
Friday 8 July 2022

Mixed Media Explained & Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

It's that time of the week again, everyone is busy on Fridays getting the house together so that they can relax at the weekend, we have started going shopping on a Friday as we seem to waste atleast half a day going on a Saturday, it just free's up the whole weekend, not that we have anything planned of course!  It would be nice to go visit a National Trust house, I am so mindful of fuel these days though but if it wasn't that it would be something else to worry about,  we will see what the weather is bringing us before deciding. 

Now I wanted to do a simple explanation of Mixed Media as I know that when we have it as a challenge it fills some of you with dread, so I did a bit of research, in real simple terms it's just using more than one 'medium' on your card, so for instance Card, paper, ink, is infact 'Mixed Media, although true Mixed Media has extra bits like ribbon, lace, embellishments etc, I did find a simple guide though....

Pick Your Base:
This could be a card, journal page, tag, canvas, coaster, MDF etc

If using MDF you may want to prime with Gesso

Pick Your Background:

You could paint, add a paper of your choice, create an inky background by smooshing inks onto your glass matt and spritzing the laying your base piece into it or transfer the ink on a piece of cellapane or die packaging, you could spritz your inks too. Or add strips of an old book or dictionary.

Add some Texture:

Now this can be done many ways, you could use texture paste through as stencil, your could add buttons and paint over them, your could add some crackle paste, add strips of paper, micro beads, Emboss through a stencil, simply heat emboss.  Hessian?burlap or string.

Choose your Focal Point:

This can be whatever your favourite thing may be, a flower or spray of flowers, a topper, a photo with a die cut frame, a sentiment on a tag or label

Time to add some Embellishments:

Ribbon bows, flowers, gems, pearls, lace, buttons, shells, anything that you may have in your embellishment box.

Add Your sentiment:

If you didn't have your sentiment as the main focus of your piece now is the time to add some words, either on a little label or tag or stamp direct if you are brave enough.

Finishing Touches:

Now is the time to look at your piece and decide if it needs anything else, it could be some paint splatters (like Tracy Evans), or a corner embellishment, you may want to add shade around some of your embellishments or labels to make them pop, maybe add some doodling around the edges of your piece. Or metal pieces like the Tim Holtz clips or paper clips etc.

Now sit back and enjoy your piece of Mixed Media artwork. 


Ladies I am not trying to 'teach granny to suck eggs' (whatever that means), I know that most of you know what Mixed Media is but there maybe someone looking in that doesn't, I was definitely confused a couple of years ago, to be honest this method above is what most of us do every time we make a card, however a little memory jogger never hurts does it?!!

Our Next Challenge

So in case some of you haven't guessed I thought it might be fun to have a go at  Mixed Media projects this week, or even Mixed Media style, I know that some of you have some fantastic stamps that do most of the work for you, like this one for instance.......

A lot of Tracy stamps have lots of layers of detail, all you need do is stamp on to a coloured background.  Some papers do too, like Stamperia or LaBlanche.

You can use whatever takes your fancy,  as long as you have fun! 😘


I hope that you all have a lovely Friday,

Love & Hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    The sun is shining and the temp is just right so the only fly in the ointment is that it's my 'swear' word day as usual. The washer is already churning away so I've made a start. Mr Tesco will be deliverying later too so my day is well and truly set.

    A good Challenge for next week and I love love your inspiration you have given us. I can already see boxes/ribbon/flowers littering my desk lol.

    The CAFE is already OPEN for you all. Have a good week-end whatever you may have planned. Please take care and stay safe. Hugs are on their way to you all.xxxx

  2. Thank you for the memory jogger It’s given me some ideas
    Friday used to be my swear word day but now I tend to do most of it on a Saturday morning when OH is at Park Run We’re out dancing tonight- my favourite - Rueda
    Tomorrow at some point we are cleaning the bowl’s clubhouse and Sunday we have a big picnic in St Albans
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hello All, well I know I said I wanted summer back, but it’s absolutely roasting here today.

    Great challenge for next week, been having a browse through Pinterest together some ideas. I love the idea but am not very good at it.
    On my own again today and tomorrow, R away for a couple of days
    Hope you are having a lovely day. Lilian.

  4. Hi everyone
    Thanks for the inspiration and instructions Sandra. I will give it a go.
    Warm day and hotter it will be so I'm going to have some stamped images done so can just sit and colouring in. My Son's girlfriend has also with her own mandala shapes have them printed into a book ,
    Have a nice day and take care. Love and hugs to you all, Maria xx

  5. Hi everyone
    A great refresher for mixed media techniques and I am looking forward to this challenge 😊 I’m yet to finish another card for this weeks (just needs sticking down) but I was thinking that after I’ve done that I will have a play and create a journal page, so a great choice of challenge for me 😊
    I’m working this weekend, so nothing planned here. Will just be trying to stay cool - it’s going to be a scorcher! Sandra, you were right earlier in the week when you said you’d heard we were having a heatwave ☺️
    Have a good rest of the day everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love your inspirational cards for next weeks challenge and thank you for explaining again so clearly what mixed media is. This is just the push I need to start my journal! I think you just have to be brave and remember it’s just a piece of paper, drop of paint etc.
    I’m sorry I couldn’t get over this week but the antibiotics seem to be helping, fingers tightly crossed.
    Karen enjoy your dancing. I must look up your favourite dance style xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all. Take care xx
