
Thursday 29 September 2022

My last Bit Box card this week...


Good Morning Ladies, 

What are you all up to today?  Not much happening here, I haven’t felt well for some time now, my whole digestive system seems to be off, the most frustrating symptom is dizziness with nausea, I haven't been sick but feeling nauseous is worse I think!! I will give it a few more days to see if its a bug, if no improvement I will TRY and make a GP appointment.  

Lilian you must keep an eye on your leg ulcer they can take a while to heal, Mum had a couple but hers did heal ok.  I think being diabetic may mean it takes long to heal my lovely,  fingers crossed your Practice Nurse will keep on top of it for you, don't be afraid to shout if you think it's getting worse my lovely XXX 

Janet it sounded like you have had a super busy week, I hope you don't end up exhausted,  if you're anything like me the journey back from France will still be affecting you, we cane back to a full week catching up with family etc, I think that maybe what is affecting me now, I hope things slow down and you get to sit with your feet up for a day or two! XXX 

Now I spent a good hour looking around my craft room at things I wasn't getting use out of so that I can suggest challenges to get us using these things that we spend our money on! PLEASE let me know your least used or unused craft products in the comments below, thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š 

Today's card was one I made yesterday,  I used the the left over bits from this card .....

That I made in August.

I trimmed strips of the pretty Christmas paper to fit
onto my 4 1/4  x 5 1/2 inch card base. 
I fussy cut another posy of flowers and tucked it behind my strips of card, I added some sprigs and foliage which were die cut from scraps too.  I added the sentiment and some gold gems for a touch of luxury.  
I will say that there is something quite satisfying creating cards from left over bits!  Although after making 5 cards I haven't even scratched the surface of my 'Bit Boxes'  so this Challenge will definitely be repeated! 

I hope that you all have a relaxing Thursday, 

Sending my love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Another lovely card I love the traditional Christmas colours but would look as equally pretty in other colour combinations
    We are hoping to try a new Salsa class tonight that a friend is involved with I hope to craft this afternoon
    Take care everyone

  2. Hello, very wet here today, also very chilly. R says it’s time for the winter duvet, so will change that at the weekend.
    Sandra, thanks for advice re my leg, have an iodine patch on it at the moment, which I have to leave on for a week.

    Love the card today, I’m all for traditional colours for Christmas. Must do this when I get back from GP.

    Have a good day all, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    A gorgeous card today ๐Ÿ˜
    A challenge to use our not so much used stash sounds great. I often find myself looking at my gilding flakes, pastes and as Lilian suggested mica powders and thinking I must use them! Also haven’t done anything with alcohol inks for a while too ๐Ÿ˜Œ
    I hope you start to feel better soon. It’s that time of year isn’t it, with lots of bugs doing the rounds. Take it easy xx
    Lilian, I hope your leg is ok and the iodine patch helps xx
    Hope you all have a good day whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Another lovely card today Sandra - no one would ever guess it was created using bits that you had leftover from a previous project, it’s just beautiful.
    Sorry you’re not feeling too well Sandra, all the symptoms you describe I had after I had Covid so whether it’s all part of the Covid virus. Please be careful don’t overstretch yourself.
    Can’t think of anything else to add to the listing of unused craft items, I would have said alcohol inks but this last few weeks I have been playing with them having purchased some your Yopo paper online. I have created small pieces to be used for backing paper on cards out of every bottle of alcohol ink I’ve got. Some of the colours especially when diluted give a lovely effect I’m really quite pleased with what I’ve achieved.
    Sending best wishes to everyone, extra ones for those who are not feeling too good, take care dear friends love Brenda XXX

  5. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card, lovely colours Sandra.
    Hope you all have had a good day.
    My day have been spent in bed with shattering teeth and body ache.
    Extra big hugs to you all ๐Ÿค— xx
