
Friday 30 September 2022

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

He we are on the last day of September,  my this month has whizzed by, it barely seems a week since Paul turned the Calendar over to September.  I think that once we get into October Christmas is upon us before you know it.  Having said that the shops are all selling Christmas stuff already,  even Aldi had their Christmas party food in the freezer section.  I honestly think that the shops are trying to sell as much Christmas stuff as they can before the Energy prices soar, that's the only reason I can think of for them starting that much earlier this year. 

We celebrate two of our Ladies Birthdays in October, Lilian and Karen,  I am going to try and put a reminder on each month as my memory needs all the boosting it can get !! 

Another reminder Ladies: take meter readings today so that you can be sure that you don't get charged at the higher tariff for energy used before the price hike !! 

Our Next Challenge 

Like you ladies I tend to get stuck using the same thing over and over again as those products are familiar to us and usually are close to hand. The down side of that is we have half of our craft storage full with products we aren't getting use out of, so I asked you all what you need a push to start using.  

The overwhelming majority was for the things we use for Texture and Sparkle, so Dimensional pastes, embossing pastes, Embossing Powders,  things that we could add colour to pastes too, which I hadn't thought about until a month or so back,  I you have white or translucent paste you can add Mica, Pixie, Brusho,  glitter etc you can add them to your paste to create your own colours or give sparkle to existing colours.  (I tend to only buy white paste) don't forget you can make your own paste with Pva and Talcum Powder too. 

The other products we are guilty of neglecting and I know you all have them....Masks,  Stencils,  Embossing folders, lets add some extra detail to our cards, even if you use patterned papers you can add embossed detail or extra sparkle and shine.  Especially for Christmas cards, if any celebration deserves an extra touch if luxury its Christmas cards!! 

So come on Ladies, let's get a little bit messy, dig out those embellishments you don't use too.  If you want to just add something as simple as an embossed sentiment thats absolutely fine too!  

I hope I have inspired you to have a rummage about in your drawers!🤣😉  I may even run this challenge over two weeks as we all have lots of unused stash! 

I hope that you all have a Fantastic Friday,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra x❤x


  1. Morning Everyone
    It's a cold start here this morning although at the moment the sun is shining.
    As you all know Friday is my 'swear'word day and of course Mr Tesco will be deliverying later today. I also have to photograph my CC for this week and send it of. So another busy day for me. The washer is already churning away so at least I've made a start.

    The CAFE will be open tomorrow so all are welcome to come and have a cuppa and perhaps a piece of cake.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Hi everyone
    Lovely cards as inspiration for our next challenge. I have loads of stash I never get around to using 😊
    A very misty start here this morning, and the forecast isn’t looking good for the day! I need to pop to Aldi after my cuppa and then I’ll be spending the rest of the day in the warm.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello, dull with rain later, very chilly.

    Great idea for next challenge, I love using my stencils, but very bad at using other mediums, instead of inks. Have to do this weeks this morning. Lots of lovely inspiration for us.

    Not much else on, have some ironing to do , that will be this afternoon. Have a good day all Lilian.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Lots of beautiful, bright and cheerful cards that are much needed because of the grey, wet and cold weather we have today. I’m looking forward to next weeks challenge using all things bright and sparkly 🥰
    I hope you start to feel much better soon my lovely. Please ring your GP next week if you are no better xx
    I hope you are all staying warm and dry today and get some crafting done xx
    Pop and I are just about to go shopping. Neither of us like this weather so the quicker we get back home the better! Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies
    I’m late again as usual, I’ve been sleeping a lot on and off today, just hope I sleep well tonight.
    Lovely inspiring cards Sandra, I’m sure if I look around I will find lots of things that hardly ever see the light of day, like masks, embossing folders and embossing powder to mention a few.
    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
