
Tuesday 6 September 2022

Faux Aperture card

 Good Morning Ladies, 

I am back to not knowing what day of the week it is so I'm not going to mention it, the last time I did it I confused myself and most of you too!!  

I had us packing up and leaving today but we actually leave tomorrow (Wednesday), we haven't decided what time yet, they won't be strict about us being at 10am, but I think when you know you have to leave you just automatically get up and at it,to be honest the Reps this year are not very experienced,  they are an Irish couple that are 22, why Venue hire such inexperienced youngsters to manage such a large site is beyond me, well obviously its money but you'd have thought after the young couple last year got fed up when they got busy and walked out leaving them high and dry, luckily Reps from a new company that weren't busy at all stepped in and did an amazing job.  I always bring stuff to clean everywhere anyway,  having seen the state of the crockery and cutlery before we bring out own cooking and eating utensils too.  These two are  obviously the sweep where you see type, because the sand, dust and cobwebs under the beds little bedside tables had been there months!  There was half of a cherry tomato that had dehydrated in the cutlery draw and the bathroom had only had a 'quick lick'!  So I will not be bothering to be as thorough as I have been before, it will be cleaner than it was when we moved in but that's it!!  (They are supposed to deep clean all pots   pans, cutlery and crockery between guests). There are atleast 30 mobile homes and 20 tents, for these two youngsters to be responsible for, some Saturday's/ Sundays they have 20/30 change overs, you can see that the older Reps that are more experienced have a routine that takes about 45 mins to an hour per mobile home, these two were in and out in 20 minutes! Hence the state of place, to be honest though my girls are very switched on when it comes to common sense and Lucy especially at being organised but they wouldn't be able to manage this place,  so many curved balls thrown in  constantly etc plus having to understand abd communicate in Spanish,  Catalan, Dutch, German, French and Italian !  I think the company need to consider experience an important factor, as there are more and more dissatisfied customers! 

(PHEW Rant over)! 

Today's card features StampinUp! Hues Of Happiness' Dsp.  I die cut a circular frame from white card and used it to frame a circle of the back of one of the floral sheets, I placed this on a plain white background, to give a more clean & simple look.  I then die cut a selection of flowers and foliage from the dsp and arrange them around the circular frame.  I added a stamped sentiment and three gems colour matched to the paper.  It's easier than an aperture as it's easier to complete the inside of the card. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                              xxxxxx 


  1. A very pretty card I used to make faux aperture cards quite a lot Thanks for the reminder
    It is a shame that this company are relying a lot on youngsters Do you think you’ll go back there or is it time for a change?
    Off to diabetic clinic this morning It’ll be a bit of a farce as I cannot download the info from my pump after several phone calls to the company AND I haven’t had a hospital blood test We’ll see I certainly won’t give up the appointment as it must be at least 2 years since I have seen someone face to face
    Worse things happen at sea as my mum would say Have any of you got “mum’s sayings” that you live by?
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    A lovely, pretty card today and a great faux aperture 😊
    Sounds awful what you arrived to, good job you took your own supplies! I can’t believe how quickly your holiday has gone. Enjoy your last evening ☺️
    Karen, hope all went well at the diabetic clinic xx
    Have a good rest of the day everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous faux circle card. Love the colour.
    Have a nice last day. Hope you didn't overdid the cleaning when you had to do some when you arrived. Not nice to see the dirt when you got there.
    Safe journey home.
    Karen, hoping the diabetic clinic went alright and that you feeling better now when it's not so hot anymore.
    Sue, hoping that you are alright ?
    Lilian, hope you feeling better. Are the medication working better for you
    now ?Take care.
    Brenda, sending hugs for you and John .I have not done anything today, think body just stopped and all I can do is to wait. Very frustrating when it's happening for I have things need doing. OH is at football tomorrow so I can try then for Thursday we got SIL and her husband here all day.
    Hope you had a good day today everyone and the rain was not too much. Many hugs to you all, 🤗 xoxo
