
Thursday 7 July 2022

I tried the 'Torn Paper' technique


Good Thursday Morning Ladies, 

How are you all my lovelies?  What have you all got planned for today?  Thursdays are a funny day, I think you get past Wednesdays and just want it to be the weekend,  for me it's a bit of a down day as Paul always goes into the office on Thursday and the girls are working so it feels like a long day to me, unless Sue comes of course that makes all the difference.  What do you all do on Thursdays, do you have a routine?? 

We are going to the Cinema tonight, we enjoyed Elvis last week, although for us the cinema was really busy (atleast half full) when we usually go there are only a handful of people at most, on many occasions we have had the screen to ourselves.  It was funny having a sneaky look around during Elvis, everyone was tapping their toes along to music,  when we went to see We Will Rock You, people were up singing along and everyone cheered at the end.  I think the Elvis story ended on a sad note so didn't have that same feel, Freddie's story was sad but the film was more a celebration of his life.  Thats my film synopsis for today, 🤣😂

We are seeing Thor tonight, you can't go wrong with a Marvel film and lets face it Chris Hemsworth isn't too awful to look at....😍

Although I couldn't be doing with a high maintenance man like that, they probably spend more time 'primping ' in the mirror than we do! 
His films are usually quite funny so be good to have a giggle.  

Today's card was my first try at a new technique,  its called 'Torn Paper', you place your scene ir background onto your card and then tear the paper or card that are going to be your top layer, this gives softer edges to the image, I saw some examples that leave the torn piece on one side, rolling it as you go.  It's a fun technique and works perfectly with these New Horizon papers.  The whole point of this card was to showcase these gorgeous new sentiment stamps...

I hope that you all have an enjoyable Thursday, 

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    Sorry I haven't been in this week. I tried yesterday several times and my comment just wouldn't publish so everything crossed this morning.
    Today's card is beautiful. So calming a scene and I like the 'torn' look.
    I need to get into my craft room today and finish my CC. After that it's a 'who knows' day.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN for all. Ices in the freezer so help yourselves.
    HUGS on their way toyou all. Please take care and stay safe. So fingers crossed.xxxx

  2. I love this torn paper technique and will definitely give it a go
    Thursday is a bit of a wind down day for me Work has less deadlines So it means I can tie up loose ends and stop stressing and breathe ready for Friday’s deadlines
    I will craft at some point even if it’s only a bit of crochet
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra. Did you make the background or is that the paper ?
    My day got completely changed from cc making to going down to Watford with OH this morning. We needed to go to a bank and the closest branch was down there. I did a little shop from the works and got hold of some pack of cards and envelopes from Rayman. We are back home now so after my cup of tea I will be having a go to make some cc's.
    Hope you have a nice day and have time to enjoy some sunshine were you live. Many hugs to you all 🤗 xoxo

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your card today, the scene is beautiful and I love the torn paper technique 😊
    Hope your day hasn’t been too long without Paul and the girls, and that maybe you had a visit from Sue. If not, I hope you’re having a good day anyway 😊
    Turned out lovely weather now after a dull, damp morning. Hope the sun is shining wherever you all are.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello All , it’s been a lovely day here, the gas engineer came today to service the boiler, fingers crossed always, but thankfully it is ok.

    Sandra love your card today, that torn edge looks very good, a card for all occasions.

    Started another challenge card, but didn’t like the sentiment, but of course as I pulled it off I tore the card. Will have to find something to cover it over.
    Watching the tennis for the rest of the day, hope yours was ok, Lilian
