophie has a lovely time in the Maldives.
    Janet, belated birthday greetings for Jim 😊
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Hugs to all xxx
