
Monday 26 September 2022

My First Bit Box card

Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Well I know atleast 3 of us that will have sore legs today, but it was worth it, so lovely to look at and touch all the craft products, I didn't buy that much, some card blanks, a Sizzix Frame die,  and some HoneyDoo Christmas stamps.  The best part of the day was catching up with Karen, Maria & Sue.  

Today's card was made with a couple of Christmas paper off cuts,  I held them over the corner of the card base and marked the angle then cut the paper, I then used off cuts of Cherry cobbler card to create a narrow mat to make the patterned paper stand out more.  I glued the two off cuts onto the white base layer.  I used a larger piece of cherry Cobbler card to create a mat and layered them onto a 5 1/2 x 4 1/4 card base. To finish the card I stamped a sentiment in Cherry Cobbler ink and die cut it, I then used various scraps of card to create some foliage in matching colours to add interest behind the sentiment.

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra xxx


  1. Beautiful card I love the “bits”
    The best part about yesterday was seeing you guys I could have spent a fortune but actually I didn’t buy a lot either - some card stock, a set of stamps, some glue pots, embossing powder and some little cabouchons
    I did enjoy seeing samples on display of the products on offer
    After a busy weekend of lots of walking I am quite looking forward to sitting down at a desk for a few hours Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card today, perfect use of your leftover bits 😊
    Glad you all had a lovely time at the show yesterday.
    I’ve got a lot of catching up to do today with housework and laundry! Also have to go into work for a training course either today or tomorrow. I’m currently into a 40 minute wait on the phone to book a doctors appointment, so that will determine how my day pans out!
    Hope you’re all ok, and have a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I loved todays card. What a great way of using up those odd shaped off cuts. I also love the sentiments font. Where did you get it from please?
    I fell asleep writing my comment last night 😚 It was so good to see and catch up with you, Paul, Maria and Karen.
    I bought a couple of stencils, a set of sentiment and corner stamps, card blanks and card, a couple of ink pads and some small binder rings. And I enjoyed looking at the display cards to get some inspiration. Like you it will be a quiet day today! Sending hugs to you all. Take care xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Love the bits lay out. The sentiment too looks great with some bits behind it. Very nice Sandra.
    It was very nice yesterday to meet up and looking around. Some of their samples were just beautiful. Think I won again in not buying too much and failed miserable hihi Papers ,card, stamps and DO was in my bag when I unpacked it but have not looked at it yet for today I'ts been a day of sitting or laying down. Doing the dinner soon and the it's usually a film or series watch in the evening.
    Hope you had a nice day everyone. Take care and many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  5. Hello. Dull and cold again.

    So glad you all had a good time at the show.
    Love todays card, great idea for using small bits. Still looking for my Christmas stamps and dies.
    Not been feeling too good again today, didn’t get out of bed until lunch time, my back was so bad, more blood tests tomorrow, so we will see if they show any thing different.
    Hope you all have a good night. Lilian

    1. Will be thinking of you tomorrow Lilian and everything crossed for the doctors to help you and your back soon feel better. Have R hidden your x-mas stamps ? Hope you find them soon. Hugs x
