
Wednesday 22 June 2022

Another floral challenge card


Good morning Ladies,

Phew what a scorcher!! 🤣😂 I just wanted to use the headline! It was a lovely day here yesterday,  very warm and sunny with the slightest breeze. My craft room was like a sweat box, with two windows in full sun its stifling, I had Paul set the fan up .........  BIG mistake,  I thought I had secured everything,  if I say I got lost in a tornado of die cuts, bit box contents, photocopy paper, the little fall out bits from dies, the reels of ribbon on my craft unit were slowly unwinding as they flapped in the breeze too, so I gave up and it took me about an hour to sort the chaos out.  So craft room is to be avoided around midday and early afternoon, I'll have to join Paul on the early shift!! 

Now today's card had me in a fix, I couldn't decide between the flowers, the first card I fussy cut the flower from the 'Hues of Happiness ' designer papers (StampinUp).  I picked it because the colours worked with this weeks challenge, I used a narrow piece behind two pieces of white card, the bottom piece I stamped the sentiment. Then cane choosing the flower,  I made the second flower using Chloe’s Christmas Rose Stamps and dies. The first one works better with the paper but the second looks neater!  I'm not usually this torn but never mind, I will put it in a box and forget about it!! 

Have you ladies managed any crafting this week?

Have a lovely day enjoying the sunshine while it lasts. 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra xxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    I love today's card SANDRA. Simple but so beautiful.

    We had the central heating boiler serviced yesterday so yesterday afternoon was just impossible to get anything done.
    I have a hospital appointment this morning so by the time I get back it will be another 'non crafting day' and I'll be shattered.

    The CAFE of course is OPEN as always ready for anyone to pop in for a quiet moment or two.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.
    Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. I like both cards but my favourite is the flower with the black stamen It “pops” more
    My craft room is also my office and even though it gets mightily hot in there I have had enough of those 4 walls by lunchtime! I am doing a lot of crochet instead The hook I use has a lovely silicon handle which doesn’t make me sweat - if that makes sense
    Anyway I must start work
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards today, I love them both 😊
    I’ve not had chance to craft yet this week, but I’m off work tomorrow and Friday so hopefully I’ll get some time then.
    I hope you’re all having a good day and enjoying the sunshine, but managing to stay cool.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone, wow it’s a real scorcher today, had to come inside and watch the tennis.

    Sandra both of your cards are very beautiful today, useful for many occasions.
    Hope you are all managing to keep cool, Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Two beautiful cards Sandra.
    Janet - hope everything went well at the hospital today. Take care x
    Karen - love to see what you making, happy crocheting 🙂
    Too warm to be indoors today so still no crafting but sure it will rain on Friday, midsummer, so will try then. We had our little special , early dinner out on the patio. Very nice it is and I have made a large fruit salad for after.
    Sending love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx 🤗

  6. Love both of todays cards, difficult to decide which I like best, they are both very special. Thank you for sharing xx
    Janet hope your hospital appointment went well.🤞xx
    Lillian it was also very hot here as we today, I didn’t go out into the garden until late afternoon when the heat was much more bearable. xx
    Sonia enjoy your days off, hope you manage to get on with some crafting xx
    Karen what are you crocheting?
    I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine, take care love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Two gorgeous cards but I would not be able to choose one over the other. That paper is so beautiful too. Scrabbling over the floor trying to pick up everything the fan blew away must have been the last thing you wanted to be doing!
    I had another lazy day just doing lots of littl jobs inside. I do wish we had air con. but it would cost a lot to run it.
    I hope you are all ok. Love to you all. Take care, Sue cc
