
Tuesday 27 September 2022

A Quilt Card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I today finds you well, my heartfelt hugs are on the way to those of you that are not feeling 100%.

I had a very slow day yesterday after a bit of gardening on Saturday and the excitement of the Craft show at Bedford yesterday.  I will say that it was nice to have plenty of room to get around in the hall but it could have done with a few more stands, I was convinced that Jenny Mays would be there (Hobby Art) but she wasn't, I love watching her demonstrations, we did watch Janet on the Aall & Create stand, she is lovely and very inspirational, she was also so happy to explain anything you asked.  We did laugh though as she was demonstrating a 'Circle Cutter' basically a round tool with a blade that you whiz round to cut different size circles, I couldn't help but say that all of the old craft tools seems to be making a come back, we had circle cutters years ago before dies and die cutting machines,  I  don't think that we need to start going backwards,  Sue and I were talking about it after and she quite rightly pointed out that you would be forever having to buy new blades.  I wonder what else will make a come back!!

Today's card I made yesterday afternoon using the off cuts from that "Fancy Fold' card I made a few weeks ago.  

These were the off cuts! 

I cut some of the bits into 1 inch strips abd laid them on a piece of black card 1/4 inch Smaller than my black card base. I chose a quilting style lay out with 1/8 inch gap between tbe strips. To finish I created a border upon which I stamped the sentiment and embellished with a fussy cut flower from the paper above.

It's quite a quick card once you have chosen your papers and cut them into strips.  

I hope you like the card my lovelies, 

Love and hugs to all, 

Sandra XXX 


  1. Morning Everyone
    I love the idea of your card today SANDRA.
    I haven't even started thinking about my card for this week.
    I just don't seem to get everything straight in my craft room from arriving home.

    I have visitors coming today/going to the Opticians tomorrow morning so it looks like Thursday will be my day for my CC.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.Have a good day whatever you have planned. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. This is stunning
    However hard I try I can never cut the strips parallel or have an equal gap in between them!
    I am off work today It’s my annual eye check up at the hospital where they take photos of the backs of the eye I won’t be up to much afterwards as my sight will be very blurred
    I had a circle cutter years and years ago -it was one of the first paper engineering device I bought!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Like your card Sandra. I like this style.
    Just want to finish my crystal work and then it will be some card making before I start on some winter crystal art.
    I think my first cutting tool was a circle cutter and I did use it until it started to chew the paper then I've gone with the guillotine. How do you sharpen the blades on a guillotine ?
    Feeling very cold so as soon we are back from the shops I will cuddle down on the sofa with a hot drink.
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs to you all, Maria xx 🤗

  4. Hello, very chilly here ,and rain is just about to start.

    Great card Sandra, love your precision, there is no way I could do that, might have a go if I follow yours. The papers are very stylish.

    Just back from Drs, have to go back before lunch to have a dressing put on my leg, apparently my little sore has turned into an ulcer. Wonder what will come next.

    Hope you are all ok, Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Another pretty card using some beautiful paper scraps. Like Karen I always get in a pickle with no luck getting the gaps all the same! How do you choose which papers to use? I have so many to choose from 😆 It was interesting to see the “new” circle cutter but it’s a shame that someone can’t come up with a blade that never dulls. But then the companies that sell replacement blades wouldn’t be happy would they. I wonder what will be the next new “old” tool?
    It has been a real autumnal day here, and very damp too….not nice. We are having a good sort out upstairs so that is all I have been doing today. Just one more wardrobe and a cupboard to sort then it will be onto the loft!
    Lilian, I hope your bloods show something that can be treated, definitely not wishing you anything but hopefully treatment will get rid of your awful back ache xx
    Karen, I hope your eye check went well with good results xx
    Chris had his check last week and for the first time he only had blurred vision for a couple of hours. Sending love to you all. Take care xx
