
Tuesday 21 June 2022

New Colour Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies,

A beautiful sunny day, with quite strong wind,! 

I  you all had a  nice day yesterday,  we sat outside for our lunch and then waited around to see if the forecast rain was going to include us but it didn't,  so the garden needing watering 😪, it takes so long, I have ordered a new 'Expanding ' hose to help watering the end of the garden out the front, and down the side.

After lunch Paul got back to work and crafting, I made today's card and started doing a base for another card too.  

For today's  card I took a really old piece of Designer series paper that had been out about 6 years!! I found a piece in my Bit Box that was perfect size for todays card, I adhered the pretty paper to the white csrd, then stamped the sentiment, I matted the stamped piece onto a piece of 'Tranquil card, then onto Crushed Curry card, finally the whole thing was added to a Pool Party card base, so those colours are the Yellow/Green/Blue for this weeks challenge!  

Paul is in the office today so it will be just Lucy and I, she mentioned something about going out somewhere nice, so I am looking to that.

I hope that all of you have a fab-u-lous Day,

Love and Hugs,

Sandra xxx

(Ps if this post reads like a load of nonsense I apologise but I deleted my original post trying to add an update, I noticed when I went to check it had updated at 1am, it was nowhere, so Ihad to start again!! I finished about 2.30am!! )


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A pretty card for our inspiration today. I love the paper and I know Mum loved them too. The nice thing about a card like this is that you can use up pieces that would otherwise stayin the scrap box. I hope you and Lucy have a good day wherever you go my lovely.
    Have a good day whatever you are all up to ladies xx
    I am off to do the ironing before it gets too hot! Love to youall. Take care xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card, I love the pretty paper 😊
    Hope you’re having a nice day with Lucy and gone out somewhere nice.
    Lovely sunshine and very warm here today, so I’m sitting inside where its cool, after a hot morning at work!
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    A very pretty card Sandra. Love the names you have got on the cards, presume they are SU. Hope you and Lucy have a nice day together.
    Head is funny and body aches a lot. Sleeping not during night so having a nap in the afternoon . Having a coffee in the garden with a croissant and wished we were all together, hoping we all feel alright for a meet up soon.
    Enjoy the sunshine while it's here.
    Love and hugs to you all 🤗 xx

  4. Hello All, hope you all enjoyed this lovely summer solstice, let’s hope we have a bit moor of these lovely days.
    Sandra love that pretty paper, and the way you have made the card. I hope to start mine tomorrow.

    Maria do hope you are feeling better now, plenty of rest, sounds what you need.
    Had my blood test yesterday, so hoping they are all ok.,nurse surprised, all he wanted done. Les hope they have results by Thursday morning when I have my appointment.
    Sending hugs to you all, Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love today’s card the SU backing paper is beautiful all the colours co-ordinate perfectly.
    What a lovely treat to go out for lunch with Lucy, I’m sure you both enjoyed spending time together.
    Sorry I haven’t been in for a couple of days, Sunday was spent with family at daughters house, and yesterday i slept on and off all day. But today life is back to normal…..what ever that is!!!
    Take care everyone, hugs Brenda xxx
